Sky Angel Plans to Charge Lifelong Subscribers for "Special Secular" Channels

sky angel is falling if not fallen angel

Sky Angel is falling/failing on several fronts

1-the programming is no longer "Christian" with the addition of the special 4

2-they are giving lifetimers the "option" to opt out of the "special 4". Monthly subscribers do not have that option and some want it! some lifetimers (rightly so) feel they should continue to receive these at no cost. However others are glad to see them go.

3-sky angel is violating their word to lifetimers and their statement of faith to all subscribers

4- Is it right to sue sky angel? I don't know BUT sky angel did sue DISH.......

5- Judge them? Are we as Christians not called to point out the sins of a brother Christian and call them to repent? Even going back with more witnesses if they refuse to repent?

6-sky Angel won't "last" if they are sued. Quite honestly I am not certain that they will even if a class action lawsuit is not initiated. It may even be for the best in the long run if they are not going to reflect christian values
Sky Angel is falling/failing on several fronts

6- It may even be for the best in the long run if they are not going to reflect christian values

Don't you think that is a little out of perspective? That would leave most of us with E* and D* only to decide what Christian programming we will get. If SA doesn't make it, flawed as it may be, that will be the last chance for any service that will be faith based probably forever.
little out of perspective?

No actually I don't. Thre are NEEDS and wants. We , especially as christians do not or should not need TV. We actually had none for 5 years. We can live without it if we have to. if sky angel is not fulfilling its mission to deliver CHRISTIAN programming then maybe its the Lords will that they close rather than mislead people.

also we do have an alternative, GLORYSTAR :)
I'll say it again . . .
If we say nothing then we stand in approval of their sin and invite the scam to intrude even further into the programming package. That is, additional "faith based" channels could be removed either intentionally, or as a result of squabbles as were the three, and replaced by secular channels for which a fee is required to cover the costs of Sky Angel's action. . .
Sky Angel has the clear right to select programming at its sole discretion. I am not sure it has the right to choose programming that fails its stated "Statement of Faith", but certainly it has no right to charge for what is touted as "family friendly" programming as that is what we entered into covenant for.
agree but......

I agree with you BUT what can we DO about it? Some lifetimers are paying, some aren't and some aren't even sending back the form. bottom line is 5/1 we lose channels and will have less than the minimum promised by them.
Sky Angel...dispute

Hi guys,

I just had to reply after learning about this, I used to subscribe to Sky Angel mainly for the 3ABN program but since it was dropped I did not renew my subscription which was due for renewal at that time, perfect timing I say!

Here's something to consider, Sky Angel says it was due to technical difficulties, the truth was not revealed, I suspected otherwise. If you go to Golden Eagle Broadcasting's web site they say it was because of a dispute with Sky Angel. I just checked and it looks like they removed that explanation, maybe because of a legal issue, who knows. On the other hand, I remember Sky Angel saying it was a problem with Dish Network, it looks like they don't want to take the blame, doesn't it?

And about Sky Angel programming, their ad says it's family safe programming of 36 channels, do you call "Texas Ranger" Chuck Norris shows family safe for young kid's? It's SO VIOLENT and some of the other movies I've seen aired with ratings of sexual content, language and even NUDITY!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this so I wrote them and voiced my opinion of their programs, they told me to use discretion when children are present,,,,can you believe it?

I call that false advertisement when they say 36 channels of family safe programming and never having to worry about what your children are watching.....what a bunch of LIAR'S!!!! I would never recommend them to anybody....EVER!
Don't you think that is a little out of perspective? That would leave most of us with E* and D* only to decide what Christian programming we will get. If SA doesn't make it, flawed as it may be, that will be the last chance for any service that will be faith based probably forever.

Not necessarily, you can get free christian programming with a FTA dish, I have a 90cm dish dedicated to AMC-4/SES-4 and I am totally thrilled with 3ABN and the HOPE Channel. I watched Sky Angel for years and I found that I was watching 3ABN most of the time and occasionally a Western movie or some old (moral) classic. Why support Sky Angel with monthly subscription fees when you can get the best for nothing.
Well, I am helping Sky Angel with a push for subscribers in my area. I am getting some literature out to area churches. As a lifetime subscriber, I have a vested interest in their success and pray they are able to eventually get their own bird up.
Well, I am helping Sky Angel with a push for subscribers in my area. I am getting some literature out to area churches. As a lifetime subscriber, I have a vested interest in their success and pray they are able to eventually get their own bird up.
Do you think they will be blessed if they are less than honest?
opposite, can no longer recommend SA in good faith

As a Christian I can no longer suggest SA to my local churches or other Christians. Even though I have a vested (FINANCIAL) interest as well as a lifetimer some things are more important than $

SA is showing secular shows which some find offensive. Their answer is to buy a new box to block the unwanted channels. Lifetimers can OPT out, so why can't monthly? Once again the answer seems to be MONEY.

Lifetimers were promised a minimum 3 of channels, SA is no longer honoring their word unless lifetimers PAY them more $. answer again......... MONEY

SA is no longer acting in a Biblical, Christian manner. Even though I have a lifetime membership I will be referring people to GLORYSTAR.
SA is showing secular shows which some find offensive. Their answer is to buy a new box to block the unwanted channels. Lifetimers can OPT out, so why can't monthly? Once again the answer seems to be MONEY.

huh? All boxes have channel locks...even my ancient Dish 5000 :)

oh feel the need to spew the same thing that Lifetimers can opt out but the monthly people can't...we get the point. Your a lifetime sub so you have the option to opt out if you so please
sorry to disappoint you

But I guess I am the only person whose box does NOT have channel locks. SA and dish both told me to buy a new box to lock the channels.

Lifetime or not , shouldn't ALL subscribers have the same options? DISH packages are the same for everyone, aren't they?
SA support?


I can understand what you are doing but sometimes we need to sacrifice worldly things for spiritual blessings. My eyes were opened a few years ago and I saw everything with a different light, including how I saw Sky Angel. I would never support such an underhanded network at any cost.
As a lifetimer you can still watch most of the programs but I wouldn't give them one penny for the secular programs.

I can garentee you that you'd never find anything immoral, offensive or dentramental to children's eyes on 3ABN, they have the best shows on Bible Prophecy, great cooking shows, children's shows and so much more. I noticed you have access to AMC-4, have you ever watched 3ABN or the HOPE channel? If not, give them a try, it can't hurt.:)
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. . . Your a lifetime sub so you have the option to opt out if you so please
I can opt out but Sky Angel is using my channel space to air other programing. Programing Sky Angel chooses to call "secular" when writing to me, but "family friendly" when advertising for monthly subscribers.
growth = Lords Blessing? not always

Increase in abortion, gay marriage, Wicca, Satanism etc does that mean the Lord blessed these people? Lets try looking at it from a scriptural point of view.

Remember that it is one of the greatest plagues on this side hell, to be given up to our own desires, and that by your eagerness and discontents you provoke God thus to give you up. "So I gave them up to their own heart's lust, and they walked in their own counsels: Oh that my people had hearkened to me!" &c. Psalm. 81:12. "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, through the lusts of their own hearts," &c. Rom. 1:24, 26. "For this cause God gave them up to vile affections," verse. 28. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient," 2 Thess. 2:10-l2. God may give you that which you so eagerly desire, as he gave "Israel a king, even in his anger," Hosea. 13:10,11. Or as he gave the Israelites "their own desire, even flesh which he rained upon them as dust, and feathered fowls as the sand of the sea; they were not estranged from their lust but while their meat was yet in their mouths, the wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them," Psalm. 78:27, 29-31. "They lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert, and he gave them their request, but sent leanness into their souls," Psalm. 106:14,15. God may say, Follow your own lust, and if you are so eager, take that which you desire; take that person, that thing, that dignity which you are so earnest for; but take my curse and vengeance with it: never let it do you good, but be a snare and torment to you. "Let a fire come out of the bramble and devour you," Judges. 9:15.

Matt7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 "Many will say to Me on that day, `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' 23 "And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'

Matthew 6:21 NKJV) "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
From Subscriber Provisions dated April 15, 1999
4.) The primary source of funding for the Dominion DBS Television and Radio System is expected to come from individual subscribers paying either an ongoing monthly subscription fee or by prepaying a lump-sum subscription for a period of years, During the first 30 months of operation DVS offered lifelong subscriptions for a one-time payment which is being discontinued for any new subscribers, For those who purchased the lifelong subscription it will last for the operating lifetime of the Dominion Sky Angel domestic U.S. DBS service and for the lifetime of the subscriber and his or her spouse without any further monthly subscription fees and includes a minimum of 32 television and radio channels selected at Dominion's sole discretion, Once a lifelong subscription is activated to receive Sky Angel programming it is non-assignable and non-transferable.
Okay, that is what I have been tearing my house apart to find! I knew I saw something to that effect and it did not have any ifs, ands or buts about it!

Can you post a scanned image of the original form? I will post it on the EKB!!!!

This is why I am very angry at Sky Angel! They LIED TO ME when they said I was a lifetime subscriber. A CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION LIES THROUGH ITS TEETH!

I am angry, but to be clear as of today I will get all 4 "special" channels through Dish. It doesn't make me feel less violated, but at least I can still enjoy the programming of the channels Sky Angel LIED about.

See ya
Some have expressed sincere and legitimate concern over whether it would be proper to initiate legal action against Sky Angel. We tend to wear our denominational glasses when we read the Bible however if we were to wear any glasses at all I would suggest a Jewish tint so that one can recognize the setting of the Word with respect to Jewish life and history. Acknowledged theologian Karl Barth said that "the Bible is a Jewish book. It cannot be read, understood, or expounded unless we are to become Jews." I don't think Barth became a literal Jew so I suggest he meant to read it as a Jew.

Probably those who have a concern are referring to 1Cor 6:1 and following. Consider that when Paul wrote this the first century synagogues had judges. The judge had no power except for reverence for Torah and the conscience of the people. Jewish law based upon Torah was accepted and obeyed because the people accepted that it was righteous. Paul was saying that believers had no business stepping outside the synagogue for resolution of their differences. There is no doubt that such an approach would preferred in any situation today, but we and Sky Angel are not in that first century synagogue where each party is expected to heed to that righteous judge or other tribunal.

I don't know if Sky Angel is a member of the NRB (I suspect not) but that might be an avenue of approach. Also, the channels carried on Sky Angel are required to advertise Sky Angel in their programing so contacting them might be a means of approach.

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