I watched the S1 episodes last night from the BT 99" and they looked pretty good to me... These are the Box sets, not the new thin versions...
On the HC1500 73" S2 and S3 discs do not look as sharp... I think I have the HD1000 set up just right in the BT... will try the same disc I watched last night on the 73" but hooked on "The Tokra"(both dvrs have 2 timers going too and I will be 2 weeks behind on Survivor but...)
I think S1 & S2 look soft because they were on Showtime at that time and they weren't spending a lot of money on it. S3 and S4, when the show was really catching on, it became obvious that they were spending more money on it. Then SciFi ramped it up even more - before they axed it.
I'd like to see, as dfergie said, Jack back in another SG1 movie and get the whole band back together...
You know, with SG1 as well as BSG before ScifiHD and the DS9 and Voyager Upconverts I watch on SpikeHD... the story out weighs the PQ...![]()
Jonas was a good member of the team, the should have brought him back more often... OT but... in a made for USA and straight to DVD movie Beer For My Horses ( I gave it a timer and was SD) Colin Nemic )Jonas)who was in the Video from the song by Toby Keith, also starred in this movie...(didn't make it very far through the movie)
But it fit Jack's character to be tough on him, after what happened to Daniel...