Star Trek Discovery

meh... It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. Nothing that makes me spend money subscribing to a service for that show alone.
If it was regular network fare, I'd probably continue watching, but since it's not then I probably won't see the rest.
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First episode was slow story set up type, and that is about what I expected.

The second was a little better. I enjoyed it enough to pay the small fee to watch it. Its Trek.
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Out of curiosity, I decided to browse the torrent sites, and sure enough both episodes are there with several thousand downloads already. Hope the ones in the US are masking their IP's, because I'm sure CBS will be logging all of them.

On the flip side, a netflix account and a VPN to the UK works in order to see netflix fare available in the UK (like Discovery), or so I've heard...
Though the first episode didn't make me think it was worth that much effort, so I'll probably just wait until it hits regular tv (or US netflix) at some point.
It was BORING, even if were free, i still wouldnt waste my time watching.

it was way too dark, and basically YUK. sad cbs did so poorly

It is free except in the US.

Too dark? Lemme guess you prefer Tribbles and Riker without the beard?

BTW, didn't like it either. Hopefully Jason Issacs saves the series.
Out of curiosity, I decided to browse the torrent sites, and sure enough both episodes are there with several thousand downloads already. Hope the ones in the US are masking their IP's, because I'm sure CBS will be logging all of them.

On the flip side, a netflix account and a VPN to the UK works in order to see netflix fare available in the UK (like Discovery), or so I've heard...
Though the first episode didn't make me think it was worth that much effort, so I'll probably just wait until it hits regular tv (or US netflix) at some point.

Its on Netflix worldwide except for the US. Also on cable in Canada.
Its on Netflix worldwide except for the US. Also on cable in Canada.
Since Bell went to it's newer satellite's years ago, I lost my feed to Space.

No biggee, like I said, the premiere was okay, just not great enough to have me finding alternate ways to watch it like I did when Battlestar Galatica's first season was shown in the UK almost a year before it was in Scifi.

Is it on Netflix in Canada though? I thought it was blacked out here and there.
This idea has failed. The finances are complex (some say that Netflix is paying the whole bill for it, and others say not only that but that is will sue over it) but clearly this a totally failed effort which will please no part of the ST constitiuancy. Failure.
Well, reviews are coming in, and they're not pretty.

'Star Trek: Discovery' is beyond disappointing

The latest show in the Trek universe is a bitter disappointment, plagued by bad dialogue, poor storytelling and astonishingly stupid characters.
I didn't think it was that bad, but I do agree with the comment about "astonishingly stupid characters."
Well, reviews are coming in, and they're not pretty.

'Star Trek: Discovery' is beyond disappointing

I didn't think it was that bad, but I do agree with the comment about "astonishingly stupid characters."

The show-runners are the stupidest of all....

IF they had been even the slightest bit smarter, they would have shown BOTH parts 1 & 2 of the premiere free on OTA CBS before screwing everybody over and going streaming only. THAT might have given a lot better press.
Well, I think it's like buying a car, BUT, they only give you a set of two wheels on delivery and want you to pay extra for the other two you MUST have.

First you are elated (NEW CAR, WHOOPIE!), and then there's nothing but disgust and a terrible feeling of being cheated and screwed over by the salesman. Enough so that you no longer want to even look at that car again.

Would you ever want to deal with that dealership again, after they pulled that on you?

I don't think so, not for many people anyway.
meh... It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. Nothing that makes me spend money subscribing to a service for that show alone.
If it was regular network fare, I'd probably continue watching, but since it's not then I probably won't see the rest.
I agree, I already pay for my TV service ... I'm not gonna pay a streaming service to watch the same channel that I already sub too.

Thats like having HBO and making you pay to watch HBO GO to see the rest of your show.

I would like to watch it, at least till I see say 4-5 episodes then decide (I like to give a show enough time to get to know the players in the show ...)
Seeing I have to pay extra, I won't be seeing it either.
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