Sorry but it was Mb, not MB, and it's ridiculous as can't connect to my 5G network, and it keeps gong out, now don't tell me not to waste a truck roll. They keep making excuses, refusing to come out and check my lines, I lose connection to my regular 2G network, and have to change my WiFi from on to off to on on my laptop, I shouldn't have to do that.4.23 MB/Seconds is roughly 35 Mb/second. All things considered that is pretty good.
I think you are confusing Megabytes (MB) and Megabits (Mb). Data speeds are measured in Bits per second, file transfer rates are typically displayed as Byes per second.
If this is your example then Charter is 100% correct, your speeds are fine and there's no reason to waste a truck roll on a PEBKAC issue.
Sorry but it was Mb, not MB, and it's ridiculous as can't connect to my 5G network, and it keeps gong out, now don't tell me not to waste a truck roll. They keep making excuses, refusing to come out and check my lines, I lose connection to my regular 2G network, and have to change my WiFi from on to off to on on my laptop, I shouldn't have to do that.
After, and excuse my language, bitching them out, they finally came out this past Monday, I knew it was the lines, Squirrels had chewed through them, making my connection drop, still not getting the advertised speeds, but as long as it stays up, and consistent I'm happy. I still can't connect to my 5G network though, so need to call them to see why, I have numerous devices that it shows up on but refuses to connect, and whenever I try to reconnect on my iPad to the regular it says incorrect password, but it's not, it'll eventually connect like 30 minutes later. Not just my iPad, also my sisters iPad, and all 3 iPhones in the house, same for the laptops won't connect to 5G, get wrong password.It's been over two weeks, have you had a chance to do any of the above?
I'm curious as to your results.
My parents have Charter Internet in Morris, NY. I guess they are lucky to have what they do, which is around 30Mbps, given how rural they are. Charter promised 100Mbps last year, but it never arrived. Charter outright lied about addresses they added to their network as part of their agreement to merge. The State is well within their rights to revoke Charter's franchise agreement for failing to meet the terms. If only New Jersey and PA would do the same to Verizon. These multi-billion dollar companies get millions in handouts from the states and completely fail to meet their commitments. Hold their feet to the fire IMHO. Corporations this big don't need handouts.
Are your parents on a L-TWC plan or SPP? You have to be on SPP to get 100 down, unless you have a grandfathered plan from TWC Maxx, which I don't think hit much of what use to be Time Warner STNY. And they cannot be on the low income Internet Assist plan. Internet Assist is 30 x 4, and is exempt from the 100 Mb upgrade. Also, what's the modem? For speeds of 100 Mb+, you really should have a 16 x 4 modem, so long as TWC has 16 channels downstream in the area, which they should as most of their areas have 24 now and some are moving to 32.
Besides some one off irregular circumstances, it doesn't matter if you're urban, suburban or rural, you will get the same speeds as the rest of the subscribers in your service area. I live in a rural town of 1.5 traffic lights and a population density of 170 people per sq mi. The town next to me has no traffic lights and a population density of 50 people per sq mi. And as long as you can get cable, you can get gigabit service in these two towns. Cell phone reception is another matter though...
The modem is probably the UBee DVW32CB, which is what I used for a couple of years prior to getting gig. It was a solid modem and is 16 x 4, which is more than capable of handling 100 Mbps. Never used it as a router or WAP though, I had it bridged. Sounds like everything is good with the account since it was created post merger. If it's constantly at around 30 Mb day or night, it may be a provisioning error. The modem may have been pushed the wrong config file. On some Ubee's you used to be able to see the exact provisioning rate in the GUI of the modem. Bottom line is something is wrong either with the modem or the lines in the area and could be affecting the whole node. If no one ever calls about it how, Charter will never know that there's a problem and this is how you get people saying the big bad cable company is cheating them. 100 x 10 should yield a speed test result of just under 120 x 12 if there's no other network activity.
They ain't getting kicked out of the state. What a bunch of bull
there techs and csr's are so bad they need to be shut down in every state they operate in. i liked twc alot better than these maroons. hell i liked adelphia better atleast you didn't have to pull teeth from a turnip to get sh*t done!!!The post you replied to is "old news", so here's a more current status. The new plan submission deadline is still a few days away:
Charter negotiating with NY to avoid being kicked out of the state