Tomorrow I will tweak it and see what I can get on 61.5
Here's a trick.....
First. Back off the nuts on the pole clamp. Then SNUG them so that you can move the antenna side to side with a little effort.
Now, set the elevation at least 1/2 to 1 full degree HIGHER than the recommended elevation.. Reason...The arm on the antenna is a bit heavy. That weight pus the weight of the LNB rocks the antenna downward.
Now, start your sweep of the sky EAST of the 61.5 azimuth. Reason. there is a satellite just west of 72 that will ping your meter making you think you're on the correct bird.
Now, slowly sweep the antenna to trh WEST ( right) You'll see your meter jump when you hit the 61.5...Keep going until the signal drops off. STOP.....Go back to the east( left)...Once the meter jumps again. tighten the nuts on the pole clamp..
Next. grasp the antenna one hand on top. the other on the bottom. GENTLY tug the antenna back on the top. If the signal drops, you're good. If it goes up. Loosen the elevation bolt nuts jst to the point where you feel them to be slightly morer than finger tight. Adjust to highest signal.....Now, repeat the process only this time gently tugging side to side.
Once you've reached optimum signal, tighten down all nuts. Use a socket while tightening and grasp the antenna to hold it in place.
You're good to go. Time to go inside and check your signal strengths.