Here is something some of you may find of interest, It still works with the seagates. I was told dish would fix this bug right away, but it's been working for 2 1/2 years. read the whole thread and you will see some say why would you want to make copies?

I have L623 and it still works, this is great for PPV, DRM content and if you have a pocket dish,
and especially if you don't want to lose anything like some of you are doing now! as far as I know this only works with seagates that have the sleep issue. Here is the steps to do it, I will also include the original thread link, but the way I have here is all you need to do now. You will know you are at the right spot "EHD sleeping" if you try to send a show to your EHD and it says "
An error occurred while transfering events to your USB Storage Device" Just hit OK and proceed.
1. wait till ehd is in sleep mode, you can set it to go to sleep in as little as 3 minutes with the settings in the freeagent utilities program, you can make this change on a PC with windows only.
2. choose what show or shows that you want to copy from the EHD
3. restore shows back to 622 or 722, they will show up in protected mode and in the original spot where it was recorded, like if it's a show you recorded a year ago, look for it at the bottom of your list.
You will now have those shows on both the EHD and the VIP

To get back to normal just unplug your EHD and plug it back in. I keep one of mine in this mode all the time and use it as a copying machine
I've done as many as 20 HD movies at one time, of course that took a few or more Hours.
I just did this as I was writing this post, I had 2 live shows recording and another recorded show on pause and I was still able to make copies.
I have copies of my favorites on 2 different EHD's just in case of something like this, but I even tried to see if I could get it to happen and could not lose anything. What vip's and EHD's are you guys using that are seeing this issue?
I'll go ahead and record this trick and have a link to it tonight on youtube.