serious ERROR call 1800-something


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 10, 2004
My model 3200 that I think is now called a model 4000, since the first of the month has been required to have the powered cycled to make work. Yesterday it had a message to the effect, serious error call 1-800-something. I cycled the power and it came up with only the 2 dish info channels. Called dish to figure out what is going on and made all the tests and resets with no luck. The program number was 00000001 and the advanced technician indicated the receiver was broke and need to be replaced. I purchased the receiver new when it first came out and it has been quite stable over time. My question is, did the receiver really break or did dish screw it up by changing software and requiring me to purchase a new receiver? I can assure you that this receiver was purchased new and never hacked. I wanted to buy a new 921, but reading about the 921 makes me believe a dish software change somehow screwed up my old trusty receiver. Anybody else having problems. Jon.
According many reports on other sites, your receiver has been hacked. Sorry.
As I understand it, someone else could bring his own hacked card and used in your reciever.
According to StoneCold "if your location id is 0000001 00000000 then you been hit with an ecm."

Dish should swap out the receiver or upgrade you for minimal cost if it is not a hacked unit.
From what I am hearing from my contacts at Dish that the number of legit users who were hit with the ECM were less then 0.01 percent.

From what I am also hearing more ECM's are coming. People who thought certain model receivers are ECM proof have a big surprise coming. :)

I applaude Dish Network for finally fighting back.
But if he is a legit sub why would they hit his receiver? I know it's an older receiver but I would hate to think DISH would do this to the legit ones just to make them upgrade.
There are lots of legit subs who do subscribe for the top 60, yet hack their unit so they can get the rest of the channels for free.

Not saying this is the case here or not, but the chances of someones box getting with that has never tried hacking it is VERY slim.
To the original poster:

If you can prove to DISH that you did not hack I don't see why they can't either offer to replace your receiver with a 311, or offer you a great deal on a newer receiver.

If you did hack, well shame on you.
Less than 0.01 percent would be less than 1,000 customers based upon 10 million subscribers. This would be 1 in 10,000 customers (about the same odds of someone winning that HD contest).
actually it would be a lot less than that since not all of the 10,000,000 subs have a 3200

So its probably like only a houndred or less
All you have to do is call DISH Network and subscribe to the Digital Home Protection Plan (DHPP) for $5.99 get the receiver replaced then cancel the DHPP. Cost you $5.99 for a reman. receiver with a 90 day warranty. Of course if the receiver is hacked you might not be willing to send it in so the point is moot!
Hacked off

All I can say is the receiver has never been out of my house or out of my care. I have made all programming changes by dish network as a result of my calls to them. The receiver was purchased new and in a factory box when the model was first introduced may years ago. I do not understand the whole concept of hacked when the the receiver has never had a screw removed from it. So it looks like I am one of the small percentage of unlucky loyal and honest customers. I am now a hacked off customer as I have to spend money and take time to replace what was a perfectly good unit.

I did purchase the 5.99 protection plan and dish has a refurbished unit on the way. I will send this unit back to dish. Hopefully they see what they screwed up and not cause other honest customers problems. It is kinda interesting as I thought I could forgo all the pain/instability involved the new dish products by keeping an old reliable unit. They managed to screw that up as well, I think there is no hope for these guys. In closing I will continue to watch this and the DBS forum to watch the progress of the 921 as that is what I really want in my system. I know the 921 will never be as reliable and trouble free as the 3200 that was just taken out of service. This is not progress. Jon.
Sorry about what happened. Obviously you were a good paying subscriber who, do to the ECM Dish sent out, got hit even though you were legit.

What kind of receiver are they sending out?
Isn't the wild assumption that this guy's a hacker unwarranted ?? Scott, "your source" tells you that "the number of legit users who were hit with the ECM were less then 0.01 percent". Hmmm, I interpret that to mean *some legit subscribers do get hit*. How hard is that to understand ??

Oh, but it doesn't matter 'cause we'll just accuse him of being a hacker....

Tell me this: How many hackers would call Dish when their "hacked" receiver acts up ??
hall said:
Tell me this: How many hackers would call Dish when their "hacked" receiver acts up ??

Way more than you would think. Crooks always think they're smarter than the people they're stealing from.

If your box is legit, I'd call dish and complain alot. Ask for some free stuff. Ask for a manager. Do you own the box or is it a leased box? If you own it, they damaged your property, I'm sure some lawyer out there could make a case.

Anyone notice how prices of dishplayers are about 1/2 of what they used to be :)
answers to questions.

I own the receiver. It was purchased way before dish thought up the concept of lease. I am a very early customer of dish and was one of the first to purchase a 3200. I waited for some time for the 3200 receiver to become available just like I am now waiting for a 921 to get straightened out. I prefer purchase over lease as I expect it to last 20 years. Jon.
Dish are doing a good job killing off the hackers, but do seem to also kill off a small number of honest customers. Shame on Dish for not being upfront and taking care of the honest customers. I would be plenty mad if Dish "accidentally" killed my receiver then demanded I buy a new one and didn't take the blame. Collateral damage!

There was an article on the web last week about the recent Dish counter-hacker activity and maybe a new hack coming for DirectTV. I doubt the cat and mouse game will ever end.

The cat and mouse game will always go on. However people just wanting to watch TV (and not just hacking to learn how things work) will eventually break down and start paying for their service. The work needed to fix their systems is going to become too much.

The sad thing is even if they eliminate pirarcy 100%, it won't make a dent in our bills.

accessing menu without card?

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