Spoiler alert. I've watched it. butI found the latest episode to be a bit forced. A lot of work just to work Moriarty in for about 40 seconds. They had "leaked" that the character would be included in the show, and there was a lot of fan speculation of an entire episode. Not really worth it. The "reboot" of Data was a cleaver idea, but I'm waiting to see what they do with him.
Also they change canon here. "Irumodic Syndrome" was just "space Alzheimer's". The writers of the final episode needed a senile Picard but, on the assumption that every disease of today would be cured by then, they made up a fake disease with the same symptoms. Never it, nor any mental problems that he might have had, were ever mentioned before. Now its some sort of lifelong mental illness that causes visions and delusions (and apparently why Picard's mother was mentally ill).
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