SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

I was at the Ichthus Festival this past weekend (see Ichthus Festival 2007 for more info on that). Anyway they showed various promo videos after a band had finished their set and while waiting for the next band to setup. TVU had a video but it did not mention Sky Angel, they only mentioned their website TVULIVE.COM and not SA. I thought that was interesting because the news about SA seemed so recent.

So I found the TVU booth and talked to one of their people about the Sky Angel situation. She said they have known for some time that SA was moving to IPTV and that they are in negotiations with other satellite and cable companies to carry TVU. I didn't think to ask about Spirit TV but I believe they would be trying to get carriage deals on that channel too.

Oh, she also said that they thought Sky Angel would stay up on satellite for about 1 more year. So maybe if and when the FCC approves the transfer over to Dish there might be a transition period before the SA channels are taken down.
I would think DISH would want to put a religious package together to capture all the SA customers that are already set up with the equipment. However, I would also think SA would want to prevent them from doing that. So there is probably something in the sale of these transponders that prevents DISH from creating a religious package for a certain number of years. That will be interesting to find out.

I don't know the ins and outs of IPTV, but like I mentioned before, I would think SA is going to face a lot more competition in that market. Since 3 ABN is up and running with its IPTV, I am thinking any special licenses that need to be purchased and approved must not be that difficult to get.
I think the beauty of IPTV is that you don't need special licenses to be purchased or approved. It is just like offering any other streaming service - there are likely music licensing charges, but those are regulated by law and the record labels can't "disapprove" of a certain station, as long as it follows the rules set by law.

I wonder if E* would offer SA* inclusion in future DISH IPTV, in exchange for E* being allowed to offer a faith-based package. I do think there is some money in this for DISH, because some (many?) people might want to pay a monthly fee and keep using their existing equipment. I wonder if SA* might also seek to continue having Angel One on E* as a promotional tool.

The only reason satellite licenses must be purchased is because there are only a very limited number of orbital slots to put them in, and therefore it is a very scarce resource that needs to be well managed. Anyone can put anything on the Internet, but even if I open up 500 different websites tomorrow, that does not prevent anyone else from opening 1000 or 5 million of them the day after. The Internet will expand to carry the additional traffic load.
sky angel response re:IPTV hanging lifetimers out to dry

You will see my questions follwed by SA answers. they are stating that lifetime subs were for the LIFE of the SATELLITE. My subscription said MY lifetime and/or lifetime of SPOUSE!!! Plus it also said they would launch their own satellite. the Satellite is still working at the moment. furthermore if SA has changed its mind about launching a new one the lifetimers should be given a sub to IPTV (which they are NOT doing)

1- When will DBS broadcasting be discontinued?
The transition to IPTV in the U.S. will occur over the next year, and more information will be provided about the transition during the coming months.

2-What happens to those who prepaid and don't have internet access or just can't afford to buy new equipment?
We will honor one's annual subscription for the duration of our satellite service. If there is any unused portion of the subscription once we cease satellite operations and are solely offering IPTV the subscriber will receive a pro-rated refund.

3- What about LIFETIME subscribers? Lifetime subscribers who don't have highspeed internet?
The terms of the lifelong subscription state that the subscription is for the life of the satellite delivery system. It is unfortunate that we have been unable to solicit the financial support to continue offering that service. We value our subscribers' support for our vision and will be communicating with our subscribers in the coming months about how they will be able to continue to receive high-quality Christian and family programming via Sky Angel.

4- Why aren't you continuing to broadcast BOTH DBS and IPTV?
With the loss of a satellite transponder last spring, and as our satellite continues to age, it has become increasingly evident that Sky Angel must embrace new cost-effective technology opportunities that will help us to further our vision to deliver the Gospel around the world. DBS is an extremely costly business, which makes it difficult for niche players such as Sky Angel to compete and grow in the DBS marketplace. IPTV will enable us to provide an overall service that is more economical than our current satellite system, while providing Sky Angel viewers more options and benefits. We believe that our subscribers will truly enjoy the interactive programming and other benefits resulting from the convergence of Internet and television.

Warm regards,

Nancy Christopher
VP, Corporate Communications
Sky Angel Television & Radio System
I think the transition to IPTV is going to make them a very small fish in a very big pond. They need to do all they can to keep Angel One on DISH. At one time, Sky Angel was the only option for people that wanted to have Christian broadcasting in their home. IPTV is going to mean people can choose from multiple providers servicing that nitch market.

I think Sky Angel made some bad business decisions. Advertising is one. I never saw an advertisement for them in Christianity Today or CCM magazines. I dare to say that most Christians didn't even know they existed. Since they failed in a market where they were virtually the only provider for that market, I don't see how they expect to be able to survive in a market where they are going to be one of many.

Along with my charitable contribution that I sent to SafeTV and Spirit Television this last week, I encouraged both of them to consider broadcasting on Ku band on AMC4 or G5. I think the SA ship is sinking and they need to prepare not to go down with them. I hope I am wrong about that.
Being successful is tough when you are the only one in a market. Not only do you have to sell people on your product, you also have to sell them on the idea of your market. Realistically, I suspect the market for "Christian-only" programming is very limited.

Exactly right, so why does sky angel not seem to care if it alienates is subscribers and its lifetime members. Lets face it no programming will even want to broadcast on SA if they don't have a viewing base! Even the most loyal viewers are not going to be happy to have to buy new equipment and probably have yet another price increase
You will see my questions follwed by SA answers. they are stating that lifetime subs were for the LIFE of the SATELLITE.
correct. The life of Echo III or 2009. The fact they want to sell their portion of transponders pretty much says they are getting out of the satellite game

Plus it also said they would launch their own satellite.
big whoop. Things change. They probably realized that building a satellite uplink station and satellite would take a little more money than they thought originally

the Satellite is still working at the moment.
barely....but remember (and since you like to bold stuff hopefully this gets the point across) THEY DON'T OWN JACK ON THE SATELLITE. DISH (ECHOSTAR) OWNS THE SATELLITE. THEY ARE JUST RENTING SPACE
furthermore if SA has changed its mind about launching a new one the lifetimers should be given a sub to IPTV (which they are NOT doing)
SA again doesn't have to give anybody anything. The lifetime said "2009 or Echo 3 lifetime whichever comes first...since they are going IPTV there is no satellite.

1- When will DBS broadcasting be discontinued?
The transition to IPTV in the U.S. will occur over the next year, and more information will be provided about the transition during the coming months.
Since the FCC hasnt approved the transfer yet SA is still active :)
2-What happens to those who prepaid and don't have internet access or just can't afford to buy new equipment?
We will honor one's annual subscription for the duration of our satellite service. If there is any unused portion of the subscription once we cease satellite operations and are solely offering IPTV the subscriber will receive a pro-rated refund.
sounds fair. Much fairer than when I had Primestar and DirecTV bought them out and I had pre-paid Primestar. Primestar said "big whoop" and DIrecTV said "sorry"
3- What about LIFETIME subscribers? Lifetime subscribers who don't have highspeed internet?
The terms of the lifelong subscription state that the subscription is for the life of the satellite delivery system. It is unfortunate that we have been unable to solicit the financial support to continue offering that service. We value our subscribers' support for our vision and will be communicating with our subscribers in the coming months about how they will be able to continue to receive high-quality Christian and family programming via Sky Angel.
seems fair and they are correct

4- Why aren't you continuing to broadcast BOTH DBS and IPTV?
With the loss of a satellite transponder last spring, and as our satellite continues to age, it has become increasingly evident that Sky Angel must embrace new cost-effective technology opportunities that will help us to further our vision to deliver the Gospel around the world. DBS is an extremely costly business, which makes it difficult for niche players such as Sky Angel to compete and grow in the DBS marketplace. IPTV will enable us to provide an overall service that is more economical than our current satellite system, while providing Sky Angel viewers more options and benefits. We believe that our subscribers will truly enjoy the interactive programming and other benefits resulting from the convergence of Internet and television.
I like how they say "our" satellite when they don't own anything :)

Point being, things change. SkyAngel had ideas. Heck I don't know many people who don't have big ideas. But they realized that with the limited thing they have (2 transponders) and the money they are probably hemmoraging away something had to be done. As they noted, it does cost a heckuva lot to uplink TV channels. Now if they owned the uplink they would be a little better off. But since they have Dish uplink plus supply them with the hardware, that can be spendy. So they decided to go IPTV.
Along with my charitable contribution that I sent to SafeTV and Spirit Television this last week, I encouraged both of them to consider broadcasting on Ku band on AMC4 or G5.
its G25 ;) but I know what you're talking about. I would like to see Spirit TV on KU too. Right now I can view them on C-Band (the big backyard dish) along with TVU.

I think the SA ship is sinking

oof...never thought you'd say that but you may be right.
I find it interesting that they are switching to IPTV and moving away from satellite, while indicating to users that their agreement was not for the lifetime of the customer but for the lifetime of the satellite. Guess what, that satellite isn't dead. If it was, then they wouldn't be selling off transponders to Dish. This whole thing seems like a very bad scheme to grab the money and run (except that there doesn't seem to be a viable money-making scenario presented yet, and the legal ramifications may drain any existing funds right out of their accounts)
Hi all, long time viewer, first time poster. I have been a loyal viewer of Skyangel for about a year and a half, and I have to say I am deeply disappointed at the turn of events. Losing Familyland was bad enough, but now they are dumping satellite? What happened to that uplink they were building? Or the job they were hiring for the broadcast uplink engineer? Or all that land they bought to do al this? Very disappointing indeed. I have broadband, but not fast enough for IPTV (I have cheap broadband LOL).

Needless to say, I ordered my Glorystar system yesterday and it is on it's way. Bought the second receiver and the monobock component to broadcast up to 4 receivers as well from the Glorystar website, so I will have what I had with Skyangel, but for no fee a month.

Anyways, aside from my complaining, I wanted to say hi to everyone and say how enjoyable it is to read the knowledgable information that all post on here. If it wasn't for Satelliteguys, I wouldn't have known about Skyangel's plans or about Glorystar. Keep up the good work and thanks! :up :D - $150 for equipment and $14.99 per month for 3 TV channels on one radio channel. (Plus, one TV channel is a duplicated channel, just in Spanish). That can't be tough to compete against.


I don't know the ins and outs of IPTV, but like I mentioned before, I would think SA is going to face a lot more competition in that market. Since 3 ABN is up and running with its IPTV, I am thinking any special licenses that need to be purchased and approved must not be that difficult to get.
We value our subscribers' support for our vision and will be communicating with our subscribers in the coming months about how they will be able to continue to receive high-quality Christian and family programming via Sky Angel.
If we had wanted you to know tomorrow we would have told you tomorrow! - $150 for equipment and $14.99 per month for 3 TV channels on one radio channel. (Plus, one TV channel is a duplicated channel, just in Spanish). That can't be tough to compete against.

How about $179 for the equipment, no fees and more channels? :)
(Glorystar system...that will give you those 3 channels on IPTV plus alot more) ;)
uh oh...that isnt the monoblock. That just allows one satellite to be fed up to 4 receivers...

A monoblock allows 2 satellites to be fed to 2 or more recievers via an internal switch.

You are going to have an issue unless you upgraded the LNB's on the Glorystar system to duals.
From what I understand it would appear that my lifetime subscription was for the lifetime of the relationship between E* and SA, not for my lifetime or their lifetime. I havent heard anything offical, and was told by SA that things are changing fast and they don't know much but if I called back in 2 weeks they could tell me more, but I fear that the lifetime plan is coming to a end.Has anyone else heard anything. I can understand having to buy a new box, but feel like I should continue to recive the chanals at my curent plan rate.
uh oh...that isnt the monoblock. That just allows one satellite to be fed up to 4 receivers...

A monoblock allows 2 satellites to be fed to 2 or more recievers via an internal switch.

You are going to have an issue unless you upgraded the LNB's on the Glorystar system to duals.

That is why you the man. For 15 bucks, I will put it away I guess until I can do that. I must of misread the description. Other than the upgrade, is there any other way to split them or do you know of where to get that particular monoblock or one that is compatible?
From what I understand it would appear that my lifetime subscription was for the lifetime of the relationship between E* and SA, not for my lifetime or their lifetime. I havent heard anything offical, and was told by SA that things are changing fast and they don't know much but if I called back in 2 weeks they could tell me more, but I fear that the lifetime plan is coming to a end.Has anyone else heard anything. I can understand having to buy a new box, but feel like I should continue to recive the chanals at my curent plan rate.

I am no lawyer, but I have to agree with others that have said once the relationship with E* bite the big one, and Skyangel pulls away from Satellite all together, that will be the end of the agreements "life". It is a crappy thing to do to their customer base and I have the feeling that they are committing corporate suicide with this plan, for I see them losing a lot of business. But I guess time will tell. And I have a feeling that the time will not be too far off.

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