Maybe UHD will pick up SG1 and add it to their weekly schedule after it completes it's run tonight. That'd be fun seeing SG1 in HD.
That would be way too cool; but not counting on it....
Maybe UHD will pick up SG1 and add it to their weekly schedule after it completes it's run tonight. That'd be fun seeing SG1 in HD.
That would be way too cool; but not counting on it....
On the plus side, the interactions between Sam and Rodney are likely to make the dialog top notch.In the June issue of Sci Fi Magazine is an interview with executive producer Robert C. Cooper about Tapping's joining the show's cast.
Carter will be a Colonel and become the Atlantis base commander.
Robert C. Cooper said:
"I can't make people feel better who just love Torri and Dr. Weir and want to see her on the show […]. Unfortunately, that's just not going to happen. All I can say is that Sam Carter is a wonderful character, and Amanda Tapping is a wonderful actress, and I think she will fill the role on Atlantis admirably. I'm excited about seeing the evolution of her character. Brad [Wright] and I created the character Dr. Weir and we love the character and Torri, but the change needed to be made."
Read the rest of the Interview and more Stargate related interviews in the new SCI FI Magazine. - News » Carter gates to Atlantis
How long before these episodes are normally out on DVD?? I don't have sci-fi channel anymore so i have missed this season's episodes.
Season 10 should be on store shelves July 24th.