Well I just got my latest bill from E* after getting my Eastern arc upgrade. Seems that even though I was told that the upgrade would be free, they billed me for it. In fact even though I confirmed numerous times it would be free they had no notes that I was getting it for free. Well after calling and not having to aruge they are crediting me for the $95. The catch is that they can only credit me half of the amount in one month. So the balance, the other half they owe me will be credited me next month. I have the csr's i.d. number in case they mess up and don't credit it me the required amount.
The strange thing is when this charge was still a future charge it showed it b eing billed to me followed by a credit of the same amount. Some how between a futrue charge and the final bill the credit was removed.
Well i'm still getting the install, but not the way I expected. The bill showed properly the upgraded receiver. The main part of my bill went up $3 with the new chrges on receivers and such.