Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

Well Dish rep just left, and did nothing other than gather info. He claimed to not know about this LOS for hd cust with 61.5, although he did admit that last EA install he did he noticed more HD. I had scheduled an EA upgrade last week for today (SAT.) so I could be home, somehow this got "lost in translation" and was a service call for him. Thanks to Satguys I was well armed with all the info needed, he made a couple of phone calls and has rescheduled an Upgraded for Monday, an EA with 110/119 wing, and 44 switch. I would have been happy with 110 only but the wife was not happy to be losing c-span book club, whatever that is. I mentioned a WA if he wanted to relocate the dish and I could cut some trees. He assured me that "no one in Vermont can get 129" I did not argue with him as that would mean I would have to cut a couple of my sugar maples and that does not sit well with Vermonters!
72.7 or 129?

I am in the 61.5 boat and have a 24" D-type dish boxed that I can use to change to a new satellite. I have LOS for both 72.7 and 129. Which one should I select or are they essentially identical? FWIW, I get locals OTA, have DISH 500 110/119, and have a DP34. I do my own installs for Dish Network and FTA services. Thanks!
Anyone from Calif changed from 61.5 to 72.7

You never mentioned this. Was it your intention to play "gotcha"?

A change is needed for the 9 new channels? I understand I have to leave the 61.5 sat for the new 72.7. I have 110, 119 & 61.5 I have been getting very good signals with this set up and I am concerned that 72.7 will not be as strong. Have anyone in California done this. If so at what cost and how good is the signal?:rant:
You have 61.5 in California why? Are you getting locals from somewhere else?
E* "F'd" up

Well I just got my latest bill from E* after getting my Eastern arc upgrade. Seems that even though I was told that the upgrade would be free, they billed me for it. In fact even though I confirmed numerous times it would be free they had no notes that I was getting it for free. Well after calling and not having to aruge they are crediting me for the $95. The catch is that they can only credit me half of the amount in one month. So the balance, the other half they owe me will be credited me next month. I have the csr's i.d. number in case they mess up and don't credit it me the required amount.

The strange thing is when this charge was still a future charge it showed it b eing billed to me followed by a credit of the same amount. Some how between a futrue charge and the final bill the credit was removed.

Well i'm still getting the install, but not the way I expected. The bill showed properly the upgraded receiver. The main part of my bill went up $3 with the new chrges on receivers and such.

Sure enough I figured there might be new HD and I come here to check but see I am screwed, lol
I am the 110-119-61.5 setup and my HD Locals are on 61.5 but i think they are on 119 or was it 110. Well, I know every now and then if I did a checkswitch it would be getting them on the other bird and it would revert back to 61.5. I am getting the Birmingham Alabama HD

Anyways, So now do I just wait a little while to see what happens or call them now for a solution which is probably the new DISH.
I don't care for any of the new HD channels except maybe E! but I can deal with it 'as is'
but if my current HD does not go poof for a few months I will just wait.
If I am going to start losing my HD locals or say FOX or SPEED yell as I will be on their ass tomorrow for a fix, lol

man I was told 61.5 via wing was my fix and all the HD would be there.......yea, that didn't last as long as I expected eh.

I can hit 129 btw if that matters but right now I just don't want to bother calling DISH and hoping I get a installer that even knows what's goijng on.
Since Birmingham is also on 129W, you could ask for a 1000.2 upgrade to get all your HD. If you have any SD receivers, they'll either put up a 1000.2 or repoint the 61.5 dish to 129W. They've said they'll be moving more HD so I'm not sure I'd wait too long. On the other hand, Birmingham is classified as an eastern arc DMA so they wouldn't have to guarantee to keep the locals on the western arc as well. If you have all ViP receivers, I'd likely go to the eastern arc with a 1000.4.
They came today and installed the 1000.2 for 110/119/129 and left my second dish for 61.5. When the work order went in late friday pm they took off the hd. It took the tech a while to get it added back. He stayed until it was done and made sure it was right. So I now have all the hd channels including my locals on 61.5. He said the signal strengths looked good but I haven't gone in to see what they were.
Dish has been telling them that in about another week all of it is going to change again but in that case why would they bother spending money on the upgrades.
Since Birmingham is also on 129W, you could ask for a 1000.2 upgrade to get all your HD. If you have any SD receivers, they'll either put up a 1000.2 or repoint the 61.5 dish to 129W. They've said they'll be moving more HD so I'm not sure I'd wait too long. On the other hand, Birmingham is classified as an eastern arc DMA so they wouldn't have to guarantee to keep the locals on the western arc as well. If you have all ViP receivers, I'd likely go to the eastern arc with a 1000.4.

I do have old 522 I still use but I was wanting to get a 722 and put the 622 where the 522 is.
I have a local guy here that's very good IF I can get him to get back to me. He's one of those hard to get to return a call kinda guys, lol

thans for the info and I will not wait too long but I assume I will still have all channels in SD worst case situation, correct ? I mean that's one thing and NO TV is another :)

the reason they put that wing up was to get the national HD of CBS a 'very' long time ago. For a hour I had 129 peaked and they said opps you need to hit 61.5 via a wing to get that channel. I think that's why we went to all of that trouble. But with time my memory goes so I could be remembering why we did it.

and what is changing in a week ?
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I do have old 522 I still use but I was wanting to get a 722 and put the 622 where the 522 is.
I have a local guy here that's very good IF I can get him to get back to me. He's one of those hard to get to return a call kinda guys, lol

thans for the info and I will not wait too long but I assume I will still have all channels in SD worst case situation, correct ? I mean that's one thing and NO TV is another :)

the reason they put that wing up was to get the national HD of CBS a 'very' long time ago. For a hour I had 129 peaked and they said opps you need to hit 61.5 via a wing to get that channel. I think that's why we went to all of that trouble. But with time my memory goes so I could be remembering why we did it.

and what is changing in a week ?

Yes you should have everything in SD no matter what. I don't know when your wing dish was installed but Birmingham wasn't on 129 until this past year so if your winger was installed more than a year ago it's probably because Bham wasn't on 129W at that time. I don't think anything is changing in a week. If you keep the 522 active, the western arc is your only choice.
Well Dish rep just left, and did nothing other than gather info. He claimed to not know about this LOS for hd cust with 61.5, although he did admit that last EA install he did he noticed more HD. I had scheduled an EA upgrade last week for today (SAT.) so I could be home, somehow this got "lost in translation" and was a service call for him. Thanks to Satguys I was well armed with all the info needed, he made a couple of phone calls and has rescheduled an Upgraded for Monday, an EA with 110/119 wing, and 44 switch. I would have been happy with 110 only but the wife was not happy to be losing c-span book club, whatever that is. I mentioned a WA if he wanted to relocate the dish and I could cut some trees. He assured me that "no one in Vermont can get 129" I did not argue with him as that would mean I would have to cut a couple of my sugar maples and that does not sit well with Vermonters!
He was correct. There is no line of sight ot 129 in any of the NewEngland states, NY,NJ, DE Eastern MD or DC.

The following map was sent to the EchoStar Knowledge Base via e-mail. The author of the e-mail requested the map be included on this page:
EchoStar 5 was replaced at 129° by Ciel II in February 2009, this map is now only of historical value. The shaded areas map indicate where a Dish 1000 could not be used. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are not shaded, but it is assumed this was an oversight. Click on the map to see full sized map.

EKB: Spot Beam and Coverage Maps
Click on the link and scroll until you see the map of the US. The colored areas are where 129 is no "visible"...
Now, in order to receive all national HD services you'll need an Eastern Arc setup. Keep in mind that if you have models other than 211k, 222, 222k, 612, 622, 722, or 722k, you'll need those receivers to be swapped out for one of the above models to receive eastern arc signals.
Yea mine was added to get that old HD channel from CBS and i think it was new york. Then of course everyone lost it due to that lawsuit stuff on national locals.
Anyways, lately i have been in the back room where I only have SD so I am not as pressed as I normally would be. I have only used my HD to play xbox lately, lol

Also, the 922 is what I really figured I would wait on as I have a old SD slingbox and instead of wasting money on a HD one I just figured wait for it all to come in one package.
but that things not ready yet is it ?
He was correct. There is no line of sight ot 129 in any of the NewEngland states, NY,NJ, DE Eastern MD or DC.

...EchoStar 5 was replaced at 129° by Ciel II in February 2009, this map is now only of historical value. The shaded areas map indicate where a Dish 1000 could not be used...

EKB: Spot Beam and Coverage Maps
Click on the link and scroll until you see the map of the US. The colored areas are where 129 is no "visible"...

I thought that was because of the weak footprint of the old satellite, not due to any LOS issue. I'm guessing the new satellite cured that.

In fact, I can get LOS for satellites well west of 129 with my old BUD here in central MD (part of the purple area of the map).
I thought that was because of the weak footprint of the old satellite, not due to any LOS issue.
Actually, it is kind of a combination of things. At some relatively low elevation the signal becomes so entangled in atmosphere, that LOS is lost as if there were leaves in the way. C-band is much more capable of penetrating the atmosphere than Ku band.
I thought that was because of the weak footprint of the old satellite, not due to any LOS issue. I'm guessing the new satellite cured that.

In fact, I can get LOS for satellites well west of 129 with my old BUD here in central MD (part of the purple area of the map).
the elevatrion of the 129 is so low that it is impractical to use that slot in those areas of the country. 129 is a Conus beam. Yes CielII is a more powerful satellite( that is another story) but a line of sight is what it is ..
I used another websitr to have a look at 129 in the center of Vermont. The elevation would be 15 degrees above the horizon.
The pointer indicated an obstuction 164 feet away could be no taller than 43 feet.
Here's the link..Satellite Finder / Dish Pointing Calculator with Google Maps |
Type your address in the appropriate space and your location will come up on google maps with the elevation and azimuth. There is an option to click the "pointer" That gives the distance and height tolerance of the line of sight.

h=43.9ftFull-screenMax Height of Obstacle

Move the marker to find out the maximum height an obstacle can have without blocking the line of sight.

d = the distance to the obstacle (e.g. a tree)
h = the maximum height of obstacle measured from the base of the dish.

Tip: A residential floor height is about 2.75m (9ft), an office floor height about 3.25m (11ft)Imagery ©2010 TerraMetrics - Terms of UseMapSatelliteHybridEarth5 km2 miOptions

show obstacle (line of sight checker)
Your Location Satellite Data Dish Setup Data
Latitude: 44.6574°
Longitude: -72.9678° Name: 129.0W Ciel 2 | Galaxy 27
Distance: 40059km Motor Latitude: 44.7°
Declination Angle: 6.8°
Dish Elevation: °
Elevation: 15.0°
Azimuth (true): 244.7°
Azimuth (magn.): 259.7°
LNB Skew [?]: 40.0° Dish Skew [?]: 90.0°
Again this is about the geo center of Vermont. The farther north and east the lower the elevation. The farther south and west, it's higher.
He was correct. There is no line of sight ot 129 in any of the NewEngland states, NY,NJ, DE Eastern MD or DC.

The following map was sent to the EchoStar Knowledge Base via e-mail. The author of the e-mail requested the map be included on this page:
EchoStar 5 was replaced at 129° by Ciel II in February 2009, this map is now only of historical value. The shaded areas map indicate where a Dish 1000 could not be used. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are not shaded, but it is assumed this was an oversight. Click on the map to see full sized map.

EKB: Spot Beam and Coverage Maps
Click on the link and scroll until you see the map of the US. The colored areas are where 129 is no "visible"...
Now, in order to receive all national HD services you'll need an Eastern Arc setup. Keep in mind that if you have models other than 211k, 222, 222k, 612, 622, 722, or 722k, you'll need those receivers to be swapped out for one of the above models to receive eastern arc signals.

I am in zip code 20148, in Virginia just west of DC. Does this mean I will not be able to move my 61.5 dish to 129? I currently have the two dish set up at 61.5 and 110/119.

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