i heard the cisco boxes are complete crapola to from what the tech was telling me with constant reboots. i did call customer service and had them look up who made the world boxes and your right it's being made by technicolor and humax. i know in my area i can't get the world box because were on arris hardware. there is alot of here say about the next world box comming out that's gonna be a cloud based box as it will have no HDD in it. as far as compatibility issues i always thought the boxes were shipped blank and it just downloaded the software from a main server at spectrum because everything looks the same to me weather it's cisco or arris hardwareCisco actually doesn't make set top boxes anymore. They sold that arm of the business off to Technicolor a few years ago. The Worldbox (101, 201) is made by Technicolor and Humax. Worldbox 2 (110, 210) is made by Technicolor, Humax and Arris. I think the Arris boxes are only available in areas where the local headend uses Motorola equipment, but I could be mistaken. But yes there can be some compatibility issues between set top box manufactures and Motorola/Arris headends and Scientific Atlanta/Cisco headends.