Star Trek Discovery

Another good one, only one more before they take a break...
Dang, I just realized that.

Figures. Gets better weekly and now a break.

I guess I can try the Orville again when it goes to break. Im two in there. At three I'll finish or drop it.
FYI, the guide data for Star Trek Discovery also shows pure incompetence. It lists tomorrow's episode as the "Season Finale" even though we know the 6 final episodes return starting Sunday Jan. 7.

"In Chapter 2, while in unfamiliar territory, the USS Discovery crew is forced to get creative in their next efforts to survive opposing and unprecedented forces and return home. It wraps with the Season 1 finale on Sunday, February 11."

So I'm assuming this means the Discovery will lose its magical spore drive, probably get stranded in Klingon space and have to get back to Federation space by traditional warp. Or something like that.
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I did run through all of the episodes again before cancelling my subscription until the final six episodes are up to binge. I don't know how cleaver the writers are but I have a strong feeling that Lorca IS from the Mirror Universe. There were several scenes when Lorca looked at himself in a mirror but so did Stamets. The last " shroom " was returning " home " for Lorca and displayed unknown coordinates. I think we should call using the Spore Drive shroom/shrooming/shroomed. LOL Also Admiral Cornwell mentioned that he wasn't the same person he used to be but he also lost an entire crew and ship. Maybe I'm giving the writers more credit than they deserve.
One thing about last night's episode that nobody seemed to talk about online, & that is that they didn't sexualize/hyper-sexualize the costumes that the women of the Terran Empire wore(didn't reduce the women to being just sex objects) like they did on TOS & Enterprise.* Now I'm sure that there will be plenty of protests over the Dr. getting killed(for obvious reasons), & sure enough, those protests are coming in.

*I wish someone would bring that up & have them explain that difference for a show whose timeline IS supposed to be between Enterprise AND TOS, & why they made that sharp departure in appearance.
*I wish someone would bring that up & have them explain that difference for a show whose timeline IS supposed to be between Enterprise AND TOS, & why they made that sharp departure in appearance.
It's a mirror universe, alternate timeline, so they can do anything they damn well please. (And they have) It's not in that timeline at all.
Now I'm sure that there will be plenty of protests over the Dr. getting killed(for obvious reasons), & sure enough, those protests are coming in.

Actually, I was fine with that. Didn't like him anyway. Compared to all of the other doctors, he ranks at the bottom of the list. People complained about Bashir when DS9 started, but at least Alexander Siddig played the part well and as the seasons progressed, you grew to like him. In Discovery, a show that goes against what the traditional fans want, and doesn't mind killing off main characters whenever the need arises, in an attempt to evoke suspense and "shocking plot twists", it's hard to like anyone because they end up dying before you get the chance to see any substantial character development.

Of course, the one person the writers won't kill off is Burnham, since apparently every single episode and storyline revolves around her, because no one else can do her job.

Also, wouldn't it be funny if we were right and that security guard Ash Tyler was actually the Klingon Voq after all? Everyone seemed to come to that conclusion months ago, and then the guy playing him (Shazad Latif) came out in a public interview to say that he wasn't a Klingon, but now after Sunday's episode, I would tend to think he was outright lying during that interview, just to try and throw everyone off-guard and cover up what we had already figured out.

Let's talk about the USS Defiant though. Originated in TOS, brought back in Enterprise, and now it's in Discovery. So... correct me if I'm wrong here, but the last time we saw the Defiant, it was under the command of Hoshi Sato after Archer was poisoned by her. How does getting control of the Defiant get these people back to their original timeline? And more importantly than that, they've already acknowledged in Sunday's episode that the Defiant is from the future, and they had the specifications of the ship, even though it hasn't been built yet. And then on top of that, the technology within the Defiant is supposed to be more advanced than anything the Discovery has available, which is clearly not the case, because we know that the Discovery has technology which didn't exist in TOS.

Ugh. I give up. I'm just waiting for the Discovery to blow up, killing the entire crew in the Season Finale. And then in 2019, start from scratch with a new Discovery ship and a new crew.

The Good Doctor

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