Seattle HD Locals

JOLARD - the dispute is actually between Tribune (which owns KCPQ) and Dish. It has nothing to do with the Fox network (News Corp.). Just a coincidence that KCPQ is a Fox affiliate. If Tribune owned KING they'd probably be doing the same thing and holding it off Dish unless Dish also carried KONG.
JOLARD - the dispute is actually between Tribune (which owns KCPQ) and Dish. It has nothing to do with the Fox network (News Corp.). Just a coincidence that KCPQ is a Fox affiliate. If Tribune owned KING they'd probably be doing the same thing and holding it off Dish unless Dish also carried KONG.

I'll have to have it proven to me that it's just a coincidence. It was, after all, Tribune's "talking point" that Dish subscribers be told to to switch to Directv. And KING/KONG is a good example. We get KING (a major network affiliate) without them insisting on KONG. Tribune should do the same. These are, after all, public airwaves and I feel complaining to the FCC (AFTER 10 MONTHS!) is about the only recourse we have left. We've certainly tried writing the parties directly. Their responses have been condescending at best.
I guess after 10 months it's easy to be jaded about this whole thing. And even without donning my tin foil hat I feel pretty much the same as you do. My conversations with the attorney from Tribune have disintegrated as of late, but early on he made it very clear that this was a Tribune v. Dish issue.

At this point it's hard to convince anyone outside of those of us on this forum that getting KCPQ in HD is as important as getting KCPQ at all. If Tribune didn't give Dish the SD signal, there'd be hell to pay and they would never be able to get away with it. But until we get to a point where my the general public can really tell the difference b/t HD and SD, Tribune can hold out. I'm sure you know plenty of people (friends, relatives, spouse(!)) who can't tell the difference, so Tribune can argue that there's no true harm.

I hope the FCC will listen to your complaint (I'll put one in, too), but I can easily see them saying "well, you get it in SD so you're not being deprived of Fox's product b/c of the actions of its affiliate." That's BS, of course, since the product is so different (esp. sports) in HD, but I can see that argument being made.

What happens when the analog signals are shut off? I know that's forever away right now, but AFAIK, KCPQ is not broadcasting a DTV signal that's not HD, so what will they uplink to Dish if they're not broadcasting SD OTA at all? Maybe then they'll only have an HD digital signal and so that's what they'll have to give to Dish. Or even if they keep an SD signal for cable, maybe the fact that we can't get it OTA will mean something to the FCC (i.e., maybe their rule is something like: Dish has to carry what's available OTA).

I dunno. Makes my right eye twitch with anger every time I start thinking about it, how long it's been, and how powerless we all are.
I guess after 10 months it's easy to be jaded about this whole thing. And even without donning my tin foil hat I feel pretty much the same as you do. My conversations with the attorney from Tribune have disintegrated as of late, but early on he made it very clear that this was a Tribune v. Dish issue.

At this point it's hard to convince anyone outside of those of us on this forum that getting KCPQ in HD is as important as getting KCPQ at all. If Tribune didn't give Dish the SD signal, there'd be hell to pay and they would never be able to get away with it. But until we get to a point where my the general public can really tell the difference b/t HD and SD, Tribune can hold out. I'm sure you know plenty of people (friends, relatives, spouse(!)) who can't tell the difference, so Tribune can argue that there's no true harm.

I hope the FCC will listen to your complaint (I'll put one in, too), but I can easily see them saying "well, you get it in SD so you're not being deprived of Fox's product b/c of the actions of its affiliate." That's BS, of course, since the product is so different (esp. sports) in HD, but I can see that argument being made.

What happens when the analog signals are shut off? I know that's forever away right now, but AFAIK, KCPQ is not broadcasting a DTV signal that's not HD, so what will they uplink to Dish if they're not broadcasting SD OTA at all? Maybe then they'll only have an HD digital signal and so that's what they'll have to give to Dish. Or even if they keep an SD signal for cable, maybe the fact that we can't get it OTA will mean something to the FCC (i.e., maybe their rule is something like: Dish has to carry what's available OTA).

I dunno. Makes my right eye twitch with anger every time I start thinking about it, how long it's been, and how powerless we all are.

We are all in the same boat and all of your points are well taken.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid the only recourse we have is to get really annoying. You know the one about the squeeky wheel. I realize the FCC route is probably a non starter. But the more people at Tribune to get an earful the better.
Well I tried moving to Chicago. Got nothing and lost my guide data for Seattle. No one else seems to have any trouble. What am I doing wrong? Move back after about an hour of frustration.

On a different note. I just realized today that you can subscribe to the Multisport Package (5.99) and get every RSN in the country. Thought I'd mention it because I figured if I didn't know about it till today that others might not have heard of it as well.
On a different note. I just realized today that you can subscribe to the Multisport Package (5.99) and get every RSN in the country. Thought I'd mention it because I figured if I didn't know about it till today that others might not have heard of it as well.

How many RSN's are you getting? I've got a lot, but how many is "every"? :)
I think I counted 23 of them. Unfortunately after having a little time to look at what's there I'll probably drop them. Looks like pretty much everything interesting gets blacked out.
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That is something isn't it? I'd be happy to pay extra to get the games in HD. Maybe something will break with the MLB deal going against them. Throw us a bone!
KING-TV 5 (NBC) Seattle

went wide screen today for their local programs. No more carnival act switching from 16:9 to 4:3, yeah!!! That makes 2 for Seattle...KOMO 4 (ABC) also 16:9.
KING - KONG (16)...Seattle

is also wide-screen now...with KINGs local newscasts 7-9am and 10-11pm, etc. That leaves KIRO (CBS-7) and KCPQ (FOX-13) local wide-screen hold-outs :)

VIP 612 HDMI sucks

sporadic freeze-ups on picture
