Stargate Universe

Can this show BE any more boring? I 30 second skipped through the whole episode to the last 5 minutes and missed NOTHING of importance , except a gratuitous sex scene that lasted less than a couple of minutes. This show needs to really pick up some speed or they need to re-title it:" LOST and BORED in Space."
Can this show BE any more boring? I 30 second skipped through the whole episode to the last 5 minutes and missed NOTHING of importance , except a gratuitous sex scene that lasted less than a couple of minutes. This show needs to really pick up some speed or they need to re-title it:" LOST and BORED in Space."

I think i fast forwarded through most of the first half of the show, it could have been interesting if they had tried to do something to save themselves rather than finish a book and etc.
I do not understand why they are still locked out of all the controls... After all they have Atlantis and the entire Ancient data base they can look up any command codes. Surely the Ancients would have them around if they were busy dedicating planets to the contact of the ship.
I do not understand why they are still locked out of all the controls... After all they have Atlantis and the entire Ancient data base they can look up any command codes. Surely the Ancients would have them around if they were busy dedicating planets to the contact of the ship.

The way stuff turned on at the end of the last episode, I suspect they will not be locked out for long. Of course, whether they can control the course of the ship... that's altogether another thing. :)
I about flipped when I saw that the episode title today was water. Wow, that's original, i.e., BSG s1e2.

The episode itself was ok, but
very convenient that the tremor freed the LT and did not crush him.

I am trying really hard to like this show, but struggling. I'll keep watching, but geez, it needs to find a way to step it up a notch, and soon.
They're starting to lose my interest...

I knew immediately what they were going to do with the sand entities. I too thought the episode title was utterly unimaginative and they're trying WAY too hard too make it look/feel like BSG. It makes me wonder how hard Sigh-Figh execs are telling the producers to "make it look/feel like BSG" type stuff is going on, because it sure doesn't feel anything like SG1 or SGA.

Seriously, Sanctuary was more entertaining than last night's SGU and that makes me concerned about the future of this series.

Personally, I too will keep watching, at least up to the mid-season break, but after that, unless they do something that seriously to change this series and make it more interesting, I'm not going to spend anymore time with it after the mid-season break...
They're starting to lose my interest...

I knew immediately what they were going to do with the sand entities. I too thought the episode title was utterly unimaginative and they're trying WAY too hard too make it look/feel like BSG. It makes me wonder how hard Sigh-Figh execs are telling the producers to "make it look/feel like BSG" type stuff is going on, because it sure doesn't feel anything like SG1 or SGA.

Seriously, Sanctuary was more entertaining than last night's SGU and that makes me concerned about the future of this series.

Personally, I too will keep watching, at least up to the mid-season break, but after that, unless they do something that seriously to change this series and make it more interesting, I'm not going to spend anymore time with it after the mid-season break...

There is nothing original, the characters are uninteresting; the hot sergeant from two weeks ago is wearing way too much clothes, all in all it is a disaster.

There is nothing original, the characters are uninteresting; the hot sergeant from two weeks ago is wearing way too much clothes, all in all it is a disaster.


Yep, that about sums it up. ;)

And, as far as I can tell, they still didn't get enough water ice to help their water-shortage, next week is Water II then?
Yep, that about sums it up. ;)

And, as far as I can tell, they still didn't get enough water ice to help their water-shortage, next week is Water II then?

Yeah, I am just shaking my head about that. Although I am guessing they sent two other people out to get the ice, just didn't show it to us.

Next week it looks like Lou Diamond Philips wants to take charge; how he does it, since he is physically on earth... I have no idea.

I say we shoot the SighFi producers and stop trying to recreate galactica and let Stargate be stargate. Its really annoying. I have not been checking any other discussion boards, but I can't imagine that there is a good fan reaction anywhere.
Yeah, I am just shaking my head about that. Although I am guessing they sent two other people out to get the ice, just didn't show it to us.

Next week it looks like Lou Diamond Philips wants to take charge; how he does it, since he is physically on earth... I have no idea.

I say we shoot the SighFi producers and stop trying to recreate galactica and let Stargate be stargate. Its really annoying. I have not been checking any other discussion boards, but I can't imagine that there is a good fan reaction anywhere.

Yeah, I have no idea how they're going to get Philips on the show permanently (not that it'll help...having them take time to develop his back-story isn't going to get things moving either).

Well, I think that's what SighFi is doing...meddling with the show to make it more like BSG instead of letting it be Stargate. They did it in the 5th season of B5, so it wouldn't surprise me...and yes, it's very annoying...
NEXT week I hear the ship will be on a Qwest for TOILET Paper, other wise the crew will all be in Deep sh*t!:eek:

Cancle this turkey already ! It is nothing but a snooze fest. I haven't watched a full episode in two weeks and my skip button no longer has any symbol on its surface from all the use its getting.:rolleyes: