Seattle HD Locals

I hate Murdoch, too, but unfortunately he's not the bad guy in all of this...

LOL, well dang it, one less thing for me to hate him over.

I am an Aussie expat living in Seattle, so Murdoch has always been an extra thorn in my side considering he is like me in that respect. Aarghh.
Jolard said:
LOL, well dang it, one less thing for me to hate him over.

I am an Aussie expat living in Seattle, so Murdoch has always been an extra thorn in my side considering he is like me in that respect. Aarghh.

Ever see the Fry and Laurie skit where they put Murdoch in the lead role from It's a Wonderful Life? Very well done and a completely different slant on whether the world would have been better off had someone never existed.
Hmm, that is interesting. So either a new 24 inch dish, or a dish 1000 dedicated to 129? Of course I upgraded a month ago, so I have two dish 500's and no chance of a free upgrade :(

I have had so many problems with the 129 channels over the last week, they have been far worse than normal. I think it is time to head to my roof again and see if I can tweak the signal.
Looking at the RSN's Fox Sports Northwest is uplinked on 129 but not 61.5 ... I guess there is some good out of not succeeding in pulling in 61.5 after all.
I just noticed that in Sacramento KXTL DT (tribune-fox) is pending retrans and KQCA DT (MyTV) looks like it is being carried. I wonder what tribune's excuse is there?
Jolard said:
Hmm, that is interesting. So either a new 24 inch dish, or a dish 1000 dedicated to 129? Of course I upgraded a month ago, so I have two dish 500's and no chance of a free upgrade :(

I have had so many problems with the 129 channels over the last week, they have been far worse than normal. I think it is time to head to my roof again and see if I can tweak the signal.
This last February I complained about my Dish 1000 with the 129 sat reception and Dish Network sent out a tech. After checking my D1000 signal readings and adjusting to the 129 sat with little gain, he then discussed the situation with his boss back at the office and they decided to go with a dedicated D500 dish for the 129 satellite. It helped some with about a 15 point gain but not that much as I still had dropouts, pixelation, blackscreen, machinegun sound and of now the HD reception has actually gotten worse. The size of the D500 sat dish is 22 1/4"H X 20 1/2" I cannot see how a 24" dish is going to solve our problem here on the West Coast other than moving a satellite over to the 129 slot or waiting it out for their scheduled launching of their new sat for that position. I am just plain disgusted with this whole mpeg-4 HD and LIL HD situation that I have gotten into with Dish Network here north of Seattle.
RE: 129 HD Drop-outs...

I know exactly how you feel--you're not alone. You get no consideration from the customer service (dis-service) department.

I upgraded on June 14th for 1 channel --- National Geographic HD. When the installer looked at the signal...he said gee 68 is pretty good, but don't expect it to stay that way. He said that it drops to 30 about every half hour. He wasn't lying! I spent the next 2 months on the phone trying to get a "fix" for this problem. Don't think I've watched one hour of National Geographic HD without loosing the picture.
About 8 service reps later--guess they cycled through everyone that was on staff because the installer finally returned. Wish there was something I could do, he said, but it's that hunk of junk satellite--guess Charlie bought it at a garage sale :)
....Ended up with another follow-up after that and they installed a 24" dish. Well that brought the signal up about 10 points to 78 or so, but about every 30 minutes when the satellite wabbles in orbit the signal drops to 40 with pixelation and picture loss. A couple of days ago I noticed that NatGeoHD is now on transponder 30 instead of 22 and the signal level was up to 92. Haven't had a chance to see if I can make it through a whole hour of programming!!!

Oh, and...sent in my $100 upgrade rebate offer, with a copy on my statement with qualifying package circled...a month later guess what I get in the mail. My completed rebate offer with a letter stating that my account was "inactive"!!! Well, I ask, who sent me that bill? and who have I been sending $112 a month too??? Another hour on the phone with customer dis-service, oh, gee, that was a mistake--REALLY!!!

I just can't figure out why anyone wouldn't want to subscribe to DISH !!!

Bellingham, WA
Here's the real kick in the nads tonight:

On the Chuckie Chat, they hyped the living daylights out of the fact that they have the "most HD" of anyone in the industry (or words to that effect).

Ok, sure, they carry a s**tload of HD-Lite channels now. Great! But how many of us in the NW can even watch most of an hour without a dropout, major pixelization or your 622 locking up? I sure can't.

I can watch my 3 HD locals just fine, because they're on 110/119. I can watch ESPN-HD just fine (same reason), same goes for HBO-HD and Showtime-HD, TNT-HD, Discovery-HD, HDNet and HDNet Movies. That's it. The rest are subject to the whims of the wobbling bird and cloud cover/rain.

So, out of what, 30 HD channels that I'm paying for, I can only truely watch 9 of them with what I would consider a decent degree of stability? The rest are, essentially, only somewhat watchable. I'm not even getting a third of them with any degree of stability.

Tonight's Chuckie Chat enraged me! When my 18-month committment is up, my metallic density will most definitely drop to get only what I can decently watch.
It's times like these that I feel compelled to sit glued to my computer screen while Verizon does a Fios availabity check.... .... .... .... nuts!
But how many of us in the NW can even watch most of an hour without a dropout, major pixelization or your 622 locking up? I sure can't.

This seems to be getting worse too, but as you mentioned, only on the 129 channels. I was watching Nightmare on Elm Street (great 80's horror fun!) on Monsters and the signal was lost three times during the movie. It starts with severe pixellation and then the picture freezes. I can't then switch to any of the other 129 channels until the Sat comes back. It generally takes less than a minute, but what a pain in the neck!

The real problem is that my reception isn't bad, it is at around 75 strength for most of the 129 sat, but it just drops out every so often, I am assuming when the sat wobbles.
cebbigh said:
It's times like these that I feel compelled to sit glued to my computer screen while Verizon does a Fios availabity check.... .... .... .... nuts!
Hahaha, you too!!! I have about 11 months to go and I am hoping by then that Verizon has Fios TV available for us. They have branched off from the west side of Gun Club Hill and are a couple miles from our place at the present time. No more E* or D* satellite for me after this contract is up. Yup, tried the Fios availability check with both my phone number and street address a couple of nights ago hoping that one or the other would prove positive, but it was a no go...Oh the suspense!!!
Didn't want the thread to die before we get KCPQ in HD from Dish. Sometime before the season is over would be nice. If it doesn't happen by then, Tribune can stick it.
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send an email to KCPQ

I sent the following to them, maybe they will realize they are losing customers and make a deal. their address is ""

I do not normally send emails to companies, but I thought I would give this a try. I have Dish network and I watch almost exclusively HD programming. I am thrilled with the quality of HD and do not want to watch standard definition programming anymore. I am in an area that does not receive over the air broadcasts so all my programming comes through Dish. I wanted to let you know that I miss many of the excellent FOX and Q13 programming but there is always something else on in HD so I am not watching the FOX shows I used to watch.

I hope you provide your customers HD through DISH soon.

I included my name, address and phone number.
Nice letter to KCPQ. Unfortunately, Tribune is being a bunch of asses over this issue and want Dish to also carry KMYQ - another HD station they O&O that carries stuff most of us could care less about.

Dish is refusing to carry it, so Tribune is refusing them the rebroadcast rights to the HD version of KCPQ. The folks at KCPQ would love to give us their digital signal via Dish, but it's out of their hands, unfortunately, delos.

VIP 612 HDMI sucks

sporadic freeze-ups on picture

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