Stargate SG-1 Discussion

I'm very tempted but I'm going to resist reading the above spoiler until after I have watched what DVR'ed tonight.
After thinking more about it last night's SG1...

They sure got rid of the Asgard way too quickly. "Ok, here's all our stuff because we're going to blow ourselves up...take care and be good." Then suddenly some Ori ships show up and *boom*...there goes the Asgard and without taking out one Ori ship in the process. It just felt really rushed...maybe if they'd done a 2-hour finale' it would've worked better...
Looks like they had to leave a few open ends so that they can make a couple movies. I hope they follow through and produce a couple.
That was one of the better final shows I have seen in a long time for a series.
Just saw on the SGA season finale that SGA returns in September; a mere 2 1/2 months away! Pretty sweet. Now if they just give us more episodes, it will make for a good upcoming year! :)
Also just saw the preview for next year; I did not realize that Samantha Carter was going to be the new commander. I knew she was joining the crew, but wasn't expecting that.

Is the Elizabeth Weir character going away? I hope not.
Yeah, Weir is gone. You can see the planning in this as they've been talking about militarizing the mission for a couple of episodes now. Kinda sad as I like Weir, but I guess she's just not as sexy or popular a character as Sam:
In the June issue of Sci Fi Magazine is an interview with executive producer Robert C. Cooper about Tapping's joining the show's cast.

Carter will be a Colonel and become the Atlantis base commander.

Robert C. Cooper said:
"I can't make people feel better who just love Torri and Dr. Weir and want to see her on the show […]. Unfortunately, that's just not going to happen. All I can say is that Sam Carter is a wonderful character, and Amanda Tapping is a wonderful actress, and I think she will fill the role on Atlantis admirably. I'm excited about seeing the evolution of her character. Brad [Wright] and I created the character Dr. Weir and we love the character and Torri, but the change needed to be made."

Read the rest of the Interview and more Stargate related interviews in the new SCI FI Magazine. - News » Carter gates to Atlantis
On the plus side, the interactions between Sam and Rodney are likely to make the dialog top notch. ;)
What a shame. I always loved her subtle Canadian accent ;)

I think Amanda Tapping will be great on the show, but I'll miss the Weir-Sheppard interactions.
I figured in the season finale', when Weir was talking about the conflict between her and the military and her considering stepping down and then the "new commander" bomb in the teaser for the upcomming season, I knew at that point that Weir was going away. Sad, as I like the character too.

Tapping will do fine on the show, I'm sure, though Rodney will be even more annoying than usual now. I'll miss the Weir-Sheppard stuff too.
SG-1's "Series Finale" was complete and utter CRAP!

As much as I love the cast and the series overall, I found it completely underwhelming.

I'd have thought that it would have been granted some sort of budget to go out with a "bang", but what we ended up with was a "barely average" episode with a lower than average budget which relegated the entire story to interior sets and minimal effects.

I swear they even pulled one over on us "Battlestar Galactica" (of the 70's) in that the same effect shot of an Ori ship being destroyed at least twice. Then the "Star Trek" type last minute cheat to resolve the episode. It left me yearning for the good old days, where if they pulled something stupid out of their asses, RDA's "Jack O'Neil would point that fact out with some sarcastic line to the effect of

"Well Carter? You've managed to pull yet another miracle out of your ass and have saved us once again! Thanks for doing that". At least acknowledging how crappy the save was, would have been preferable to playing it all "serious like".

Talk about going out with a whimper. I had hoped for better. The more I think about it, the more it pisses me off! I fear for the future of the franchise on direct-to-DVD, if this is any indication of the direction of the franchise.

I join the many others looking forward to seeing the direction Atlantis will take with the addition of Amanda Tapping, and will also miss Tori H. The only thing I can imagine is that they are moving toward more "action" oriented stories and Amanda Tapping can pull off action a bit more convincingly than Tori.

...although I would love to see a situation where Dr. Weir was forced to take up arms and help defend her team.
SGA has some interesting issues to deal with:

1. A new planet... Where are they going with the city?
2. Newly depleted ZPM... They really need to look in the ancient data base and figure out how to make them... They also lost the undersea power source too.
3. Weir's death?
4. Will all the knowledge of the Asguard make its way to SGA? Between the 2 databases you would think they could come up with a good power source.