A pre-mid season break cliffhanger is bad enough, but a 2-parter separated by 2 weeks?! Why not just stick an axe in my chest while they're at it? 

It was a good end to the two-parter, I agree!
I wonder if any of the renegade Asgard got away? They never said either way.
DittoThat'll be a fun week, but a sad Friday...
I've been catching up on the newer episodes (still have a bunch) The EMH is growing on me as commander... very good ones the last 2 weeks...
Nope... not her... I liked the ending when Rodney was whining cause he didn't see one of the projected people and it turns out he did...I haven't had time to search, but was the IOA member last week Kendra Shaw from Razor?
Nope, it was Tamilyn Tomita. She was in the B5 pilot