Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

I used another websitr to have a look at 129 in the center of Vermont. The elevation would be 15 degrees above the horizon.
The pointer indicated an obstuction 164 feet away could be no taller than 43 feet.

Point taken. I do plan to mess around with an extra dish I have to see if I can get 129 from my side yard. That won't prove anything about Vermont since they are further east than I, but it's something I wanted to try anyway.
I am in zip code 20148, in Virginia just west of DC. Does this mean I will not be able to move my 61.5 dish to 129? I currently have the two dish set up at 61.5 and 110/119.
If you have LOS, you can probably move your dish to 129 BUT you will most likely lose your HD locals that are on a spotbeam from 61.5.
If you have LOS, you can probably move your dish to 129 BUT you will most likely lose your HD locals that are on a spotbeam from 61.5.

Thanks. That should not be a problem, as I am getting my locals elsewhere. I do have trees a little way behind me. Guess I will have to get on my roof and give it a try.
Tech came this weekend to my place on the Jersey Shore and hooked me up to Eastern Arc.

They finally got it right on the 4th attempt. My 722,622, and 211 are now looking at the Eastern Arc birds and 61.5. My daughters 510 is still using the existing dish aimed at 110/119 for her TV (no HD on that set so she is good). I'm still nervous about the low signal readings (only low 40's) on Eastern Arc which will mean that rain fade will become more of an issue for me I'm assuming. Scary thing is that 61.5 is now my strongest set of signals, when it was the first to cut out in snow or rain. We'll see.

It cost me $15 as I am on the service plan.

Installers had one minor glitch. My upstairs TV had two cables running to it, and when they upgraded they killed the signal to one of the tuners. Inexplicable the switch test passed, even with one dead line. It was trying to do the EPG download and they took off, thinking everything was OK. After an hour and no signal, I traced it down to no signal on one of the lines. Luckily, I had a DP separator in my storage bin for surplus cables and parts from previous receiver upgrades. Hooked it up and everything was fine after that.

I noticed that recordings seem to be larger and taking up more space than they did, but this could be seen as good news as programs are less compressed perhaps?
I am in zip code 20148, in Virginia just west of DC. Does this mean I will not be able to move my 61.5 dish to 129? I currently have the two dish set up at 61.5 and 110/119.
In your zip code the 129 is almost 21 degrees of elevation.
An object 163 feet from the dish can be no taller than 62 feet.
If you can find a good clear spot to the west south west, or 253 degrees azimuth, you should be able to get a line of sight.
I just checked mine and the elevation is 20.2. I'm not sure I'll make it over my own trees using the leftover post from my old 110/119 setup, but I'll give it a try after spring thaw.
In your zip code the 129 is almost 21 degrees of elevation.
An object 163 feet from the dish can be no taller than 62 feet.
If you can find a good clear spot to the west south west, or 253 degrees azimuth, you should be able to get a line of sight.

Thanks! I think the trees are closer than that, so it may not work. I do have the dish on my roof, which is a three story townhouse. Hopefully, that will help.
Well I just got my latest bill from E* after getting my Eastern arc upgrade. Seems that even though I was told that the upgrade would be free, they billed me for it. In fact even though I confirmed numerous times it would be free they had no notes that I was getting it for free. Well after calling and not having to aruge they are crediting me for the $95. The catch is that they can only credit me half of the amount in one month. So the balance, the other half they owe me will be credited me next month. I have the csr's i.d. number in case they mess up and don't credit it me the required amount.

The strange thing is when this charge was still a future charge it showed it b eing billed to me followed by a credit of the same amount. Some how between a futrue charge and the final bill the credit was removed.

Well i'm still getting the install, but not the way I expected. The bill showed properly the upgraded receiver. The main part of my bill went up $3 with the new chrges on receivers and such.


turns out i misunderstood. getting the full credit onone bill. it's just divdied into two credits of $45.

Per the map, DC should be able to get 129. I'll bet it's iffy, though. As stated, locals are on 61.5 anyway. And we may all be "given" those locals soon whether we want them or not.

And the rare 411 should work with EA also, should it not?
I thought that was because of the weak footprint of the old satellite, not due to any LOS issue. I'm guessing the new satellite cured that.

In fact, I can get LOS for satellites well west of 129 with my old BUD here in central MD (part of the purple area of the map).

This makes sense to me. I checked several sites and it would be about 15 degrees and with trees etc.. It was a no go. I did read on the Burlington AVS forum of an install North of me where there was a Western Arc install with usable 129 and 61.5 wing using 1000.5 (some quoted below)

"There seems to be some urgency at getting the local installers to do the conversion because the 4 position switch needed is in short supply. The installer had done two other similar installs beside mine this week--and I called the day the HD stations were announced. The only downside I see is the fact that the 129 degree sat. has a considerably lower signal strength reading. (129 reads 37, 119 reads 77 and 110 reads 67.) The installer suggested that this is typical for 129 in Vermont. Actually, my 110 and 119 readings are higher with the Dish 500 Plus. Hope this helps."

So 129 appears to be in the State. Apparently 77 in unusable the further north you go. Some other interesting info from an installer on The Canadian border in that same forum. I have, as of today, the Eastern arc with 110 wing. And have a usable, though be it weaker, signal on 77 Time will tell

if you so desire

Burlington, VT - HDTV - Page 128 - AVS Forum
I am in zip code 20148, in Virginia just west of DC. Does this mean I will not be able to move my 61.5 dish to 129? I currently have the two dish set up at 61.5 and 110/119.

DC HD locals are on 61.5 only, so you would lose those if you went to 129. You need to upgrade to the eastern arc (1000.4 dish) and get 61.5/72/77. Then you will have all the HD channels plus the DC HD locals. The only thing you will lose is the SD Locals.

EDIT: Oh I see you get your HD locals elsewhere. Then I guess pointing to 129 would get you the new channels. I just prefer getting rid of 2 dishes and just having 1.
DC HD locals are on 61.5 only, so you would lose those if you went to 129. You need to upgrade to the eastern arc (1000.4 dish) and get 61.5/72/77. Then you will have all the HD channels plus the DC HD locals. The only thing you will lose is the SD Locals.

EDIT: Oh I see you get your HD locals elsewhere. Then I guess pointing to 129 would get you the new channels. I just prefer getting rid of 2 dishes and just having 1.

Yeah, one dish would be nice. But, I am thinking it would be a lot easier to repoint the 61.5, than to install a new dish.
DC HD locals are on 61.5 only, so you would lose those if you went to 129. You need to upgrade to the eastern arc (1000.4 dish) and get 61.5/72/77. Then you will have all the HD channels plus the DC HD locals. The only thing you will lose is the SD Locals.

EDIT: Oh I see you get your HD locals elsewhere. Then I guess pointing to 129 would get you the new channels. I just prefer getting rid of 2 dishes and just having 1.

I see you are in Leesburg. I am very close, in Ashburn/Broadlands. Are you using the 1000.4 dish?

I've made it through about half of this thread....

I'm in central NJ and get NY locals with the 200 Package and Cinemax-for-a-penny plus the three free months of HBO and Showtime and HD Platinum. I have a Dish 500 on the West corner of the house (the front of the house faces North West) pointing at 110 & 119. I have a separate dish (300?) on the East corner of the house pointing at 61.5 (which gets my my NY HD locals). I have a single ViP 722, so Easter Arc/MPEG-4 isn't a problem.

I gather that if I want the new HD channels, I need to pick up the 129 or 72.7 bird.

It seems I have two options:

Western Arc: Replace the Dish 500 with 1000.2 to pick up 110/119/129 and keep the 61.5.
Eastern Arc: Remove/disconnect Dish 500, replace 61.5 with 1000.4 to pick up 61.5/72.7/77.

Will a 1000.4 have lower signal strength than the single dish from the 61.5 bird?

Why would I want one option over the other? What are the ramifications in terms of signal strength (and rain/snow fade) and future programming? The elevation to the 129 bird would be about 18 degrees. The elevation for the 1000.4 would be 42-ish.

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I am in central NJ as well, Neptune. I got the Eastern Arc. We can't get 129 in our area. If you go to Post 475 in this thread there is a further explanation. Do a search of my name and you will see how I made out.
I see you are in Leesburg. I am very close, in Ashburn/Broadlands. Are you using the 1000.4 dish?

Yes. They came last week and swapped my old 61.5/110/119 for a 1000.4.

The installer said all new installs in this area now get the 1000.4. He wasn't familiar with the new channels not being on 61.5, so I printed out the PDF file from post #1 for his reference. He was surprised nobody let the installers know.
Yeah, one dish would be nice. But, I am thinking it would be a lot easier to repoint the 61.5, than to install a new dish.

If you have DHPP it will only cost you $15 for a tech to come out and swap dishes for you. The only problem is if you have any old non-MPEG4 receivers....they won't work with the 1000.4. I currently have a 622, 722, and 222
If you have DHPP it will only cost you $15 for a tech to come out and swap dishes for you. The only problem is if you have any old non-MPEG4 receivers....they won't work with the 1000.4. I currently have a 622, 722, and 222

I do not have DHPP. I don't really want to sign up, then cancel and get hit with the charges. Plus, my service address is different than my billing address. I would rather repoint the dish, or install the 1000.4 myself. I am guessing the mount for the 1000.4 is different from the mount for the 61.5 dish? Would be great if I could just switch out the 1000.4 on the 61.5 mount. I think I read that can't be done, though.
Hopefully someone can help.. I am in southern NJ and have 2 dishes currently on my ROOF.. I had someone come out today to tell me I cant put an eastern ARC dish up because of a TREE. I read somewhere else that people were able to kep the 2 dishes they currently have and ADD a THIRD dish to get the new satellite? the 1dy guy who came out (but didnt do the work because of snow) said that is all I needed.. Didnt look with the compass.. is this true? can I do something with a third dish so I can get the channels? Not getting these channels is going to make me think about switching off of dish. I live in a town house and the trees are not mine so I can not cut them down...
any help would be appreciated...
Hopefully someone can help.. I am in southern NJ and have 2 dishes currently on my ROOF.. I had someone come out today to tell me I cant put an eastern ARC dish up because of a TREE. I read somewhere else that people were able to kep the 2 dishes they currently have and ADD a THIRD dish to get the new satellite? the 1dy guy who came out (but didnt do the work because of snow) said that is all I needed.. Didnt look with the compass.. is this true? can I do something with a third dish so I can get the channels? Not getting these channels is going to make me think about switching off of dish. I live in a town house and the trees are not mine so I can not cut them down...
any help would be appreciated...

You probably have a D500 with Twin LNB pointed at 110/119 and another D500 pointed at 61.5. The installer might have been talking about adding another D500 for 129 or 72.7. Either would fix you up.

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