My model 3200 that I think is now called a model 4000, since the first of the month has been required to have the powered cycled to make work. Yesterday it had a message to the effect, serious error call 1-800-something. I cycled the power and it came up with only the 2 dish info channels. Called dish to figure out what is going on and made all the tests and resets with no luck. The program number was 00000001 and the advanced technician indicated the receiver was broke and need to be replaced. I purchased the receiver new when it first came out and it has been quite stable over time. My question is, did the receiver really break or did dish screw it up by changing software and requiring me to purchase a new receiver? I can assure you that this receiver was purchased new and never hacked. I wanted to buy a new 921, but reading about the 921 makes me believe a dish software change somehow screwed up my old trusty receiver. Anybody else having problems. Jon.