At the moment I'm using a e4000 dongle. It's the only spare SDR I have on hand at the moment. On Monday I have arriving an airspy and some SMA adapters that will let let me put an LNA (and the airplay) right next to the antenna. I'll report back if this changes anything with the software demodulator.
In other news, I hooked up my USRP1 with the DBSRX2 daughterboard (800-2300 MHz). I tried this with the HRIT/EMWIN software from The software defaults are designed to work with a downcoverter but you can adjust the frequency manually. Unfortunately I have been unable to get it to see the signal at 1692.7. I'll try this configuration again once I have the LNA installed right next to the antenna.
As a side note, I can also confirm that R820T based devices cannot see the signal (even with a good LNA) no matter what the advertising says about range.