Seattle HD Locals

Where is coming from

long_time_DNC said:
Maybe the sat at 129 will fail completely, forcing E* to replace it sooner...
And what satellite are they going to replace it with? They going to pull one of the other active birds out of it's slot and move it to 129. It would take a long time to get a new bird up into the sky.
LNB not centered

pinkey2u said:
I think what E* is doing by replacing the D-500 Sat Dish with the 24" dish is a futile attempt to rectify a half dead wobbling bird!!! The D-500 Sat Dish I have for my dedicated 129 sat dish measures 22 1/4" H X 20 1/2" Wide. I cannot see how E* thinks they will gain that much with the 24" dish so as to satisfy the HD consumers in the Puget Sound area but maybe and hopefully they could prove me wrong...might be a different scenario if they offered the 1.2 meter dish but then again, how many people would want a dish of around 40" on their property? By comparison...measurements between the D-500 and the D-1000 satellite dishes I have is noted below:

D-500 22 1/4" H X 20 1/2" W
D-1000 18" H X 23" W
The measuremnts of the D-500 are correct but the LNB feeds of it are not center to illuminate the enter surface area. It is design to have 2 LNB's on the feed. So a dedicated 24" dish w/ the feed centered is going to be a much higher gain.
pbrown said:
So I called Dish today and connected to Tech Support. I told the CSR that I was having problems with channels on 129 like ESPN2 and that I had heard that they were offering residents of WA a second dish to fix the problem. She had me go through the whole setup thing and tell her my signal strength numbers on the various satellites. After doing a reboot and other stuff she scheduled me for a visit from a tech. I reiterated my interest in a second dish and she said she didn't know what they would do for me, but that she would mention on the service request that I wanted a second dish. She hadn't heard of any special accomadation for Washington residents. We'll see what happens.

Brad- Does this sound like the way the conversation should have gone? Hopefully I get you for my service call!

They're supposed to come Thursday morning between 8 and 12.

Installer and trainee showed up about 10 this morning... first thing I asked was if they had a 24" dish with them. He said yes and asked a couple of basic questions, but didn't even come inside. He immediately agreed to put the 24" dish up. They did a decent job, but not the cleanest install ever. I compared before and after 129 readings, and (drum roll please) the new dish really does help. Previously my lowest reading was 51 and my highest was 78. Now I'm in the 65-95 range on all the transponders.

One thing though- that dish is really big. I didn't think it would be as big as it is. You wouldn't want this thing in a place that was easily visible (and I'm a gadget guy!). This solution seems to work for me, but here's hoping they get a new bird to 129 soon!

Thanks to everyone here, especially Brad, for all the great comments.
QUOTE=brad1138][/url]I cannot see how E* thinks they will gain that much with the 24" dish

The 24" dish give about 10-15 point signal increase over the D500. In the field we always reference Xponder 11. A D1000 usually gives mid-high 50's, D500 low-mid 60s and the 24" dish is right about 80. That is with the upgraded LN-LNB.[/QUOTE]

Just a question...Have you taken the readings on a D-500 with the upgraded LN-LNB or has the mounting or compatability of the new LN-LNB been changed so as not to work with the D-500 dish system?

The following link is my comparison of readings of the D-1000 dish and the switch to a dedicated D-500 dish for the 129 Satellite.
Last edited:
whatchel1 said:
The measuremnts of the D-500 are correct but the LNB feeds of it are not center to illuminate the enter surface area. It is design to have 2 LNB's on the feed. So a dedicated 24" dish w/ the feed centered is going to be a much higher gain.

My D-500 sat dish had the original double LNB bracket removed and the I-Bracket installed for the single LNB for the 129 satellite which was removed from the D-1000. My comparison between the D-1000 3-LNB sat system and the dedicated D-500 with I-Bracket for the 129 satellite is located in the added link in my above post.
24" will still give more gain

pinkey2u said:
My D-500 sat dish had the original double LNB bracket removed and the I-Bracket installed for the single LNB for the 129 satellite which was removed from the D-1000. My comparison between the D-1000 3-LNB sat system and the dedicated D-500 with I-Bracket for the 129 satellite is located in the added link in my above post.

I'm extremely glad things are better now. From your other statements about the problems. it does not stop signals that read in the upper 70's and lower 80's to drop within 45 minutes into the mid 30's and then unlock the signal.
We agree on this there was something wrong when signal levels vary this wildly. I did some additional work on the gain of a 24"over a single feed D 500. Boy had to get the calculator out for this one. It is good that it had the I-bracket mount and that would illuminate the full 20.5 inch diameter (it isn't possible to see all of the dish with the standard feed on the LNB). That gives it and increase in size and gain. Now to go with the 24" will give somewhere between 25 to 30 percent larger surface area. That will give a better gain figure which you are showing by the increase in gain on the signal level.
SEAHAWKS ALERT. NFLHD will be broadcasting a condensed version of the Seahawks/Rams game on NFL Replay.

Haha...I almost had to put a nitro patch on during the game on Sunday when they fumbled inside the 10...when on the play before they had run and centered the ball in the field. Thought they were going to kick the field goal and go up by 9 with less then 2 minutes to go. Oh my ticker!!!
Bad news, folks, regarding the original topic of this thread: when are we going to see KCPQ-HD on Dish? I sent my bi-weekly reminder to the attorney from Tribune this morning and he wrote back:

"Contacts with the Directv folks continue. They just sent us a new contract draft and we'll be back in touch with them soon. We're making progress. Not soon enough for the baseball playoffs, unfortunately."

DirecTV?! Uh, I think this was a slip on his part, so I sent a quick note back inquiring specifically about Dish:

Thanks, but I'm actually concerned about Dish Network - are there
discussions going on with them, too?

And his reply:

Apologies. Yes, but not actively. Their interest in pursuing this, perhaps
for reasons of satellite capacity, appears to be modest.



So now DirecTV may get it before Dish and we may never see it. Unbelievable. And despite my crusade on this, my OTA setup seemed to work OK - until recently. I don't know if it's the rain, but my reception for KCPQ OTA has gone down from 70-75 to 62-67 and has crazy flaky audio (stuttering) even when the reception is good. So I watched that great Seahawks game and all the baseball playoffs in SD. CRAP!
Are there trees

Bad news, folks, regarding the original topic of this thread: when are we going to see KCPQ-HD on Dish? I sent my bi-weekly reminder to the attorney from Tribune this morning and he wrote back:

"Contacts with the Directv folks continue. They just sent us a new contract draft and we'll be back in touch with them soon. We're making progress. Not soon enough for the baseball playoffs, unfortunately."

DirecTV?! Uh, I think this was a slip on his part, so I sent a quick note back inquiring specifically about Dish:

Thanks, but I'm actually concerned about Dish Network - are there
discussions going on with them, too?

And his reply:

Apologies. Yes, but not actively. Their interest in pursuing this, perhaps
for reasons of satellite capacity, appears to be modest.



So now DirecTV may get it before Dish and we may never see it. Unbelievable. And despite my crusade on this, my OTA setup seemed to work OK - until recently. I don't know if it's the rain, but my reception for KCPQ OTA has gone down from 70-75 to 62-67 and has crazy flaky audio (stuttering) even when the reception is good. So I watched that great Seahawks game and all the baseball playoffs in SD. CRAP!

Are there any pine trees close to you that the OTA ant. has to look thru? If there are then the rain has filled them up and they are working as an attenuator. The size of the pine needles when wet are really close to the wave length of the OTA signal that is being broadcast by the Q. Learn this when I was in school and experienced problems with pick up of the station.
And here's the reply I received:

"Thank you for your email. I have no estimated time on the addition of local channel KCPQ in HD. I apologize for the inconvenience that this may have cuased. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me at the information listed below."

Fairly useless. :(
Originally had Fox

If KCPQ were to no longer be the FOX affilliate in Seattle (after a sale), I wonder what station would end up being a FOX station? This could get weird...

KIRO the CBS affiliate originally had the rights to both KCPQ (FOX) and KSTW (CW) but not sure who could wind up w/ them. If KCPQ is sold it may be on the stipulation that FOX comes along with it. I have not gotten any confirmation from sources I have in Seattle area that it is going to be sold.

VIP 612 HDMI sucks

sporadic freeze-ups on picture

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