The twist of course is that:
In short though ... I REALLY liked it! I loved the references to some of the prior characters. I love the shot at the end where the old Torchwood HQ was. The ear muffs on the baby was pretty funny too
It will be interesting to see how it does over here. I was raised in Canada, with an English family, so I pick up on the accents without an issue. I put my wife (as American as they come) in front of an "English" show however and I have to translate because the accent is too fast for her.
Great start! I'm hooked!
Jack now gets hurt and could potentially die. Prior Jack would heal. He is not even healing now. So, to throw an early theory out there ... its all about Jack. "They" (to be determined) want to kill Jack. Trying to catch Jack was impossible, by himself. So, lure him to where "they" know he will come with the trap set of course.
In short though ... I REALLY liked it! I loved the references to some of the prior characters. I love the shot at the end where the old Torchwood HQ was. The ear muffs on the baby was pretty funny too

It will be interesting to see how it does over here. I was raised in Canada, with an English family, so I pick up on the accents without an issue. I put my wife (as American as they come) in front of an "English" show however and I have to translate because the accent is too fast for her.
Great start! I'm hooked!