This one comes from avsforum and was posted by Bob Sorel.
Hehe, Sean, I made those posts here first and then copied them over to AVS, my home court...

I only use my real name there...

I also watched "the new guy" and wasn't very impressed at all. With quick movements there were pixelation issues. When cheerleaders were flipping, and doing cart wheels and stuff, it got ugly! Also the picture looked a little soft to me, when compared to HBO, or showtime HD on D*. Sure I know it was different material playing, but it just doesn't have that 3-d pop effect like D* has on the VOOM Premium channels. I have to say I didn't notice the micro stutters that much during the movie though. Maybe 1 about every 15 minutes or so. I'd have to say that is at least an improvement for the micro stutters.
I didn't get any pixelization last night on that movie, but I could have missed it since I was preoccupied with other things. If you are having a lot of pixelization problems, you might be having reception problems or your receiver is otherwise not getting a sufficient signal to lock onto the picure all the time (trees partially blocking your line of site, dish slightly off target, defective receiver, etc.).
What I found was that the sharp image and vibrant colors had returned last night, and that is why I posted this:
I watched The New Guy tonight and the PQ was excellent once again. My question is, though, are they playing the compression shell game or are they fixing a problem? Once again, some communication from Voom would go a long way.
I haven't had a chance to watch anything yet today, but you can be sure I will be watching intently tonight to see if things get better, get worse, or stay the same.