Shows on EHD are erased after watching! Known problem?

Of course, we'd also hate to wait until they got it near perfect, too.

I wouldn't mind near perfect, if it meant missing out on bugs like this one...

I received a reply from tech tonight. They covered the obvious issue (limited time recordings...duh) and then checking back in my schedule to see if I deleted, skipped or canceled the timer for a recording and thus never actually recorded it (again, duh...what's my freakin' IQ, 25?)...

Essentially, no help at all and no admission that it's a known bug or problem. More people need to call or email them and let them know this is a real problem.

When is the next tech chat anyway?

I lost another movie just last night! This is really ticking me off...
I lost another movie just last night! This is really ticking me off...

When you lost the movie, what sequence of buttons did you press at the end of the show? Did you use one of the 2 methods that others have said do not cause erasure?

1. Type in a channel number and go directly to that channel.
2. Select guide and then select a channel from the guide.

If you used one of these methods and it did not work please tell us!!!
When you lost the movie, what sequence of buttons did you press at the end of the show? Did you use one of the 2 methods that others have said do not cause erasure?

1. Type in a channel number and go directly to that channel.
2. Select guide and then select a channel from the guide.

If you used one of these methods and it did not work please tell us!!!

The method I used was the one dfergie posted: method #2. I then checked the drive and the movie I'd been watching was gone.

So, later last night, I was watching another movie and then stopped it (before it was over) and decided to try another method...just switch the drive off. I waited about 30-45 seconds, turned it back on and checked if the movie was still there. It was. So, that's another method that can be added to the list of possible methods to try (for those people that have EHD's with an on/off switch).
I think I've found another method that works so that programs don't get deleted off the EHD by the bug in L625.

I've tried it a couple of times and it seems to work. When watching a program on one of my EHD's, rather than pressing stop (or anything else for that matter), I just press the View button. It doesn't pop up anything. It just bails back to whatever channel you were on and leaves the archived program intact.

I've tried it several times and it seems to work. Your mileage may vary...
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Here is something some of you may find of interest, It still works with the seagates. I was told dish would fix this bug right away, but it's been working for 2 1/2 years. read the whole thread and you will see some say why would you want to make copies?:) I have L623 and it still works, this is great for PPV, DRM content and if you have a pocket dish, and especially if you don't want to lose anything like some of you are doing now! as far as I know this only works with seagates that have the sleep issue. Here is the steps to do it, I will also include the original thread link, but the way I have here is all you need to do now. You will know you are at the right spot "EHD sleeping" if you try to send a show to your EHD and it says "An error occurred while transfering events to your USB Storage Device" Just hit OK and proceed.
1. wait till ehd is in sleep mode, you can set it to go to sleep in as little as 3 minutes with the settings in the freeagent utilities program, you can make this change on a PC with windows only.
2. choose what show or shows that you want to copy from the EHD
3. restore shows back to 622 or 722, they will show up in protected mode and in the original spot where it was recorded, like if it's a show you recorded a year ago, look for it at the bottom of your list.
You will now have those shows on both the EHD and the VIP:) To get back to normal just unplug your EHD and plug it back in. I keep one of mine in this mode all the time and use it as a copying machine
I've done as many as 20 HD movies at one time, of course that took a few or more Hours.
I just did this as I was writing this post, I had 2 live shows recording and another recorded show on pause and I was still able to make copies.

I have copies of my favorites on 2 different EHD's just in case of something like this, but I even tried to see if I could get it to happen and could not lose anything. What vip's and EHD's are you guys using that are seeing this issue?

I'll go ahead and record this trick and have a kink to it tonight on youtube.
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Well, what I thought was a workaround failed tonight...another movie gone. On Monday night, I'm going to try to get through on the Tech Chat (if they'll let me through) and ask about this bug. From now on, until they get this fixed, I'm just going to turn off the EHD I'm using rather than use any buttons or try and find a workaround... This bug is a nightmare... :mad:
Here is something some of you may find of interest, It still works with the seagates. I was told dish would fix this bug right away, but it's been working for 2 1/2 years. read the whole thread and you will see some say why would you want to make copies?:) I have L623 and it still works, this is great for PPV, DRM content and if you have a pocket dish, and especially if you don't want to lose anything like some of you are doing now! as far as I know this only works with seagates that have the sleep issue. Here is the steps to do it, I will also include the original thread link, but the way I have here is all you need to do now. You will know you are at the right spot "EHD sleeping" if you try to send a show to your EHD and it says "An error occurred while transfering events to your USB Storage Device" Just hit OK and proceed.
1. wait till ehd is in sleep mode, you can set it to go to sleep in as little as 3 minutes with the settings in the freeagent utilities program, you can make this change on a PC with windows only.
2. choose what show or shows that you want to copy from the EHD
3. restore shows back to 622 or 722, they will show up in protected mode and in the original spot where it was recorded, like if it's a show you recorded a year ago, look for it at the bottom of your list.
You will now have those shows on both the EHD and the VIP:) To get back to normal just unplug your EHD and plug it back in. I keep one of mine in this mode all the time and use it as a copying machine
I've done as many as 20 HD movies at one time, of course that took a few or more Hours.
I just did this as I was writing this post, I had 2 live shows recording and another recorded show on pause and I was still able to make copies.

I have copies of my favorites on 2 different EHD's just in case of something like this, but I even tried to see if I could get it to happen and could not lose anything. What vip's and EHD's are you guys using that are seeing this issue?

I'll go ahead and record this trick and have a link to it tonight on youtube.
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Well, what I thought was a workaround failed tonight...another movie gone. This bug is a nightmare... :mad:

I have come to the conclusion that this problem is random and is not related to what buttons are pressed after watching (Other people posting in this thread have said the same thing and now I agree).

In the past couple of days I have watched many shows from my external drive and I have not experienced the erasure bug. I have ended the shows by selecting 'Done", by selecting the guide, by selecting a channel, and by pressing the 'View Live TV' button. In the past I have lost programs using these exact same buttons, but now it seems to be working correctly again.

This bug is going to be hard to find because it does not happen consistently. It seems to be very random. :(
I would have to tend to agree seems very random and difficult to isolate (though pressing Done seems to cause it more frequently for me than any other method)...however, just powering off the drive definitely avoids it entirely, as the software doesn't get the opportunity to interact with anything on any of my drives. It's a very annoying workaround to an extremely annoying bug, but it definitely works.

They really need to get this one fixed quickly. :(
I wish my 722 would delete the program by hitting the live view button. It is a pain in the a** to search back through the long list of programs from the top after watching a program just to delete it. I hate that process.
I watched a movie off of Hbo comedy today that I had on my external hard drive and when it was over I hit view live tv. I checked my external hard drive again and the movie was deleted. I watched another movie off of my ex. hard drive and it was from Syfy. I hit done when I was through and then canceled out of my hard drive and when I checked again , it was still on my ex hard drive. So maybe I shouldn't just hit live tv and try to get out of the menus the right way and the movie won't delete. First time this has happened to me. I wonder if premium movies delete due to the new HDCP crap they have on them now?
I've been seeing some DRM'd movies vanish from my hard drives, but "supposedly" only HBO and Cinemax have requested this be turned on. I've also had movies from HDNet Movies, Starz and Showtime get deleted as well, and "supposedly" they aren't DRM'd (yet).

I am imagining a day, not too soon off, where the archiving feature won't be of much use anymore for premium movies... :(
MikeD-C05, The erasure issue is random...not sure what triggers it. In my original post, I wrote that I used the View Live TV button and the show was erased. However, over the weekend I used the exact same button sequence and the show was not deleted (read post #49 in this thread).
I found this info on another site; I have not been able to verify this but I thought that it was worth posting...

Posted by Dish97:
When watching a program off the EHD hit stop. This takes you to the DVR Event info screen. When all info is missing, the program will be erased. Date appears as 0/00. Running time appears as 0:00. The program description box is empty. There is no title and directly under, channel # does not appear. From here select "Done". This takes you back to saved events list. Scan through it and you will notice the program missing. I've noticed that you could select "resume" or "start over" and even with all program info missing the event will either resume or start over. But when "Done" is selected and you back out, that is when the program is erased.

Posted by HDG:
The consistent thing seems to be that as long as the description on the Restart/Resume/Done screen matches the event you just watched, it will not be erased.

If this infomation is correct, at least now we have a way to tell if the show is about to be erased. Maybe shutting down the EHD at this point will prevent erasure?" Can anyone confirm any of this?
Yesterday, I was able to create two incidents of erasure (the last period of Friday's Caps game and 10 minutes of Sunday's local channel's blizzard newscast) but have been unable to recreate. However, each time I stopped the programs and returned to the "DVR Event info screen", something was amiss. Either no info was there or the information about the previous program I was watching was there. I recollect one time that the resume button was unavailable, but my memory could be faulty.

Next time I see weirdness in the "DVR Event info screen", I'm pulling the USB plug from the EHD (I always use the front panel).
I received an email from Dish. It looks like the typical boilerplate answer they send for any problem. I hope that they are taking this seriously!

Here is the response I got from Dish:
Thank you for your email. We apologize for any inconveniences this issue has caused. I'd be happy to help. I have submitted a report for our engineers to look further into this. This is not a call back form to our engineers to call you. Once they have corrected the issue or issued a temporary fix, it will be released to the receivers. To keep the receiver as up to date as possible power it off when not in use.

If in the future you have questions concerning a specific error or symptom your receiver is experiencing you may refer to specific troubleshooting steps by visiting
DISH Network - Tech Portal selecting the appropriate model of which can be located by pressing the Menu button on your Dish Network remote, selecting 6 for System Setup,1 for Installation, 3 for System Information this will either be located in Box D or labeled Model ID. Then you may use drop down menus on the top left of the screen to select a specific symptom or error.

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. General billing and programming information can be found at Satellite TV - HD Satellite Television - DISH 1.888.825.2557. If you have any further questions or concerns, you can reply to this email or call 1-800-894-9131 or you may use the live chat Chat Assistancefor more specific information.


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