Stargate Universe

Yep, it was predictable, but then again, everyone had to know the ship wasn't going to get destroyed...that was obvious.

I don't like the Chloe character either. Same reason. As for whether or not Rush knew - it doesn't matter. Personally, I don't think he knew. I think he might have guessed at it, yes, but no point in risking everyone's life on a hunch when he knew the Col. would likely never believe him anyway. Better to risk losing 15 and be right (about your hunch) than to convince the Col. about your hunch, keep everyone aboard and (*oops!*) your wrong! *poof*
Indeed it was predictable, though seeing how it played out was quite enjoyable. Except
I agree about Chloe also. And I'm noticing that these type of shows seem to have a common theme: geeky guy likes hot chick, they will probably end up together before it's over a'la Rodney and Jennifer. I guess that's just reflecting the target audience, us geeky guys see something of ourselves in Math Boy and of course in a perfect universe we would get to do the sci-fi stuff and hang out with intelligent, beautiful women who actually realize we exist. That's why it's science FICTION :D

I knew last week that it was going toward the sun on purpose. Through the sun, that was slightly unexpected.

I swear, in the last line before he walked out of the room, Rush sounded exactly like Gaius Baltar. But no, I don't believe he knew what the ship had in mind.
Yes, Rush did look and sound like Gaius -- heck the whole episode felt like BSG, to its detriment - what it does not feel like is Stargate; and the ship does not feel like something the ancients would have made.

I do like "math boy" though. And his comment to Rush was funny.
Yes, Rush did look and sound like Gaius -- heck the whole episode felt like BSG, to its detriment - what it does not feel like is Stargate; and the ship does not feel like something the ancients would have made.

I do like "math boy" though. And his comment to Rush was funny.

Funny you should say that... I kept thinking throughout the episode, "this looks and feels like BSG." But like you said, that hurts the show, because it isn't BSG. It's supposed to be Stargate and it hasn't yet felt like Stargate at all.

Yeah, "math boy's" comment to Rush was nice comedic relief. :)
They of course did the impossible space manuever by docking. Yeah really thrusters are going to make the difference? One would think the ancients would have some sort of docking protocol other than trying to crash one into the other.

Ok another tid bit, hundreds of thousands of years was mentioned and billions of light years. So, it infers that FTL is around 10k faster than light. Which means it would take 20 years to cross the milky way (200k light years). Significantely slower than the current hyperspace drives which can travel the distances between the galaxies in a few weeks. So, current tech travels in a few hours what this ship travels in a year. Essentially the ship cannot be reached since current tech would take 1+ million hours or over a century to catch up.
The end of this week's episode was so contrived that it just made me roll my eyes and groan! I said to myself, imagining the writer struggling with his pen, "Must....have.....character....conflict. Must....invent....conflict!"

It is no secret that I HATED BSG. I watched two seasons before I gave up on this dark, dreary, depressing, dingy, disgruntled-character-filled, oppressive, slow, unimaginative, lifeless, banal series. So far SG-U is following the same trend, but not as well and with less likable characters!

I hope the series can settle down now and somehow brighten the mood!
I have a feeling the mood will change in the next few episodes. They are just getting all the basic background established now. The "crew" is coming to grips with the fact that they really are stuck and will try to make the best of it. It is my hope that they will start doing the planet of the week adventure. They are essentially stuck in that galaxy, so it will be interesting to see what inhabits the galaxy.
And, assuming they do the "planet of the week" thing (which has been the main theme of Stargate for over a decade), will they do it in SG-1 style or Trek style? I'd prefer the former, since it is SG-U afterall...

Now that they (presumably) have full power again, why can't they dial home? Oh, and not to be totally obtuse, but where's the ship supposed to be going anyway?

Logically (and admittedly, so far this series hasn't been), SGC should be working on a means to power up a gate on another planet and dial the ship. Rush can com-stone someone and tell them what they need to know. Sam could streamline the process and then they could send them equipment and supplies, etc. They have a whole back-cannon of story/history that they can't keep ignoring and we know how O'neill feels about leaving people behind, so I can't imagine he just shrugged and said, "Oh well...I hope they make it."

I predict, if Lou Diamond Phillips is supposed to become a regular character, they'll get a gate working to get him on-board the ship rather than just com-stone cameo's.

They can't do too many more "ship in a bottle" stories before the whole survival thing gets really old and viewers start to tune out...
I think they made it pretty clear the ship does not have the power to dial back to earth. It took the entire power of an unstable planet core to get to the ship. The ship is a million years old, probably long before they had ZPMs. It appears to be a simple fusion reactor powered ship (hence scooping up a lot of hydrogen from the sun). It is also interesting that they had the planet in our galaxy instead of Pegasus. It would have made more sense for it to be in Pegasus, but perhaps they did not have a suitable planet.
I would think that maybe a very large naquida reactor (or several hundred small ones) would be able to supply the power needed to dial the ship again. Let's look at this from the aspect of SG-1 history:

It's been established that a gate contains enough residual power to be manually dialed once.
Linea powered the gate with a chemical reaction that Sam speculates may be cold-fusion.
The gate's been charged once by a lightning strike and dialed manually once.
O'Neill powers the gate (and uses the 8th symbol to go inter-galactic) with a small device powered by a staff weapon power supply.
O'Neill and Teal'c power a gate with something that looks like a large battery charger.

I could continue, but I think I've made my point...they've established that galactic and inter-galactic travel can be accomplished with what appears to be potentially several hundred megawatts (assuming the device O'Neill built using ancient knowledge is a transformer of some kind to amplify the power of the staff weapon power supply) and far less amounts.

So, I find it plausible that a very large naquida reactor (or perhaps several) ought to be able to take the place of a planetary core. I honestly believe Sam is far smarter than Rush, at least the way he's been portrayed thus-far...
I do not think they will be so tempted to get dialing done soon. Like with Lost they are being very vague as to who all made it through to the ship, so they can replace actors with someone else on the ship that we just have not seen because they were working down in some lab or something. Also the guest stars can appear via the communications stones either on the ship or on earth.

Unlike SGA I suspect that if they do manage to get dialing working it will be one way from earth to the ship. Perhaps a ZPM could dial. Maybe they will find the gate in the planet rubble some day, protected by the blast since it had the open wormhole. Supplies will be able to come in that way perhaps. The only problem with that is why not toss in a ZPM to allow dialing back. I am sure if they get this working there will be a good reason why it is one way, otherwise why not evacuate the ship.
Not a problem. All they have to do is say a ZPM wont work, and come up with some kind of incompatibility reason. Maybe the ones on the ship are triangles.
It is no secret that I HATED BSG. I watched two seasons before I gave up on this dark, dreary, depressing, dingy, disgruntled-character-filled, oppressive, slow, unimaginative, lifeless, banal series. So far SG-U is following the same trend, but not as well and with less likable characters!

I am relieved to know I was not alone.;)
It is no secret that I HATED BSG. I watched two seasons before I gave up on this dark, dreary, depressing, dingy, disgruntled-character-filled, oppressive, slow, unimaginative, lifeless, banal series. So far SG-U is following the same trend, but not as well and with less likable characters!

C'mon...tell us how ya really felt about it. ;)