SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

I didn't get a copy of my lifetime agreement so I wrote to them a couple years ago and asked. They responded via email and I posted it here, probably in the archives someplace. They told me my lifetime subscription was for as long as Dominion provided DBS service in North America. - $150 for equipment and $14.99 per month for 3 TV channels on one radio channel. (Plus, one TV channel is a duplicated channel, just in Spanish). That can't be tough to compete against.

Couple of points here. moiptv can always add more channels later. However that wasn't the principle point I was making. I was making the point that it was much easier for moiptv to get up and running than it would be to jump into the DBS business. So SA is likely to face much more competition in the iptv market. That may or may not be moiptv.
"For those who purchased the lifelong subscription it will last for the operating lifetime of the Dominion Sky Angel domestic U.S. DBS service and for the lifetime of the subscriber and his or her spouse without any further subscription fees and includes a minimum of 32 television and radio channels selected at Dominion's sole discretion."
Unfortunately there was no suicide clause included in the provision, so I guess SA will be considered legally dead. Maybe as someone suggested they should assume Earth Angel as the new corporate name.
10 year agreement

Did anyone realize that in 1999 sky angel also sold the following subscriptions?

This is no problem for the 3 yrs but SA still would owe the 10 year subs 2 years of subscription. that subs was NOT for the life of the satellite!

I don't know how long they sold these for but possibly longer than 1999?

Sky Angel Programming

Sky Angel 10-Year Prepaid Subscription $ 450.00 (Ask about the 10-payment plan)

Sky Angel 3-Year Prepaid Subscription $ 225.00 (Ask about the 9-payment plan)

Sky Angel Month-to-Month $ 9.00 each month.
That is why you the man. For 15 bucks, I will put it away I guess until I can do that. I must of misread the description. Other than the upgrade, is there any other way to split them or do you know of where to get that particular monoblock or one that is compatible?
That is why I asked the question, GloryStar1 has said that they are going to come out with a monoblock. So I thought maybe you had one coming! The 4° spacing is two tight to fit dual LNBs on to GloryStar's current setup.
So hang on for the monoblock!!:)
That is why I asked the question, GloryStar1 has said that they are going to come out with a monoblock. So I thought maybe you had one coming! The 4° spacing is two tight to fit dual LNBs on to GloryStar's current setup.
So hang on for the monoblock!!:)

hi check this out iptv via satellite SES]SES Americom Rolls Out IP-PRIME Throughout North America - 6/19/2007 2:31:00 PM - Multichannel News Americom Rolls Out IP-PRIME Throughout North America - 6/19/2007 2:31:00 PM - Multichannel News
and SES Americom Signs Five Programmers for IP-PRIME IPTV Service - 4/16/2007 12:01:00 AM - Multichannel News
god bless
That is why I asked the question, GloryStar1 has said that they are going to come out with a monoblock. So I thought maybe you had one coming! The 4° spacing is two tight to fit dual LNBs on to GloryStar's current setup.
So hang on for the monoblock!!:)

I'm hanging my friend, i'm hanging, white knuckles and all. :D
oof...never thought you'd say that but you may be right.

I am a businessman myself and always assumed Sky Angel was being run by competent business people. At this point, I highly doubt that. Not to sound vain buth had I been running SA I would worked with a lot of religious leaders like Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Cathloic leaders and the Billy Graham Association to promote it among the Christian public. I would have advertised in various forms of Christian media. I would have worked with popular Christian videos like Veggie Tales in order to promote SA on the front end of their VHS or DVDs.

Without the premium channels SA was only charging $9.99/month. All of that money was for them. They didn't have to pay Echostar because they got use of their satellite in exchange for Echostar using their license for the additional transponders. The didn't have to pay any of the channels they carried like other providers do.

I would have also worked to get TBS on long before they did and form some kind of unofficial partnership with them. I would have also worked to get EWTN and worked with Catholic bishops to promote the service.

If they had been running SA like a good business, they wouldn't have had a problem getting financing for a $150 million satellite.

In my opinion, SA really dropped the ball at what was a golden opportunity. I think the Christian nitch market is much bigger and they could have done a lot more to penetrate it. I hope DISH Network has the legal right to pick up that ball and run with it. DISH can put a FAITH package together of channels that don't cost them a cent to rebroadcast and charge $15/month for it alone or and extra $5/month to have it added to another DISH package.
Without the premium channels SA was only charging $9.99/month. All of that money was for them. They didn't have to pay Echostar because they got use of their satellite in exchange for Echostar using their license for the additional transponders. The didn't have to pay any of the channels they carried like other providers do.
we don't know the deal between SA & Dish $$ wise but SA had to purchase equipment from Dish for the SA only customers.

I would have also worked to get TBS on long before they did and form some kind of unofficial partnership with them. I would have also worked to get EWTN and worked with Catholic bishops to promote the service.
I think you mean TBN (Trinity Broadcasting) but you're right. They needed to promote more

I hope DISH Network has the legal right to pick up that ball and run with it. DISH can put a FAITH package together of channels that don't cost them a cent to rebroadcast and charge $15/month for it alone or and extra $5/month to have it added to another DISH package.

shhh...don't give Dish any ideas about charging extra ;)

But if Dish did do that, they would have to have SA agree not to sue...that's why they can't add any religious channels.
You are right, I meant TBN.

We don't know the exact deal between Echostar and Dominion but since Echostar got 6 transponders and Dominion only 2, I would hope Dominion wasn't paying them money on top of that.

I know DISH has been forbidden from carrying religious broadcasting but since they are the same ones now buying these transponders from Dominion, one would hope they would have the insight to make Dominion release them from that prohibition as part of the deal of buying the transponders.
Dish, SA bought equipment

I believe DISH and sky angel had a no compete type of clause. Not sure what happened to it though as both offer hallmark and other duplicate channels.

As for sky angel buying Dish equipment, they were selling it at a profit, in fact for more $ than you could have bought the same equipment at radio shack, walmart or even most satellite dealers.

My local dealer said he hated dealing with sky angel as they didn't explain to customers all the costs involved in buying a system and dish. They would sign them up and then they would yell at him over the cost of the equipment, installation etc. now my local guy doesn't get rich with this. I mounted the dish and he charged me $25 to get the signal, weatherproof my connections etc.
I know DISH has been forbidden from carrying religious broadcasting but since they are the same ones now buying these transponders from Dominion, one would hope they would have the insight to make Dominion release them from that prohibition as part of the deal of buying the transponders.

If Dish does a religious type package, hopefully they duplicate it on either 148 (likely) or 129 (doubt it) for the west coast people :)

Maybe that could be attached to it that Dish could carry those chanenls
Oncs sky angel gives up DBS shouldn't Dish be allowed to broadcast religious channels ? or was this an FCC ruling?
In theory yes since SA isn't going to be DBS there would be no "compete clause" between the two. HOWEVER, SA could say "well we are the exclusive provider to these channels" then there would be issues.

If we go through the TV list for SA, Dish has a fair amount of the channels already
available to everyone
-Angel One
-Fox News
-Hallmark Movies

channels that SA subs could get via the free PI channels (only listing channels that were on SA at one time)

channels available in the local areas for these channels
Cornerstone TV (Pittsburgh market)
Guardian TV (Columbus, OH market)

channels that Dish could add but haven't yet (again only available to local areas)
Safe TV (Ft Smith, Arkansas)
Liberty Network (Virginia)

so that leaves 7 TV channels left that are not on any list (Angel 2, TVU, Spirit, KTV, Faith TV, TLN, Worship). I could see Dish adding some of these if per the agreememnt Dish could carry these.

I hate to say it but SA seems to (and since this is the SA area I'll be nice) be making alot of people mad with them leaving DBS. Hopefully they would do the right thing and allow Dish to carry some of these channels. Right now the above 7 channels are SA exclusives (neither Dish nor Direct have them) so that is the stranglehold they have on these. Out of those 7, 5 are on C-Band so peoplpe can get them, they just need a big dish (the 2 that arent are KTV & Angel 2).

But maybe we're putting the cart in front of the horse right now :)
I would bet that Dish will never carry Angel One, Angel Two and KTV after SA leaves DBS, because those are SA-produced channels that will likely not be available for them to uplink anymore.

It would be great if Dish would decide to honor the terms of the channels' agreements with SA, and offer the package to subscribers. We'll see.
If I am not mistaken, Skyangel does have a mux on one of the Cband sats that currently have Angel 1, Angel 2 and KTV on it according to lyngsat. Cband AMC4 at 101 if I remember right.

TVU and Spirit could easly end up on E* if E* is willing to add them.. those two channels have been shopped to catv providers.

What I think would be crazy to see is E* get an agreement to offer the channels skyangel currently has, bundle them in a package on 61.5, which current SA customers could sub to :) after all I know E wants to rid of Mpeg2 but they could keep skyangel's former customers happy (minus the life longers) by offering a package on the bird so equipment is not completely useless.

I guess the point is that even if someone steps up to offer the channels to current subs no one is going to take on the lifetimers :mad: I would love to know just how many of us are being cast aside? Then there are the 10 year people, and if they "prorate" them, they still end up with nothing as well. this was almost a joke to some when it was "only $4.99/month" that SA wanted but now we are looking at all new equipment, monthly fees possibly in the $20+range with NO guarantee that SA won't either go belly up quickly or raise the price yet again after people buy the new equipment

If they had treated us (lifers) fairly with this "special 4" stuff and then polled ALL subscribers, not just the advisory board I might have considered the IPTV if I had high speed internet. the underhanded way they have treated us leaves me with little faith in them as Christians or as a business. Buying new equipment and following them to IPTV would be like pouring new wine into old skins.

I also checked the price with one of only 2 high speed providers in this area. In order to get the 1.5 speed necessary for IPTV Wild blue charges $250 for the equipment, plus install then $90 a month! so I should take down SA dish set up where I am getting my prepaid lifetime and switch to IPTV so that I can pay for a new internet dish to be installed, new equipment, fees to SA every month plus new SA system?

My aprox cost to continue viewing SA for one year would be equipment- for one TV and internet $600, SA monthly fee $240/yr and $1100 for internet so my total outlay for the first year would be aprox $2000+ right now my cost for SA is $0(lifetime prepaid) and internet is $240 so that figures out to be a $1600 increase over the course of the year except that most of that would need to be paid up front :eek:

Now it might be less for some if you can find/access cheaper internet. then again it might be more if you have multiple TVs

Other options would be to 1)move my existing DISH, pay $19/month for DISH family and continue using my existing equipment (total for 1 yr tv $240)
2)buy Glorystar system for$200 (total cost for TV for 1 year $200)

both choices are much less expensive than the SA alternative:p If I wasn't on a fixed income I would have already bought the Glorystar system and been done with this aggravation!
Most Christians not interested in "Christian TV"

The fact is that most Christians are not interested in "Christian TV". I know personally from promoting Sky Angel (and Christian TV in general) for years. Many consider most "religious" TV to be comprised of false teachers that distort the Scriptures for their own financial gain (this is true to a large extent). Entertainment and sports is another major requirement for most Christians; why do you think Sky Angel added the secular channels (it didn't help anyway)? Most people would ask if Sky Angel carried "family" programming such as Little House on the Prairie and Touched by an Angel, I know of pastors that weren't interested because they (SA) didn't offer sports. I tried to promote the excellent radio channel as well with little (or no) success. I became disheartened and stopped promoting Sky Angel and Christian TV in general. It is ironic though that there are enough viewers to keep the false teachers wealthy.:confused:

Sky Angel had a good business model but they didn't know at the time (which they know now) that few Christians would be interested. All of the advertising and promotion in the world would not have changed that fact.

As far as Glorystar is concerned, few are interested in that service as well, including me. It has absolutely no channels that I (or most Christians) want. If they offered Faith TV, TLN, FamilyNet, Liberty Channel and NRB Channel and a number of quality radio channels I would be interested, but most Christians still wouldn't be.

As for me, I will be looking closely at Sky Angel's IPTV service, although most other Christian will not be interested.

Sad but true.

I don't know that I agree that their business model was ever really solid. As a ministry it was fine, but not as a business.

I do agree that the market is very limited, no matter what anyone claims. I do like the radio channels, but those are available over the Internet without any subscription in most cases, so why pay extra for a service for those.

I keep saying it, but if Dish would add HGTV to DishFamily we would get that right away. We are cutting back our TV usage, but that tier has enough interesting stuff that I could easily spring for it.

BTW, Dish is taking in about $18-19 per month from me now for virtually no work on their part, because I have two 522 receivers. They will lose that if I do not go with DishFamily or another package.

JeffH, you make a lot of great points. I wish many Christians could see the quality programs that are on the channels you mentioned. Most of them offer sound Biblical teaching like Word Pictures & Quick Study or movies and drama's like My Heart Christ's Home or healthy living programs and some general entertainment programs.

Unfortunately many people are drawn to the charasmatic preacher who mixes the truth with lies for their own glory and not God's. These are what people think of when you mention Christian TV. There are too many who preach the "health and wealth" gospel. You give me $$$ and God will give you even more $$$$$$. Not Biblical. Christ wants your mind, body, heart and soul - not your money. If you submit to Him first then you will give Him everything willingly and he will then entrust it back to you for His glory.

I too have had trouble getting fellow Christians interested in Sky Angel for the very same reason. Too many false teachers wanting lots of donations with too little of the money going to the causes they say they are helping.

I do believe that if Dish were to offer a Christian package at a fair price and do some free promotions then more may tune in and find the channels you mentioned.

Oh, another problem with Sky Angel was the need for another Dish (if they already had satellite TV). Most people want their programming coming in on one Dish. Maybe more Christian channels can be put on the main satellite when the Sky Angel contract ends with Dish.

Sky Angel does have some good radio channels but I don't think any of those would survive a transition to Dish. I wish that XM or Sirius could someday offer more Christian talk and ministry channels (Salem or Moody programming).

Oh, for the record, IPTV looks to be too expensive for me and Glorystar still doesn't have the channels I want. Maybe more will go FTA soon.
I have my own issues with many flashy preachers, but the content of much of the message (God really does want you to succeed, you can really believe what God says) is very sound. Sure, they may be imperfect vessels delivering it, but they are more a sign of our times than some deep heresy. I find the idea that we are all "robots" with no free will a lot more heretical. :)

Oh, I also fully believe in "Name it and claim it"! I find what the Bible says I have, name the right of that to rule in my life and claim it until it comes to pass. :D

BTW Wayne, Jesus does want your money too! How could He want "all of you" without also hitting the money part? Checkout Crown Financial Ministries for some good information on that area. In fact, if your money is not in the right place, the other stuff won't be either. (Jesus said that your heart would be with your treasure.)


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