Space broadcasts to be in high definition

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The broadcasts, scheduled for Nov. 15, will be carried by Discovery HD Theater and the Japanese broadcast network NHK. :)
This could be the ultimate H/D eye candy..should be a "keeper"
For some reason, my Tivo does not show the live program @ 11:30 A.M. 11/15
but does list the ISS Live replay @ 11/15 9PM-11/16 12AM 11-16@4AM 11-16@5PM 11-18 @8PM ET...ALL :30 Minutes in length.
...For some reason, my Tivo does not show the live program @ 11:30 A.M. 11/15
but does list the ISS Live replay @ 11/15 9PM-11/16 12AM 11-16@4AM 11-16@5PM 11-18 @8PM ET...ALL :30 Minutes in length.

I noticed the same thing. When I went to Discovery HD Theater's homepage early this morning their schedule showed regular programming in the morning and just the ISS replays in the evening.
I am sure it takes a bit of time to relay the needed info to Tribune Media (assuming they still create & provide the EPG data) and them have them edit the EPG and send it out for receiver to update; and all that assumes any of that will happen. I have seen some one-time special events like this never get added the the EPG, especially on short notice.
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Help--Directv HD Receiver and HR 15

Picture problem, 1 box only.. need your help

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