Shows on EHD are erased after watching! Known problem?

Today on my 722k I watched a STarz movie and when I was done watching I hit stop then done and then went back into the menu and hit done . When I was through I went back in my media option and the show I watched was still there and I started the movie again and it still worked . I notice it never happens on shows like Syfy movies . It happened more with HBO movies from what I can tell. I just gott new software on my 722k last week: L 656. Don't know if that fixed the problem or not. But so far I haven't lost anything I watched today.
I think this issue is completely random, dosn't matter what channel the show was recorded from. I watch Human Target (Fox), when I was done, it deleted itself, watched another episode, finished watching, was still on the ehd. I have a 622, no idea what software version.
If this is the new policy for EHDs or Dish refuses to deal with it in a timely fashion I will complete my move to an OTA/torrent HTPC and dump all paid services completely.

The EHD was the last thing keeping me from leaving. For $600 a year, I can buy a whole lot of dvd collections and do other things rather than just make Charlie rich. I need some incentive and shows diappearing off my EHD is not doing it for me.
Well, one thing is for sure...Enough of us have had the erasure problem to answer my original question: This IS a known problem!!! I just got L625 and was hoping that it would address the issue but the erasure problem is still there!

I have not been able to figure out what triggers it, it seems to be random. The only consistent thing seems to be that as long as the description on the Restart/Resume/Done screen matches the event you just watched, it will not be erased. When all info is missing, or it displays the info for another show, the program will be erased.

As I said before, randomly erasing programs on the EHD is a very serious problem. We need everyone who has had the problem to contact Dish Network!!!
This has happened to us several times in the recent past. We're running a Western Digital WD7501AALS SATA 750 gig in a Monsoon Pro EZQN27300 enclosure, with the Oxford 934 Firewire/USB2.0/eSATA bridge. In our instance we were simply sifting through some shows looking for a specific episode, when we realized a couple were suddenly missing from the list. This has happened on several occasions since, using both the 'Done' onscreen button and the 'Live TV' button on the remote.

VIP 622
I've checked my upstairs ViP722 & it too has L625. I'm still archiving to the EHDs, but I'll move them to the DVR before watching, unless it's something I care little about.
--- On Tue, 2/16/10, Ellison, James <> wrote:

From: Ellison, James <>
Subject: RE: Recorded shows on EHD are erased after watching (delete NOT selected)
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 5:00 PM


I regret that you are having this problem. We have confirmed that this is an issue and are working on a fix. The only temporary workaround we know of is, after you watch a show off the external HDD, give the receiver a front panel reset. (If there is a red "Reset" button on the front panel, press that. If there isn't, then hold the front panel power button in for a count of 10 seconds, and release.)

We will push to get the fix out in a future software release as soon as we can do so with confidence that the fix will fix the problem without creating a new one. I do not have an ETA for the release. I am sorry for the inconvenience, and I thank you for your patience.

Thank you.

James Ellison
Business Operations Analyst II
Dish Network Corporation
Extension 42685, 540-394-2685
Still happening..... Seems to delete the second recording played back when you hit stop UNLESS you played one back earlier in the day and then watch another program later in the day. It seems like each overnight reboot (after the EPG download) restartsthe "counter" to zero where you will lose your second program.

I've been able to manage this bug by downloading a bunch of "Nothing But Trailers" from HDNet. For my second program I watch one of those as a sacrificial lamb to workaround the glitch until a permanent fix shows up
--- On Tue, 2/16/10, Ellison, James <> wrote:

From: Ellison, James <>
Subject: RE: Recorded shows on EHD are erased after watching (delete NOT selected)
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 5:00 PM


I regret that you are having this problem. We have confirmed that this is an issue and are working on a fix. The only temporary workaround we know of is, after you watch a show off the external HDD, give the receiver a front panel reset. (If there is a red "Reset" button on the front panel, press that. If there isn't, then hold the front panel power button in for a count of 10 seconds, and release.)

We will push to get the fix out in a future software release as soon as we can do so with confidence that the fix will fix the problem without creating a new one. I do not have an ETA for the release. I am sorry for the inconvenience, and I thank you for your patience.

Thank you.

James Ellison
Business Operations Analyst II
Dish Network Corporation
Extension 42685, 540-394-2685

Reboot the DVR every time = INSANE

I doubt this is a "bug". Sounds more like programmer sabotage.
Sounds like the old software days of DISH with the 921 dvr I used to have. They would roll out new software to add a feature or to fix a bug, and then create another bug in the process.
Reboot after watching something off the EHD? Definitely sounds like they've put a counter in for the number of times you can watch something that's been archived (or that they're planning to and just don't have it working right yet).

I lose some programs on the first viewing, so I've got nothing to sacrifice...even if I recorded a buncha "Nothing but trailers" or some other "throw-aways", I don't think it'd help, but what-the-heck, I'll give it a try and see what happens.

I'd like to know why/how this bug got introduced in the first place unless they're planning on controlling what's on our EHD's and how often we can watch them...otherwise, why tinker with the EHD software and (oops) introduce this "bug"...
We just paid the fee to set up an external hard drive earlier today. The first show we attempted to watch was deleted (I stopped the playback because the image was badly pixelating, despite the fact that it looked fine the first time it was played off of the DVR hard drive). When I went back to try and start it again, it was gone. Wow, that 30 bucks was really worth it! This is about the fifth issue we've encountered since having Dish installed a little over a week ago. Uverse isn't looking so bad, after all...
Wow! I think that we finally got Dish Network's attention! The response that geodi58 got is the first indication that E* has confirmed that this is an issue and are actually working on a fix!!! :)

I have unplugged my EHD from my 722 and I will not be using it until the problem is fixed!
I haven't turned on one my EHD's to watch anything (archive, yes, but not view) since Sunday. I'm tired of stuff going away and Dish dragging their feet on a fix... They know the problem exists, it wasn't that hard for them to introduce the bug - it's gotta be in the EHD portion of the coding - so it shouldn't be that difficult for them to fix it.

Essentially, from what James Ellison said in the quoted post a few posts back, there looking to release a fix "soon". This prevents us from using a feature we've paid extra to have, for crying-out-loud!!
D***, it just happened to me! To my regret, I hadn't read this thread before. I'm really frustrated because I was only halfway through the movie when I pressed 'View Live TV' so my wife could watch a cooking show. When the show was over, my movie was gone.

90% of my recorded material on two EHD's is archived for multiple replays. If I'm going to lose something every time I watch it, I will not be using my EHD's.

To me, the issue isn't the $40 I paid for the EHD feature or even the $350 (?) I paid for two EHD's -- it's the $120 per month that I pay for DISH. Basically I have a problem with paying DISH the same amount of money for what amounts to a seriously reduced service level. Since this comes at the same time as the addition of eight new HD channels on satellites that I can't receive, I am now one very unhappy customer.
I just got bit. I was showing off a part of my collection and had a 1928 TCM movie of 1.3GB up, went back to the description, and while there it shifted on its own to the description of the show currently recording. I immediately pulled the USB, but likely not good enough. The disk space may match what my spreadsheet, which says it should be that with that movie on a Buffalo 1TB. So it is possibly still there, awaiting reboot. Nope, it is still gone. 472.1 shown available and I compute 475.9 but that normally included 2.9GB not accounted for, so an error of 0.9 the wrong way.

So questions:
Does it only do this during a recording?
Is the space unrecovered?
If so, can the data be recovered?

Does anyone know of a Unix command line that might repair the EHD directory and file system. I'm using a Mac. and am familiar with Unix.


I still have the problem that on nightly reboot I cannot get control of the 722 except by pulling the USB in the middle of its 15-minute scan or whatever.


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