Man I am missing all of the fun... I am over at my in laws chrisrtams party watching directv's new side bar errrr... Hd channels.. Be back home later till then I have the blackberry.
Happy Birthday Poke!
You must hate having your Birthday so close to Christmas, my sons Birthday is January 3rd and I feel bad for him as when its his birthday he seems to get the left over Christmas gifts that the other kids didn't want.
Anyways Happy Birthday again!!
Well that outage lasted about 2 hours and 20 minutes.
And in that time we had 63 posts in this thread, while the other site didn't even have a single mention that there was a problem.
Thanks for choosing SatelliteGuys folks!
Merry Christmas!
My daughter's birthday is Dec 21st (she was due on the 25th but my wife asked to be induced). Son's is Jan 16th.My wife's birthday is Jan. 3rd and its such a bummer to her. When her birthday rolls around, everyone is sick of parties and they've spent all their money on Christmas. She never gets a decent celebration or stand out gifts on her birthday (that includes me as a giver as well).
James would voice his opposition against any Dish critics. But Charlie's p**** is in his mouth!!! Kinda makes it hard to talk!! It is easier to click the delete button.. LOLWhat good would of it done to post at Dbstalk website? Old James Long would of deleted it because he would of considered it a negative critcism or slam against DISH. You know he defends them in his sleep no matter what they do or don't do.