Star Trek: Picard

The worst yet, Friend to Fo. No old cast reveal. New Gimmick, the Amazing Popiel Portable Worm Hole!! This season is shaping up to be the worst.
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I disagree, other than Picard & Riker discord I enjoyed...
Same here. Just finished watching it and the Picard/Riker discord aside, I enjoyed it. The whole Worf/Raffi thing was top-notch. The DS9 Changeling/Dominion element is very intriguing. And...

"Beheadings are on Wednesday" was the single best line in the episode. :D I laughed out loud at that one.
I never associated changelings with being violent. The seem to have perfected the art of ears rather than just copying Odo.
They're behind the Dominion and so, even if some (or most) aren't themselves violent, they definitely have no issue backing it. As for the ears, I noted that as well. Makes sense though. To infiltrate, you gotta look just right...either that, or explain why you're wearing a hat. ;)
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Finally, a down to earth, balls to the wall Star Trek Episode. It even had me feeling good about "grease monkey" Shaw.
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Really enjoyed episode 4. It had all the elements a good Star Trek episode should have. No real dings except that, for the entire run of TNG, 10-Forward never looked like the holodeck version they had in this episode. Liked the way they took care of Vadic also. She's in a bad situation, but I think they'll be seeing her again. Now, they need to find out if Starfleet HQ has been infiltrated by Changlings, and if so, to what degree. If one was on the Titan, I'm guessing that Starfleet HQ has been compromised...

I agree, Shaw is a d**k, but he did some things in this episode to redeem himself, at least to some degree...
My "ding" was having this separate power cell available for the Holodeck. They literally shut down Life Support to the entire ship at one point to power the thrusters, but couldn't tap the power from the Holodeck because people have the right to escape from facing the horrible situation the ship is in? Doesn't say much about the caliber of Star Fleet personnel if that's true.

And the Titan still got beat up pretty bad, so hopefully they can get far enough away from the Shrike in some random direction to survive some more episodes.

This episode's great line? Picard's answer to Jack when quizzed about his hair: "Enjoy it while you can…"
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I guess my impression was that the warp drive was recharged enough that they could get to a starbase or Federation-aligned planet without any issues, so I don't think they'll be meeting the Shrike again in open space. I could be wrong, of course.

Yeah, the "Enjoy it while you can..." line was a good one. :)

Yeah, the holodeck being on a separate power cell was rather "convenient". I let it go because they needed a setting for a talk to develop the Picard/Jack characters/relationship better other than a corridor and it'll likely never come up again anyway.
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My "ding" was having this separate power cell available for the Holodeck. They literally shut down Life Support to the entire ship at one point to power the thrusters, but couldn't tap the power from the Holodeck because people have the right to escape from facing the horrible situation the ship is in? Doesn't say much about the caliber of Star Fleet personnel if that's true.

And the Titan still got beat up pretty bad, so hopefully they can get far enough away from the Shrike in some random direction to survive some more episodes.

This episode's great line? Picard's answer to Jack when quizzed about his hair: "Enjoy it while you can…"
I thought the same thing, about holodeck power, but given how good this season has been, I gave them a pass.
I was so excited to see "Ensign Ro" - and that was a powerful episode. I just wish we could zap away the 10 episodes of season 2 (or at least five of them) and add them to this season.

Terry Matalas is my hero - for finally giving us the Picard series we deserved.