SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

If you try to read with the mindset and culture of a first century Jew you will see a lot of errors in most denominations. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, there is good in most denominations as well. We have to keep that log in our eye in check.
the Lifetime subscription also states that they SA were to launch a NEW SATELLITE in 2002. they are picking and choosing what part of the agreement to follow. Besides the Satellite is still "alive". it may be slowly failing but not yet. therefore they should have to honor the subs until the satellite does actually fail. what a worldly play on words they are doing! what about the subscriber/spouse lifetime portion? many of us still seem to be alive :)
the Lifetime subscription also states that they SA were to launch a NEW SATELLITE in 2002. they are picking and choosing what part of the agreement to follow. Besides the Satellite is still "alive". it may be slowly failing but not yet. therefore they should have to honor the subs until the satellite does actually fail. what a worldly play on words they are doing! what about the subscriber/spouse lifetime portion? many of us still seem to be alive :)
SA said it was under contract for the 2002 satellite, I wonder what happened to that contract!
The number of current sky angel customers that will buy skyangels iptv is
Very small.....
the reson for the switch now is to make money by selling the tranponders
back to dish............
set up the iptv thing,try and get up and running
and if not....
take the money and go home
that may sound a little harsh,but that is the way i see things going..

because they could run both iptv and the sat until it dies
but choose not to.
A friend sent me this blog yesterday since it addresses legalism I thought it worthy of sharing here:
Prodigals and Pharisees by Fred Peatross

It is much easier to be convinced of our unrighteousness than our self-righteousness. Unrighteousness is in direct opposition to Scripture. It is external, observable and usually easy to define. But self-righteousness is more subtle. Most self-righteous people are religious. They have strong passions about certain rules and regulations. They set themselves up as God's watchdogs. When they encounter someone who breaks the rules, they feel good about themselves and condescending toward the lawbreakers. Their attitude smells like the elder brother Jesus described in Luke 16.

Legalism is not just sub-Christian or non-Christian. It is anti-Christian. Pay close attention. Because the works of a legalist is subtle. They have the answers for everyone and everything. They confuse knowledge for spirituality.

When the prostitute in Luke 7 washed the feet of Jesus with her tears, Simon said, "If the man were a prophet he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is." Let me ask you. Do you think Simon was less sinful than this woman? Of course he wasn't. He was just more obtuse to his real condition. Legalism does not merely make it impossible to see others as God sees them, it also keeps them from seeing themselves as they really are.

Martin Luther once said that we needed to repent of both our unholy and good deeds alike. He understood that our so-called "righteousness" is full of vanity and devoid of all godliness. Even
our most selfless and sacrificial acts are tainted with sin. Maybe this is what Isaiah meant when he said, "All our righteous acts are like filthy rags." They are soiled and stained with duplicity and self-serving motives.

Jerry Bridges addresses the error of the Christian Pharisee when he said, "Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of grace."

The older brother in Luke 15 was so near, yet so far. So "right" but so wrong. He stood on the premise of grace, but was a stranger to its promise. He seemed so good, hardworking, and obedient. But he had the heart of a graceless beast.

At different times in the past I have been both a prodigal and a Pharisee. But Christianity is found in neither. Christianity is centered in Jesus.

Fred Peatross
not all the channels were C-Band but a fair amount of them. Some channels I have no clue how SA is getting them since they weren't listed anywhere

But yes..normally those channels on C-Band Dish could pluck from the sky, compress them and reuplink on Echo III

GTN (WSFJ 51) I heard is sent to skyangel via Fiber. I remember a aquaintance here in Columbus telling me years go when they had planned to go on SA that they paid to have fiber installed from their place to get their programming to the E* Uplink for SA.
Yes, that is basically what they told me in their e-mail response concerning Glorystar. They said they did not have their own uplink capabilities. They did say they checked out Glorystar's website and were impressed with the service and if their ever came the time they could obtain the technology, they would considfr exploring Glorystar. I will miss GTN.
I would have thought that perhaps GTN might want to get together with Spirit Communications and hitch a ride on their uplink system. Surely it would be cheaper to add one more channel to an existing uplink, than to build one from scratch. This would at least get them on C-band, and then they could contract with a third party to uplink that signal onto Ku-band.
The response they sent me was very nice and polite. But I got the impression that they really liked the idea, but they have a lot on their late financially at the present time and just can't swing finding a way to obtain an uplink.

I could be way off, but that is the way I took it.

They did say however that in the future if they could realize the resources to do such, they would look into Glorystar.

I am curious as to how many chanels will dump Skyangel after the big change.
IPTV???.....not for us.....

I just discovered yesterday, after accidentally stumbling on a complaint about SkyAngel at another consumer website, that SA is planning on switching to service via H.Sp. Internet. "Great".... there are a lot of current subscribers who do not have access to high speed service.

My family is disappointed. Where we live, there's no cable, so folks our way rely on satellite service for all our tv. Furthermore, we had no desire for any secular programming & have subscribed faithfully to SA since they first offered it.

What are we to do? What also kind of angers me is that we just paid for another full year...... you'd have thought we would have gotten some literature or "something" about this change. Not a word from SA in our mail; as I mentioned, I learned of this from another unhappy subscriber, who like me, can't GET h.speed internet service.
Welcome, this is a common complaint that we are hearing from many of our members. In addition some folks while they have broadband do not have a fast enough connection to support a 1.5MB/s video stream.

While I believe that IPTV is indeed the future of television, I believe that SkyAngel is jumping in with both feet too soon. But with the state of the Echostar Satellite at 61.5 they may be getting pushed to make the move since they never got their own uplink and satellite launched to continue satellite service.
I just discovered yesterday, after accidentally stumbling on a complaint about SkyAngel at another consumer website, that SA is planning on switching to service via H.Sp. Internet. "Great".... there are a lot of current subscribers who do not have access to high speed service.

My family is disappointed. Where we live, there's no cable, so folks our way rely on satellite service for all our tv. Furthermore, we had no desire for any secular programming & have subscribed faithfully to SA since they first offered it.

What are we to do? What also kind of angers me is that we just paid for another full year...... you'd have thought we would have gotten some literature or "something" about this change. Not a word from SA in our mail; as I mentioned, I learned of this from another unhappy subscriber, who like me, can't GET h.speed internet service.

Hello fellow disappointed Skyangel customer. You might want to look into Glorystar. True, you will have to buy another dish, but it costs NOTHING per month. That is where I, and some others are heading.

There is a section on this forum for Glorystar, or check out .

God bless and take care.
thanks NYRMan

Hi there NYRman, and thank you for the reply. I'm going to definately check out Glorystar.

Blessings right back atcha!
One other option would be Dish Family, since you currently have the Dish receivers.

Some people object to some of the programming shown on some of the channels though.

This link lists all of the channels on Dish Family:
DISH Network -- DISH Family
In response to the message posted by elder: Yes, a lot has changed since Rob, Sr. died. Actually, a lot started changing after Rob, Sr. began handing over his reign, so to speak, to the younger "powers that be" within the company. I used to work for SkyAngel back in the late 90's, and I can honestly say that from the beginning of my employment to the end, the company went from being one where you could pray, read your Bible between calls, and where top priority was given to courteous, spirit-inspired responses to customers to a company where a greater emphasis was being placed on sales, winning competitions, filling quotas and the like.

This is a common problem with many companies. Unless the younger generation shared in the initial vision, when the founding visionary dies or reliqushes control, the company whithers and dies. The emphasis goes from keeping a vision to making a buck. Yes, the initial vision includes making a buck but it is generally not the reason the business became popular in the first place.

The times when a company continues to grow you can see substancial changes in the tone and direction to maximizing every nickel as oposed to a family-type business

I have personally worked for three companies at the time of transition from the founding visionary to the younger generation. Two went out of business within a few years. The other, Walmart (Sam's Club was who I worked for), went from a family store that happened to be very successful and insisted when possible on providing American-made products at a low price to a place where getting the cheapest at all costs was the focus even single-handedly driving some companies over seas (rubbermaid is one of them)

See ya

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