Site issues

I will check it in a bit.

Again I removed a bunch of old outdated add ins as Xenforo added a lot of those functions in by default.

I am now seeing a little circle in the alert list that is filled in blue (for mark read) or hollow (for mark unread) so the function is back but is just implemented differently. :)
I reinstalled the plug in, but it seems it looks different. There are no settings for it. I am guessing as it was updated over the years but the look stayed the same upon upgrades. But with uninstalling it and installing it again as new shows the current look for it.
I love the way it works now....Much better. At least on a computer I drop the box down and instantly everything is flagged as read. No more have to do it one at a time or going down to the bottom and clicking mark all read. I just wish we could hover it, like in the past, for the notification list to drop down.
This is weird. All of our avatars have disappeared on my recent version of FF on a 64-bit computer. That's new. All the other little icons are there. Incidentally, I tried my old FF 38 on my 32-bit computer this morning to see if it had recovered any functionality... Avatars it had! But no icons. Very weird.
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This is weird. All of our avatars have disappeared on my recent version of FF on a 64-bit computer. That's new. All the other little icons are there. Incidentally, I tried my old FF 38 on my 32-bit computer this morning to see if it had recovered any functionality... Avatars it had! But no icons. Very weird.
For two days now I cant even read a thread titled " Is there a defference between games on Thankgiving and Christmas" I get Oops we ran into problems?
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I think your computer needs a priest. :D
Tito will fix it.:)
World Series Wtf GIF by MLB
So I still can't find this head/ thing anywhere on the server. Its driving me NUTS. It is affecting our ad revenue as Google is reporting that out out HTML syntex is incorrect. (This is how I found out about the issue... no idea how long its been like that.)

The other night I was going one by one of all our plugins seeing what templpate modifications they make to the forum software. I got through around 40 of them, then my wife found me sleeping in my chair with my laptop on my lap. Lol.

I am thinking of making a new default style which will solve the issue and will be the style guests and google sees when accessing the site. This will give us proper HTML and help with the ad issues.


Also looked into the server control panel, and was greeted with more news that the version PHP we are using is End of Life on the 28th. Which means no more security updates for it going forward which is bad. I will need to bring us up to PHP 8. The big issue with this is some of our plugins may not work with PHP 8. Some of these plugins have not been updated in years. The good news is possibly the head/ issue will go away when we upgrade PHP, and if it does then I will not need to make a new style which would be AWESOME. Good news is I can have both versions of PHP on the server and switch back and forth between the two.

Maybe I will get to it tomorrow. We are not celebrating our Thanksgiving until Friday so I may have some time after I help my wife decorate things. :D

And thats where we are today.
It says, Secure Connection Failed. That could be a problem with the blinkety blink firewall here at work. I'll try again when I get home (yay, 4 day weekend w/3 hr early release today) and see if this is the issue.
Could be. The certificate for that site does not expire until next May and is showing up as valid.

If it was a big issue it would be happening to everyone. I hate hyper local problems like that. Let us know how you make out at home. :)

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