Stargate SG-1 Discussion


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I have bought it 3 different times on DVD already. Is it on Blu-ray already?
Same thoughts here Joe I have 2 Dvd's plus the BD and 2 versions on EHDD...

The studios have to realize they can only go to the same well a limited number of times...then people stop buying (especially in the current economy). I have the 2 dvd's and one version in HD on I really need another copy of the same thing on BD? Definitely not at any price over $20, that's for dang sure...
Window of Opportunity was on SyFy (I hate typing it that way). I've said it before, but it may be my favorite SG-1 episode. I really should get the boxed sets.
Point of View and There But for the Grace of God are a couple of my favorites as they were alternate universe SG1 episodes along with Moebius a time travel / alternate universe and of course the movie Continuum... :D Course I liked the Star Trek Dark Mirror Universe episodes from the various series...
I have started watching this series again and I am almost through Season 2. Forgot about some of the episodes.
I too am rewatching - and almost done with season 2. I took a break for a week or two, and watched Season 1 of SGA off the DVR archive I have for it. Love it!
Just because they didn't show it in HD doesn't mean it wasn't made on actual film stock. Just like Star Trek: The Next Generation was on film, although the effects shots were not.