Sorry to say but I won't be Vooming anymore! (Edit: Totally Back)

red ufo said:

I'm dumping Cox and giving Voom a chance because I'm not putting another dime into Cox. Voom can be a good place to sit and wait until the HD gets its act together thru out the media monopolies.

Don't expect any corp to talk about look at the Xbox corp if you need to see what stiff arming your own customers can really be.
Go with D* red ufo, is my advice-Voom sd sucks and the hd is getting worse and less detailed each and every day-Voom is not ready for us yet and D* is-that's the big difference as of now-By the time your 1 year is up with D*, maybe, if they are still around, Voom will be the service it is meant to be.
Just my 2 cents.
Sincerely-almost ready to pull the plug on VOOOOOOOOOM!!!
eschu97611 said:
Go with D* red ufo, is my advice-Voom sd sucks and the hd is getting worse and less detailed each and every day-Voom is not ready for us yet and D* is-that's the big difference as of now-By the time your 1 year is up with D*, maybe, if they are still around, Voom will be the service it is meant to be.
Just my 2 cents.
Sincerely-almost ready to pull the plug on VOOOOOOOOOM!!!

I've been waiting for the HD tivo for alooooooooooonng time now. So Voom is a good layover until something like that comes out.
red ufo said:
I've been waiting for the HD tivo for alooooooooooonng time now. So Voom is a good layover until something like that comes out.
Don't dooooooooooooo it-if the pq keeps decreasing-you'll live to regret it-this is fuuuuuuuuuun, huh-sticky keyboard I gueeeeees.
This is just crazy! Though everyone here knows how Sean feels. We are all early adopters of this technology (Voom and hdtv). We take it more serious than average satellite viewers. We demand the best and settle for nothing less. Maybe Voom hasn't realized this yet.
All I'll say is that V* reads these forums and if this doesn't convince them that they need to get their act together sooner rather than later than I'm left speechless.

Here we have Sean who has stuck with them thru thick and thin and feels so let down with the service that he feels he has no choice but to walk away. Thats really sad to loose such a stalwart supporter.

I really do hope you re-consider Sean and give them just a bit longer. We'd miss you and the unselfish support you been so free to share.
Why did their picture quality of the HD channels drop in the first place? Are they compressiong to try to get more room for more channels or did they lose or almost ready to lose some of the transponder space that they once had on the satellite?
When someone like Sean has had it something is wrong..this weekend seems to have caused an insurection amongst the original customers,not from how thing look bad, or the problems but knowing how good it once looked!!Time for a post here from VOOm explaining some plans and other items(without giving away the store) Is this a temorary problem? is this due to limited space?? Is this due to say( a comparrison) running windows XXX 2006 on a machine geared for windows 98? what i mean is the system which is supposed to be the most modern running at 1/2 speed and having issues(comatability) untill this goes to MPEG-4 and the bit rates and whatever else goes along with this?? please let us loyal customer know!!
thanks-----(also posted on yahoo)
I Just sent E-Mail to Voom

Good Evening,

I have been away form the forum for a couple days. I was shocked to read all the negative comments.

It was just this week that Voom, through the assistance of Peter and Sean, corrected my "no info" in PG problem. Remember, I was in stalled on 3-13 and had never received OTA info in my PG.

Voom fix my major problem after I complained. I also hope that they fix the poor picture quality. I hope they are responsive to their customer's problems.

Let's conduct a test, I sent Peter (Voom) the following e-mail:

"Good Morning,

You need to read the comments being made on the Voom Forum @ Satelliteguys. It appears that many subscribers are upset with Voom picture quality and service..

It would help if you or another Voom representitive would address the current problems and planned corrective action(s) on the Satelliteguys forum.

If some action is not taken SOON, I fear that you will see an increase in your deactivations. My family is enjoying Voom and I don't want it to fail because of a lack of communication or a forum full of negative communication.


Hopefully, Voom will reply to this forum. That is the least they can do. It would take very little effort and be an example of good customer service.

Again, I like Voom, but if their is no reply by Friday, March 16th, I am afraid that I will have to change my forum from "Loyal Voomer" to "Former Voomer."

I have faith that Voom will come through!
i will give them a tiny bit of leeway--this has been the easter weekend,no excuse, but let's see what happens monday-tueday at least for a response!!
Well I must be the lucky one since I'm very pleased with VOOM and have no problems with ANY of their channels or programs or receiver! Would like to drop some of my DirecTV programing and use VOOM more, but without a PVR for VOOM, I won't till one is available. I plan to keep both DirecTV & VOOM in the future and the OTA are equal on both (Great, again luck?) so I could drop them on D* & Movie Channels too, but again no VOOM PVR yet, so my TiVO's only work with D*. If I'm this lucky why can't I hit the Hoosier Lottery, I buy a $5.00 ticket twice a week?
cyuhnke said:
Just curious everybody, but where is it that you are going for your HD? I thought D* and E* had the same problems as V*. I also am thinking of leaving, but my cable company isn't very committed to HD, my locals aren't in HD, and in the 122nd largest media market, none of that will change soon. Are you guys in big cities that have cable companies that offer good HD pkgs and options?

Sorry but VOOM was about the same as D*'s HD feed a few weeks ago, but now it is actually worse. I have signed up for HBO HD, and SHowtime HD on D* again, because I am tire of not only the down grade in PQ, but the annoying micro stutters that is apparent *to me* on the channels. Sean I am sorry to see you go, you've been a huge help to all of us here, and you will be missed. I will stick it out a little longer, but if quality doesn't improve soon, I'm jumping ship too.
I love HD when it is done right but even love it to the point where I can watch it with minimal degradation on the signal. This is why I have invested over $10K on HDTV -- LCD, DLP and Plasma. I have my LCD and DLP connected to both E* and V*. The plasma to basic cable. Even the whole "policy changes" will not make it drop V*. It is wrong any which way you look at it. I currently have 6 E* receivers and was planning to drop the bomb on E* :) and convert all E* receivers to V* (I was just waiting for ESPN-HD). This is why I waited so long on the lease program switch. I wanted to buy another 4 receivers since it would not make sense to pay $65/mth on leasing for me. I guess E* will stay with my business for now :)

Everyone of us has its turning point. I had such a difficult weekend that all I wanted was to sit down and enjoy some HD. But the problem is that the problem happens at random. At one point one channel for a given program looks fine and you tune to another it looks watch out. Turn to same channel two hours later and it looks fine. Turn to it again it looks pixelated.

It is just not fun to see this on big screen. I have thought about it and I am willing to give them until the end of 4/30. This is where my mbg will end. I really hope that they don't pull another one on this one and turn back on their "word". I will make another assesment at 4/30.

Hope I can enjoy some Sopranos and Deadwood Tonight without problems or I'll be switching to E*. This is what I did last week because my signal drop so drastically with minimal rain.
Lot's of people will be watching HBO for those 2 hours...Let's see how it looks..first time it was BAD they fixed it 2 weeks ago it was perfect..tonight we shall least there will be many watching
I hate to say me too, but I said it in the Poll thread when the info about cancelling and reinstalling came up. There are a couple more weeks to burn off on the programming credit, but then it looks like asta la vista.

Here's the reason for me:
The business side of Voom is not up to par with the technical side. Although it is worse for DirecTV & marginally better for Dish, as a customer I would like to know what's happening/coming through normal channels, e.g..: what's the firewire situation; what's the PVR/home networking tradeup deal (is there one?); what's the target for additional HD channels; etc. I can deal with tech problems and growing pains, but I am distressed about lack of plain speak. The "re roll" was supposed to be straightened out & there was supposed to be an upgrade policy, but nothing yet. It's hard to make decisions based on the lack of info, except potentiall beating feet and coming back later.

When I left Dish they were vociferous about a reactivation fee as a punitive measure, so I won't be going back there, aside from stealth dishwire.

I have been taping regularly off of Comcast (The Rock was great last night - OAR, & great PQ). The main missing elements are TMC & Encore (and Monsters), and PBHOTHD, but I think I can live with that, begrudgingly.

DDay (Disconnect Day) is 4/30 like Sean w/o major things happening.

I'm still in the "I'm keen on it" phase, but I have to admit that I have a timer ticking in my head towards my refund date. I've got a personal list of things that I need to see get done, and if they don't I'm perfectly willing to pull the plug. I love HD, and god knows there's not a place to get more of it. But I bought this stuff. I can live with my 5 crappy channels from Cox if I have to for now.

Sean Mota said:
I have thought about it and I am willing to give them until the end of 4/30.

I'm personally happy to hear this. V* needs to do right to keep customers like really is in their best interest.
Saturday night everything I watched was sharp and clear.This morning still very good pictures. Then I saw dullness on several channels this evening. But I saw improved sd.on other channels almost OTA quality. compression games. But right now the sopranos are on and it looks pretty sharp. Someone is definately experimenting with compression today. I will wait and see what deadwood looks like. It is usually outstanding.
I guess I'm not watching enough TV. I watched The Bourne Identity on StarzHD this afternoon (on a 65" Toshiba) and thought it looked great. Same with Deadwood Friday night.
Call me naive, but I am not seeing any of these things you guys are complaining about. I have VAVA VOOM and I went through every single channel, and the channels look exactly the same to me as they have. They looked sharp and fine.

Hey all I have been reading your posts for the better part of this week as I just got installed on Tuesday. Living in the philly area i was a slave to the comcast monopoly and had their hi def and just got fed up with the amount charged to quality of what i was getting which was crap. not only in amount but the pq was terrible. My voom experience has been a mixed bag. All good on voom's end, not so good with installs inc. But I am with holding my main judgement about it all until after this Tues. when installs is headed back out to switch my OTA to the 8 bay. To make a long story short it saddens me to hear the founders coming to their end with V*. In my opinion the pq on both the hd and sd here is superb compared to comcast. the onscreen menu is much more intuitive. The two clinchers for me will be how the OTA works combining the hd and sd as it is comes from my local stations and the addition of more programming soon. especially espn. I am giving them a month. But am lost as to where to go if i were to leave. I hope V* pipes in to give me hope. I know I am on the back end of early adopters but I want to see this thing soar.

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