Stargate SG-1 Discussion

Im kinda hanging back on SGA, I missed a lot of Season 1 and 2, so I think I will catch up on those first...

Particularly if you are willing to take the time to download the season 3 episodes, you'll enjoy it more on the HTPC than in SD on SciFi. I thought PQ on Atlantis really wasn't very good last week; but part of it is having been spoiled by UHD.

I'd like to think UHD will continue showing episodes from the beginning without interruption, but given how they have screwed up Northern Exposure (they showed 2 years of it, then started over, showed the first two years again, AND are once again starting over this week), I am not sure they'll show the whole series without huge gaps. I am glad they haven't done that with BSG.
I think SGA's humor comes from Colonel Sheppard and Rodney McKay. There is great chemistry among the cast. I have always loved how they make fun of science fiction (specifically Star Trek), even though everything they are doing is scifi.
I kinda like Ronon's sense of humor, but I agree, Sheppard and McKay are the main source of humor in SGA despite the fact that McKay annoys me to no end.

T'ealc and O'Neill (and sometimes Carter and Jackson) were the main source of humor in the majority of SG1's run. Thought his line last week when they were trying to come up with the dragon's name ("Perhaps Puff") just busted me up.

SGA was a really lame episode tonight, whereas I thought SG1 was really good. I'm wondering...did B'aal die last week?
Finally watching SGA from last week.

I loved how when Teyla was having Ronan meditate and the guy fell asleep!

And another great scene of some well choreographed kali/escrima filipino stick fighting. They have a very good Jeet Kune Do consultant on the show.
I'm wondering...did B'aal die last week?

Possibly, but which one? Remember he is a dime a dozen at that point in time. But we see him again in the next to last episode, where he and Adria (the incredibly sexy Ori avatar) close up many of the open storylines and conclude the season in a big way.

The final episode is more introspective rather than plot driven. The first movie closes up the Ori arc, and the second movie is also B'aal centric.
Yeah, lot's of B'aal clones running around...true...but I figured that one was the "original" (not that it matters much).

Adria is attractive, I agree, but I don't find her to be sexy. She's got too much of a b*d*ss and/or petulant attitude for my taste. That T'okra woman that was on the show for a few episodes about 5-6 years ago...the Zaytark episode and all that...she was sexy. ;)
Adria is attractive, I agree, but I don't find her to be sexy. She's got too much of a b*d*ss and/or petulant attitude for my taste.

Well, I'm still in love with her from Firefly, so I can forgive the haughty demeanor she has in Stargate.

That T'okra woman that was on the show for a few episodes about 5-6 years ago...the Zaytark episode and all that...she was sexy.

The actress' name is Vanessa Angel (apparently her real name - she considered changing it because it sounded like a porn name). She played Anise/Freya on Stargate.


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Started watching tonight's SGA on the HDTV; the PQ on SciFi seems back to its crappy old self. Although its possible I am just way spoiled from the UHD episodes and DVDs. :(