Stargate Universe

Okay, making a prediction here:

Because of the premise of the show (can't get home from the ship), there'll be no guest appearances from any of the main cast from SG1 or SGA.

Essentially, they're starting over from scratch...

And I still think the whole concept sucks. :(

Give us more SG1. Not this crap.
Agreed. And agreed!


Been there, done that! What's left to explore?

Maybe they'll meet another faction of the BORG!!! ROFL

This bunch of series literally stole EVERYTHING from Star Trek, so why not keep doing so. Just proves they are out of ideas out there.

We need more BSG type series, not this trash....

Don't even bother to watch it, so it'll get canceled right away. That way they'll finally kill it, and perhaps actually produce a GOOD series of something else.

Been there, done that! What's left to explore?

Maybe they'll meet another faction of the BORG!!! ROFL

This bunch of series literally stole EVERYTHING from Star Trek, so why not keep doing so. Just proves they are out of ideas out there.

We need more BSG type series, not this trash....

Don't even bother to watch it, so it'll get canceled right away. That way they'll finally kill it, and perhaps actually produce a GOOD series of something else.

While Stargate certainly owes a LOT to Star Trek, the SG1/Atlantis franchise is in no way a piece of crap. The Lost in space concept definitely does bite; but there is so much more they could do with the SG1 universe that doesn't force them to do a voyager/lost in space thing. And the last thing I want them to do is kill the franchise; Stargate is the ONLY sci-fi franchise other than Star Trek has has drawn me in and kept my attention. Ok, BSG has too, but that story is transpired unlike pretty much any other sci-fi show ever. Its pretty darn unique.
What Rocky said.

Since Star Trek has given up the small screen, SG1/Atlantis and BSG have been the only games in town worth watching. I'm sad to see all of them go/going.

SGU may be a flawed concept...but I'm willing to see how it plays out. There isn't any other sci-fi (except maybe Sanctuary, maybe) worth watching after BSG ends it's run...
We need more BSG type series, not this trash....

When you think about it BSG is somewhat of a copy of Voyager, except for the fleet and much better stories+characters. A ship on its way to Earth while fighting off the baddies. But of course since BSG was first back in the 70's, Voyager is sort of a copy of BSG and not the other way around.
When you think about it BSG is somewhat of a copy of Voyager, except for the fleet and much better stories+characters. A ship on its way to Earth while fighting off the baddies. But of course since BSG was first back in the 70's, Voyager is sort of a copy of BSG and not the other way around.

Or is BSG-70s style a copy of Lost in Space?

Regardless, this "new" concept best be well thought out.
Wow those never even occurred to me. I guess there are very few truly original ideas anymore. "Danger Wesley Crusher!"
Okay, how's this: :D

The Robot = Spock = Data = Seven of Nine = The Borg = The Cylons.

Will Robinson = Wesley Crusher = Naomi Wildemon = Jake Cisco = Boxie = Hera

John Robinson = Capt. Kirk = Capt. Picard = Capt. Ben Cisco = Capt. Janeway = Cmdr. Adama.

Maureen Robinson = Nurse Chapel = Counselor Troi = Jadzia Dax = Laura Roslin

I could keep going and add SGA, SG1 and B5 into the mix too, but this is just getting too weird. ;) :D

Prodigal Son

Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4
