Seattle HD Locals

Apparently there's still FCC approval in the works. But, according to the Tribune lawyer I've talked with throughout nearly the last year(!), the new owner will most likely not make a difference:

"We have a prospective new owner (subject to FCC and stockholder approval), but not yet. No, I don't suspect our new owner will affect this situation. We do have discussions with EchoStar from time to time, but they have their priorities and this issue hasn't been resolved yet. We aren't happy about it, but I'm giving you the truth."

Maybe when the sale is final, we can go over Tribune's head and somehow try to get our voices heard by the new owner.
This WAS my problem too.

I am in Seattle area as well. I have a dish 1000 antenna and a dish 500 at 61.5. I get a lot of blockyness and picture freeze in Voom. It seems reseting my switch by unplugging its power supply for a few seconds helps. anyone else in Seattle experiencing this?

I have a 942 and 801, I was hoping to upgrade them together when our Seattle locals are in HD. I am just not sure if I still need 61.5 anyone know?

Out here on the Olympic Perninsula, we have the same problems. The Dish guy moved one dish (I have two) to clear trees and bushes that the wind blew intermitently across their line of sight paths to 61.5. Now, everything's fine.
We are rapidly approaching the 1 year anniversay of locals in Seattle with no KCPQ-HD. Ever since 4.03 my KCPQ-OTA signal has dropped way down. I've been a dish customer for a very long time but my patience is just about up. I'm not going to sit on my hands for another football season.
Apparently there's still FCC approval in the works. But, according to the Tribune lawyer I've talked with throughout nearly the last year(!), the new owner will most likely not make a difference:

"We have a prospective new owner (subject to FCC and stockholder approval), but not yet. No, I don't suspect our new owner will affect this situation. We do have discussions with EchoStar from time to time, but they have their priorities and this issue hasn't been resolved yet. We aren't happy about it, but I'm giving you the truth."

Maybe when the sale is final, we can go over Tribune's head and somehow try to get our voices heard by the new owner.

Thanks for the info kstile.
We are rapidly approaching the 1 year anniversay of locals in Seattle with no KCPQ-HD. Ever since 4.03 my KCPQ-OTA signal has dropped way down. I've been a dish customer for a very long time but my patience is just about up. I'm not going to sit on my hands for another football season.

Do you happen to have a cable line running to your house & a QAM tuner on your TV? It might be worth connecting it to your TV even if you don't have any kind of Comcast service just to see if anything comes through.
Do you happen to have a cable line running to your house & a QAM tuner on your TV? It might be worth connecting it to your TV even if you don't have any kind of Comcast service just to see if anything comes through.

Used to have cable back when it was called Viacom. The cable is still there and I could easily connect it back. But my TV doesn't have a built in tuner.

My signal level on 13 went from 68 down to 58 since 4.03. All the other stations went up.
I didn't see any change in the KCPQ-HD signal strength since 4.03. Still around 70-75 and, knock on wood, have gotten all of 24 and Idol this season without any loss of signal.

(And, yes, I see the irony here that I really don't have much of a leg to stand on when complaining to Dish since I can get KCPQ OTA. But having been with Dish since the days when I had to have an outdoor antenna to get local stations, I want my network stations from Dish, even if I can get them OTA).
Just noticed Dish is broadcasting the HD for KQCA (MY TV) in Sacramento which is also Tribune. Don't know when that it a good sign??
Has anyone seen lip sync problems with KOMO lately? It seems to be just on the HD Network programs when I record them on my 622. It just started in the last week or two. I record the HD feed from DISH because my OTA signal is a little too flakey. I follow the OTA and Comcast boards over at AVS pretty closely and haven't seen any complaints over there, so I'm wondering if it is just a DISH thing, or maybe some wierd problem with my setup. Specific shows include Boston Legal, Gray's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, and Brothers and Sisters. Thanks in advance.
Installation question

Hello. I've been lurking through this thread and am considering Dish for HD in lieu of Comcast. What are the best ways to ensure a trouble free install? I'll keep Comcast for local channels and cable internet services. Should I contact a satellite installation company first or just go though Dish? Any good installers in the Edmonds Washington area? Any other tips would be much appreciated. Thanks much.
PBROWN - I'm seeing the lip sync problems on KIRO-HD via Dish, and, yes, sometimes on KOMO as well. The CSI's especially, seem to have the problem, but, yeah, I saw it on LOST (Wow, I think that's the only thing I record on my 622 from ABC...) I'd say it's off by less than a second, but still annoying. I recorded CSI OTA this week and didn't notice it so I think it's a Dish thing... I haven't noticed it on the Law and Orders that I've taped, and definitely not on any SD content (Sci-fi channel, kids' shows from Disney, etc.)
Y'know, I finally gave in Tuesday and a tech came out and put up a 24" dish under my D1000 that's dedicated just to 129. So, here's this big, honking (compared to the D1000) dish out there pointing and very nicely peaked at 129. I'm getting signal strength numbers off the TPs on 129 that I've only dreamed of! At the top of the cycle, some TPs are in the mid-80s and the bottom of the 20-minute cycle, in the mid-50s (on some TPs). Some TPs don't even display a 30-point swing anymore, some still do, but at least they don't get below the mid-50s, whereas prior to Tuesday, they'd lose signal lock at 46. None of them lose lock anymore. I'm a lot happier.

Why am not delighted? Because every 20-25 minutes, I still lose signal. However instead of losing it for anywhere between 1-7 minutes, I only lose it for an average of 45 seconds. Yes, a big improvement, granted, but why, with a 24" dish out there pointed right at 129, am I losing signal at all? What freaking size of dish do I need out there to not lose 129? This is insane. E* recommends a 2-dish solution for 129 for us NW folks and yep, I now have 2 dishes out there and 129 still drops out every 20-25 minutes, but now for only about 45 seconds.

Ok, "so what?" you may be asking. Well, because recording anything from 129 since the L401 update (and subsequent updates to the 622) have made it an effort in futility to record anything off 129. The drop-outs lock up my 622 when watching anything recorded from the 129 sat.

Anyone else in WA or OR experiencing this, or am I alone in this weirdness (this drop-out I just had lasted 1:53)?

I'm trying to enjoy a Heart concert on Rave...and while I don't have drop-outs lasting up to 7 minutes anymore, still, one would think a 24" dish dedicated to 129 would be big enough...

Just releasing a bit of steam......
For months after getting my 24" dish I had no drop outs whatsoever, however now I am. I was wondering in my case if it was due to tree growth or something, but maybe there is something else going on? I will pay more attention and see it if there is a pattern.

VIP 612 HDMI sucks

sporadic freeze-ups on picture

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