Change Zip Code For Local Channels

So what I'm hearing is that
1 - I would have to own all the receivers (currently have a leased Hopper 3)
2 - Close the existing account, get a completely new account setup by a retailer that specializes in RV (this means all my EHD content is inaccesible because of the account-specific encryption keys)

1 is additional expense, 2 is a dealbreaker as I am not ready to lose a large amount of archived content.

Probably simpler just to chat with dish support whenever I'm traveling (or "traveling") and need different locals.

Thanks for all the input guys, I learned a lot!
Yep, the chat system was how I did it for years before the app allowed the changes. I used a pre-written script that I could just paste into the chat window.

NASA TV shutting down this August

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