Server Issue (Again)

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
As you might have noticed we once again are having issues again with the database. We are logging things when these problems occour and are working with both cpanel and vbulletin on the issue. While we are not fully 100% postitive it appears that this problem may be something that someone is doing on purpose and is causing the database to lock up.

We are fully logging everything and hope to fix this issue and we do appologize while we work through this issue.
The issue we had earlier may have reaked havoc on the PMs sent regarding the arcade. This happened to myself and at least one other person.

If you get multiple reminders from the arcade please delete them. Thank you.
Are you sure your still not having this issue? It took me 15 minutes this morning just to get the forums to load.
The homepage loaded slow this morning.Once I signed in,I went into one forum.From that point,I clicked a link to look at a thread.After clicking that link,I had to sign in again.We have DSL service,pages have been loading fast on here until today.
Are you still having problems? This AM (about 8:05AM CST) was doing a reply to a post and after a long pause got a IE screen saying data base error. While I was hung up went to another window, couldn't get into your site.
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