Customer service pushy
I just called in to XM to verify that the 2.99 that I pay for the online computer use was the same as the one for cell phones, so I can d/l the app and use it without an addl. charge.
Thats all ....
After finally getting to someone that I could talk to, 4-5 minutes thru prompts, then I get a gal that I had a hard time understanding.
She wants my recvr ID's, I told her they are in cars.
She asks if I could get the VIN instead.
Also in car.
I already had told her what I wanted (see above) but she still pushed for me to get my recvr ID's.
I found them online, which she could have also.
However, for what I needed to know she needed NONE of this info.
I understand she needed to verify who I was, but after I gave her my zip code and the first radio number, she should have known.
After she finally answered my question, with a Yes it's all part of the online stuff you pay for.
She then went on to send me out a new radio , which I told her three times I didn't want, she eventually figured out that I didn't want it.
I tried to hang up politely, but kept getting the "Anything Else we can do" So I told her that the Automated system to reach a live person was terrible, which it was.
Finally was able to hang up and d/l this app and verify that it is working fine ....
The first time I tried it, it did the repeat thing, I changed channel and it has worked great since.