Did anyone notice skips on the Replay Tuesday night? Usually NFLHD comes in great for me. This program had about 10 skips where there was actual picture loss. But I'm not complaining, still have power.
Did anyone notice skips on the Replay Tuesday night? Usually NFLHD comes in great for me. This program had about 10 skips where there was actual picture loss. But I'm not complaining, still have power.
Both my 500's and the CM4248 remained aligned. I haven't noticed signal degradation. In fact, since the storm it seems I'm getting a little stronger OTA signal. Lots of trees and branches came down nearby. Power restored while I was at work at 3:30pm Sunday. No damage that I could see to homes in the neighborhood but some big trees did get knocked down. The crews are still working on the downed lines about a block from my house. Sure glad they temp'd to get restoral. After this year I'm definitely going to get serious about a backup power/heat plan.
Thanks for all of the great people at SatelliteGuys and especially the contributors of this thread. I am getting DISH HD installed today; it's *scheduled* for this afternoon.
Perhaps...if they brave the snow/rain/sleet/locusts/earthquakes...:
Who knows if they will show up today.
I'm NE of Filbert/North Road crossing and we got our power back at the same time as well as friends about 7 blocks South of 164th around 3rd SE.
The next thing is I need an outdoor antenna to pick up that pesky KCPQ.
May 'move'... The snow in the trees is blocking it, though rain seems to help.
Comcast HD DVR problems [my 3416 has vertical echoes from bad oscillator] and a $6 +$2 DVR rate increase is the reason. No waive of DVR fees either. I will keep lifeline basic (for Q13-HD) and a cable modem.
I will save quite a lot as a Platinum sub. I get a free DVR rebate but may get a 2nd 622. Its sounds just great after using Comcast DVR's for 2 years.
Do you guys pay sales tax on DISH?Will update this later if my lets me...she's not convinced yet...
Um, when did 22 (KTWB) become KMYQ (a FOX channel)? Just happen to be channel-surfing the locals and saw the change. The PQ is a bit better than it was when it was KTWB and they're showing programming that used to be on KCPQ.
I have been using my 622 successfully for a week now. I'm very happy with it. It's very responsive compared to slow Moto's. I'm able to pick up all the locals with an inside antenna, though there is a magic spot for 13, but then 5 doesn't come in. The problem has been partially solved by totally 'moving' ... Tribune is the loser here, as they don't provide a good signal and they are buttheads about DISH adding MyQ -yeah right.
Voom comes in at 71-74 on T7, 11, 17? and around 83-89+ for others. I've seen just a couple of dropouts on HDNews. Discovery looks exactly like Comcast switching Component 1-1 on a Sunrise show. Starz looks a bit soft, but it is that way with some movies. HBO may be a bit softer looking than Comcast. A big surprise is that the Voom channels and Food HD look amazingly clear. The Seattle/xyz CBS HD's hiccup every so often, but are a backup for me except for Fox. So as long as I get my rebate I'm very happy so far.