Site issues

Ie has been discontinued..I think they only update edge
Yeah, I'm pretty much out of luck. With Scott making changes to script servers to fix things for 5 others, my formerly perfectly functioning FF38 can no longer do anything but look at SG. :( I'm sure the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one, in this case.
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Here's a really weird one.

On IE11, if I hover over the 1st post in a thread, I can select any of the emoticons (like, love, laughing, wow, sad, angry). But if I hover over any of the replies, I get no pop-up emoticons at all. And if I click on "Like", it goes to another page where I can confirm. Then it goes to an Oops error page. But if I go back to the post I liked and reload, the "Like" is there.
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No offense meant here, but WHY is anyone still using Internet Explorer?!
No offense taken. I have a 32-bit computer with a lot of good stuff on it, but no way to upgrade it without literally swapping out the hardware. I can no longer even post using FF38. So on a lark, I tried IE11 and it works! Sort of.

FF38 had worked quite well until Scott started moving CDN servers and telling people to clear cookies. I think that was in response to others' problems in this very thread. If it wasn't this thread, it was another thread started recently where 5 people were having problems. (I wasn't one of them.) Now that we're back on the original CDN servers (?), I cannot recover functionality of FF38 having deleted those cookies.
Some wierdness
On some threads the option to reply to the thread directly is grayed out( like a thread ban) but if you reply to a post in that allows the post..fir example you cant make this up thread in the seems to happen only on the really long threads..the vast majority of threads do not have an issue
This problem is back again. Not sure if Scott is still working on the server in general?
Not really a big deal but when viewing a post you used to be able to see who all liked it. Now it just says so & so liked this plus 2 others without anyway of seeing who the 2 others are.
Not really a big deal but when viewing a post you used to be able to see who all liked it. Now it just says so & so liked this plus 2 others without anyway of seeing who the 2 others are.
Yup; that old bug is back. :crying You also don't get to see who used which emoticon, when there are more than one.
I wish! He never figured out how to fix my 32-bit Windows issue. Either that or it had an old cookie that made the old beast work fine under FF38 and when I deleted that, I could no longer use FF38 at all.
Why would you expect to be able to use a 7 year old version of a browser?

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