Starz Torchwood- A Miracle Day

The twist of course is that:

Jack now gets hurt and could potentially die. Prior Jack would heal. He is not even healing now. So, to throw an early theory out there ... its all about Jack. "They" (to be determined) want to kill Jack. Trying to catch Jack was impossible, by himself. So, lure him to where "they" know he will come with the trap set of course.

In short though ... I REALLY liked it! I loved the references to some of the prior characters. I love the shot at the end where the old Torchwood HQ was. The ear muffs on the baby was pretty funny too ;)

It will be interesting to see how it does over here. I was raised in Canada, with an English family, so I pick up on the accents without an issue. I put my wife (as American as they come) in front of an "English" show however and I have to translate because the accent is too fast for her.

Great start! I'm hooked!
The only programming I use captions for is shows that have British characters or shows on BBC America. I can't even make out what they are saying most of the time.
The only programming I use captions for is shows that have British characters or shows on BBC America. I can't even make out what they are saying most of the time.

Have the same problem and did some skip-backs several times to try and figure out what was said. I'll be watching it again momentarily, this time with captions on and the volume up even more...try to get an ear for the accent again. ;)
During the David Tennant years of Dr. Who (especially the year with Donna), I had to use CC all the time. Since Matt Smith, no so much.
Boy ... talk about die hard "sci fi" ... who cares the language or accent ... if its good sci fi ... we will find a way! ;)
Jack now gets hurt and could potentially die. Prior Jack would heal. He is not even healing now. So, to throw an early theory out there ... its all about Jack. "They" (to be determined) want to kill Jack. Trying to catch Jack was impossible, by himself. So, lure him to where "they" know he will come with the trap set of course.
I figure it's about Jack as well. Somehow his immortality got zapped and given to everyone else. They didn't get his rapid healing though, probably because there's 6 billion people to split it amongst.
I missed recording this as we were on vacation and I forgot to set the timer for last weekend's première. I grabbed the replay from last night, though. I guess the power came back on just in the nick of time! I liked this a lot better than the last "Torchwood" effort on BBCA.

Gwen and Rhys look like a typical married couple with a new baby (sans the arsenal in the his-and-her gun closets!) Most shows would make the actors lose weight but it makes them seem more authentic.

Bill Pullman as the creepy scum looks like one of the roles that you want to turn down, then figure that it will be a stretch and a challenge. Plus, I like Mekhi Phifer (Gregg Pratt in "ER") as Rex, the CIA agent who can't lay still. I saw Dichen Lachman (Sierra from "Dollhouse") in one of the teasers. According to IMDB, she plays a CIA agent here. And one of the CIA guys looked like Wayne Knight, but IMDB doesn't agree.

I can't wait for the next episode! Thank you, Starz and Dish Network!
Maybe he will end up as a giant head in a tank of water.... Oh wait I believe that happens some how....
Having the head remain alive after being cut off that burnt body does foreshadow that.

Didn't think about that then, but now it does seem intentionally foreshadowing the face of boe.
Didn't the Master do that to Capt. Jack two Doctors ago? Not a pleasant prospect to be mostly dead but not being able to finish the process.

This is a different take on the Piers Anthony "On a Pale Horse" where the protagonist kills Death and gets the job. Nobody can die until he gets with the program.
Second episode was pretty good. I'm hooked (too bad Wayne Knight is type-cast. "Newman…!") The medical research is pointing out the flaws in being immortal.
Second episode was pretty good. I'm hooked (too bad Wayne Knight is type-cast. "Newman…!") The medical research is pointing out the flaws in being immortal.
Agreed, but in the in the last 30 seconds they had one of the dumbest looking things I've seen on TV in a long time. The rest of you will know what I mean when you see it.
Agreed, but in the in the last 30 seconds they had one of the dumbest looking things I've seen on TV in a long time. The rest of you will know what I mean when you see it.

Are you talking about the bad CIA agent and her neck twisted like Meryl Streep did in "Death Becomes Her"?

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