Star Trek Discovery

The "Discovery" Klingons looked like something between Next Gen's plowed-brow and the J.J. Abrams rebooted Klingons. Which Star Trek Universe are we in?

(Unless the last episode before launching the Constitution class star ships goes something like "the Lead Design Engineer is in to 1960s-retro design (like Steampunk, but not as detailed) with readouts that look mechanical but are actually quite sophisticated to be able to pull off the retro look."

But CBS All-Access is not on my radar. I had it before I got my Hopper 3 as a way to watch CBS shows that I missed on my 722, but with the PrimeTime AnyTime that's not an issue anymore. If they charged $2.99/mo I might consider it, but they want Hulu/Netflix prices, and I'm sorry, I don't consider All-Access worth the extra $$.

I think these Klingons are going to be some type of proto-Klingon. Everything I've heard points to this... Shinzhou ( the 24th-century-looking ship ) finding a derelict Klingon ship ( Sarcophagus ship ) out in deep space, Captain and XO beam onto said ship and wake the things up, they barely make it back into Federation space, XO gets her own command ( the butt-ugly Discovery NCC-1031 since it can masquerade as a Klingon ship ), proto-Klingons find 23rd century Klingons, war breaks out ( for Four Years ) between the Feds and Klingons, Captain Garth and the Ares NCC-1650 save the day since you shouldn't send women to do a man's job...
I've loved Kate Mulgrew since she played on Ryan's Hope on ABC back in the 70s as Mary Ryan. Loved her as a captain on Voyager and continue to watch her as Red on Orange is the New Black.

I love Kate Mulgrew. I collected so much of her stuff over the years. I even have a blanket she donated to charity once
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The Star Trek horse is being rode to death. Enough already. Let's get on with the next great idea for a show. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of ST but these spin-offs aren't cuttin' it ;) Thinking aloud.. I wonder what "The Jetsons" might look like with live actor's and CG.
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CBS is showing the first episode this Sunday at 8:30pm. Due to NFL football on CBS that day, best to pad your timer, as CBS doesn't have a flexible show the way Fox does.

No advance reviews are being allowed, as many speculate they're worried about it being a flop.

Thanks, I just stretched my timer to 1.5 hours MORE than the regular 1 hour, just like I did with The Orville.
Well, it's 8:40pm & I'm watching 60 Minutes on my local CBS station. Let me check CBS All Access...nope, nothing there either.
Started about 8:45 est.

My personal opinion, not enough happened on the 1st episode, except I do know that if I have to READ the script everytime a Klingon speaks, I won't be watching it long.
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