Sorry to say but I won't be Vooming anymore! (Edit: Totally Back)

This one comes from avsforum and was posted by Bob Sorel.

Hehe, Sean, I made those posts here first and then copied them over to AVS, my home court...:)

I only use my real name there...:D

I also watched "the new guy" and wasn't very impressed at all. With quick movements there were pixelation issues. When cheerleaders were flipping, and doing cart wheels and stuff, it got ugly! Also the picture looked a little soft to me, when compared to HBO, or showtime HD on D*. Sure I know it was different material playing, but it just doesn't have that 3-d pop effect like D* has on the VOOM Premium channels. I have to say I didn't notice the micro stutters that much during the movie though. Maybe 1 about every 15 minutes or so. I'd have to say that is at least an improvement for the micro stutters.

I didn't get any pixelization last night on that movie, but I could have missed it since I was preoccupied with other things. If you are having a lot of pixelization problems, you might be having reception problems or your receiver is otherwise not getting a sufficient signal to lock onto the picure all the time (trees partially blocking your line of site, dish slightly off target, defective receiver, etc.).

What I found was that the sharp image and vibrant colors had returned last night, and that is why I posted this:

I watched The New Guy tonight and the PQ was excellent once again. My question is, though, are they playing the compression shell game or are they fixing a problem? Once again, some communication from Voom would go a long way.

I haven't had a chance to watch anything yet today, but you can be sure I will be watching intently tonight to see if things get better, get worse, or stay the same.
Has anyone evaluated DVI vs component since all these changes started occuring? closing the analog hole without warning? Just a thought.

sorry about that I did not know :) Thanks for taking the time to do this. As you said, V* has the ability to do put out a better picture as I and others have experienced this great picture before. They need to eliminate all these artifacts. Last the night the Sopranos and Deadwood was fine on HBO-East but look what happened last night for HBO-West on the same programs

This stuff you cannot hide --- PQ will need to be fixed if VOOM is to survive. It has been over a month since some of these problems started to appear.
last night the sopranos-deadwood was 98% perfect..a couple of pixelizations ,studder and 2 times screen went to black for a second--AND i am NOT using a DVIcable. or DLP set..Now that wouln't be so bad bbut 2 weeks agi i wrote 100% perfect not a glitch to be seen..apparently HD has trouble or this mpeg 2 on a mpeg4 box?? with brightness or movement, for i have even seen movement artifacts on Playboy on a quick mooving scene or the camera pans fast on SKIN (no jokes please) Hope they get this worked out
Despite all of the PQ problems, I will be sticking with V* (unless it goes drastically more downhill). I am a firm believer to stick with a new business if you believe in their mission and product. They have shown a dedication to resolving major issues and have been transforming their company at a very rapid rate. At CES in the beginning of January, they were promoting the $700 package for the install and hardware. Many of the people I talked to there laughed and said they would never make it. So, Voom listened and came out with a package for $10 a month, free install and no committment. That's an answer within the fiscal quarter, which is pretty remarkable IMHO.
I agree with digideal.

The pace Voom is moving at is impressive for a new company. I remember when XBox came out they never listened to anyone. People hacked the xbox and found out you can adjust the hex code and make the DVD player progressive. Did Xbox team listen and come out with any upgrade for that? Hell no. They stonewall what the fans want and have really stupid ideas from old people that don't know anything about gaming.

We should be thankful we have Voom and not some Microcrap HD. If they came after HD (they will someday). We have a box so buggy it would get hacked, wormed, exploited and they would nickle and dime us so bad we would pray for Voom or Cox instead.
I didn't watch any TV all weekend until last night and I tuned in Les Miserables on Epics and the picture was superb. Now keep in mind that my projector is in the shop and I am now viewing on my 27" analog TV, but I still have a keen eye for picture quality and can tell the difference between true HD and upconverts even on my 27" TV and I thought the PQ was gorgeous. I then watched a bit of Earthquake and for an SD channel, the PQ was far superior to any channel I've ever seen on Dish SD. I also watched the Sheryl Crow concert on Rave and there were very few artifacts and the picture was great.

Maybe I just lucked out and caught a good period. I hope the problems are fixed in the next 2 weeks when I get my pj back from the shop.
Ditto guys. I essentially have no other HD option (line of sight issues/cable unavailability). So, needless to say, I'm in for the long haul. But that aside, if you enjoy at least some of the programming and you're not stretched too much financially, then why not hang out for awhile. I would hope Voom's presence (regardless of performance) helps, along with these forums, to wake up the world to the growing demand for HD programming. And hopefully this will result in increasing competition which can do nothing but benefit us, the viewer.
last night the sopranos-deadwood was 98% perfect..a couple of pixelizations ,studder and 2 times screen went to black for a second

Same here. My concerns, however, center around the over usage of compression, not the pixelization, blackouts, stuck pixels, etc. Those particular artifacts are most probably due to software decoding errors, signal locking problems, or transmission/reception problems, and I feel confident that those problems will be cleaned out as time goes on.

The problems which concern me, and should concern most everybody, is the potential over compression. These artifacts show up as washed out colors, very soft image, posturization, macro blocking, and other similar problems. If we don't complain, then Voom will think that we are perfectly happy watching this kind of image and will continue to keep up the heavy compression. Remember, the more compression used, the more bandwidth is freed up, and the more stations that can be added, so it is in Voom's best interests to add as many stations as possible within their alotted bandwidth. It is, however, detrimental to the end user's (us) picture quality.

Since the PQ problems seem to have become more prominent since the latest software update (5.68), I have to wonder if Voom actually caused their own problems in an attempt to fix some of the other bugs. Maybe by rewriting some of the decoding algorithms, they may have accidentally lowered the PQ by introducing new errors in the code. I haven't had Voom long enough to make any meaningful judgements, as I only had the default sofware (5.08 I think) for 2 days. It might have been coincidence, but those were the two days that the PQ was the very best!

At any rate, I know what I have been seeing, and Saturday night, for example, the PQ on all of the HD stations was pretty poor by HD standards, and for whatever reason it was like that, we shouldn't have to tolerate it for any length of time. Sunday night the PQ was back to very good and maybe even excellent. What is going on, Voom?

As long as Voom is aware that they have a problem, and are willing to fix it, then I personally will be patient and give them time to get the work done. If, on the other hand, they are trying to up the compression in order to fit in more channels, then I will be gone. Like I said before, I bought high definition television and that is exactly what I expect to get.
Maybe I just lucked out and caught a good period.

Yup, that's about right! On Friday and Saturday nights the PQ was at its worst, and Sunday night everything looked good once again. Go figure...
oddwunn said:
Yup, that's about right! On Friday and Saturday nights the PQ was at its worst, and Sunday night everything looked good once again. Go figure...

I don't know, Deadwood and Sopranos on HBOHD-West were pretty craptastic.
I don't know, Deadwood and Sopranos on HBOHD-West were pretty craptastic.

Yeah, I didn't check HBOHD-West. From the posts I have read here, it seems like that channel has bad PQ most, if not all, of the time. It's yet another problem for Voom to put on their "to do" list.
I usually do not complain about Voom but after reading so much in this tread this morning I decided to compare HD Discovery on Voom to the same channel on DirecTv (since I still have both). The program was "World of American Indian Dance." Switching between D* and V* clearly showed many artifacts on V* and only occasional on D*. D* was also more punchy and 3D. V*, in comparison, was annoying and unacceptable. I hope that Voom is experiencing some technical problems and that this rather dramatic degradation of PQ is not what they want us to experience. I am not panicking. I am staying with Voom for now because I still believe that they want to deliver the best HD experience possible. Let's give them more time to work it out.
andrzej said:
I usually do not complain about Voom but after reading so much in this tread this morning I decided to compare HD Discovery on Voom to the same channel on DirecTv (since I still have both). The program was "World of American Indian Dance." Switching between D* and V* clearly showed many artifacts on V* and only occasional on D*. D* was also more punchy and 3D. V*, in comparison, was annoying and unacceptable. I hope that Voom is experiencing some technical problems and that this rather dramatic degradation of PQ is not what they want us to experience. I am not panicking. I am staying with Voom for now because I still believe that they want to deliver the best HD experience possible. Let's give them more time to work it out.
I did the SAME test with Bravo HD a week ago.... using VOOM and Cablevision IO. Cablevision was blowing VOOM out of the water and contrary to what someone had posted a few threads back....

you do not have to have a TV 50'' or larger to see these problems... on a 36" CRT I am able to notice the same problems as I am on a DLP 60".... go figure.
red ufo said:
I've been waiting for the HD tivo for alooooooooooonng time now. So Voom is a good layover until something like that comes out.
Voom is a good move RED, just rent it.
1080iWannabe said:
Wow! I am glad I never did sign up. I am still leery of install issues, and now this leaves me cold. I'll stay on the sidelines. :confused:
If you go with any sat service you will need that antenna. With no install costs and the ability to rent and no contract where is your risk at?
I'm still VOOMin'. Despite the problems, it's still the best HD package out there. I'm also pleased with the improved selection of movies. PQ varies at times, but often its superb. When I see a pixel, I just call it a glitch.

Look folks, it's the best we've got. If we let VOOM die, D* & E* will take the stand that HD isn't that important, and it'l be a long time before we get as much HD choice.

I'm new to Voom, and at this point am still happy with it. I wanted to ask a question and, if it's a stupid one, forgive me. But, since our signal is coming from a satellite, wouldn't the amount of solar wind affect our picture quality? Looking on for last week, we had a major coronal ejection on the seventh, which could/would cause reception to degrade for a period of time. Does that make sense?

A little background on myself. I was a cable customer, but the company couldn't get HD right. V* on it's worst day could only equal where I came from, and V* is costing me less to boot, so I'm here for a long while. Also geographically, I don't have D* and E* as choices. The V* satellite happens to sit in a gap in the surrounding trees.
just about everything affects sat reception. But I will never go back to cable. Dont believe anyone who tells you storms, disturbances, solar conditions do not affect sat reception. They affect OTA reception as well .The good thing about satellite is that these things pass and they can be reduced with different dish designs, generally you might lose a station for a couple of minutes. But if your cable goes out it could be out for hours and hours.

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