Starz Torchwood- A Miracle Day

I really enjoyed Children of the Earth, but hands down one of the most disturbing TV series I've seen in awhile. Davies is notorious for pushing the limits (i.e. the sex scenes this week.)

A bit of a previous season spoiler, but speaking of pushing the limits... I can't remember his name but didn't something similar happen during Season 2 to an existing Torchwood agent? For some reason he died, but came back essentially a living zombie. He couldn't die, but could get injured without healing, and they basically left him somewhere to rot alive for a very very long time so he could save everyone from some radiation?

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A bit of a previous season spoiler, but speaking of pushing the limits... I can't remember his name but didn't something similar happen during Season 2 to an existing Torchwood agent? For some reason he died, but came back essentially a living zombie. He couldn't die, but could get injured without healing, and they basically left him somewhere to rot alive for a very very long time so he could save everyone from some radiation?
Owen, he was burned up in a nuclear meltdown (along with Tosh), finally killing him off.
Thanks goodness, last night got back on track...and to the ethereal realm of "who are you working for". MIB knows Jack...does Jack know MIB? I get the feeling he might, but is not sure. The scene with Jack and Gwen in the park was hysterical. Poor Esther, she keeps screwing up.
I am really having a hard time keeping attention while watching this series. Yesterday was no exception. I found myself drifting off or paying more attention to the laptop than the TV.
I think this episode is leading me to the conclusion that some kind of alien race is behind the whole idea of the "miracle" and the "overflow camps" so that they can take those Humans and use them for their own purposes. The question is what do they want from those humans and how does it benefit them keep humans alive forever? Unless they want our planet for their own purposes. But if they wanted the planet , why not just cause all humans to die instead? Confusing. I hope next week it becomes more clearer. Anyone know how many episodes there will be?
I liked this episode. I knew that the politician would end up dead. She kind of got a little taste of Dead is Dead.

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I liked this episode. I knew that the politician would end up dead. She kind of got a little taste of Dead is Dead.

Yep, except that she isn't...

So, what'd they do with the shot-up guy in the server room? They couldn't just leave him there, otherwise the PhiCorp people would know something had been going on in there... What, did they just dump him in a dumpster or ??
Well since no one ever dies , then the guy in the server room should get back up and start moving again. He must of been knocked unconscious. It would seem to me that taser guns would be better to use than bullet guns, if you wanted to subdue someone. It would at least paralyze them for a while so you could get away.
Well since no one ever dies , then the guy in the server room should get back up and start moving again. He must of been knocked unconscious. It would seem to me that taser guns would be better to use than bullet guns, if you wanted to subdue someone. It would at least paralyze them for a while so you could get away.

Agreed, but doesn't give you the scare factor. Which is worse... being shot and killed, or being shot and seriously maimed with no chance of death so you suffer forever without healing?

getting bored with this series, dont like Gwen a all this chatting to hubby every 5 seconds - sex scenes can always be cut , unless it;s porn ! lol.
Give it another week else delete the timer - but then that means it will be a keeper, if i liked it - it would already be cut ! :-)
That's something I haven't quite figured out...if you don't die, ok, dead isn't dead anymore...but why don't you heal?
Because, the body is dead. However, you're still alive. IMO, "living" is being controlled/manipulated. But the body is ca-put.
That's something I haven't quite figured out...if you don't die, ok, dead isn't dead anymore...but why don't you heal?
It looks like they heal, but at the normal rate (not Jack's previous accelerated rate).
It takes a while for a body to heal from castitrophic damage, and since it's only been a few days/weeks, even a simple broken bone won't be healed yet.
I enjoyed this episode a lot better too.

One thing I am finding about the series is continuity. One second he is talking about his father ... then BAM ... there he is in his farther's apartment. Sometimes they just barely mention something in a half breath and then take you way off on this tangent. I get any good story should have its main arc followed by mini arcs, but man, some of these seem to be complete curve balls not even close to the base.

The story with the girl and her sister and kids had a more natural flow to it. The episode prior she talks about her sister, then with this episode it opens up with it, then later she is making the phone calls ... seemed like a much more natural flow.

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