Seattle HD Locals

Didn't want this thread to drop off into oblivion. September 10 isn't that far off. With all the litigation that Dish is wrapped up in, this is can't be on their top burner.

Maybe if they resolve the Tivo dispute they can focus some of their fine legal minds towards getting KCPQ to us in HD like they promised they would back in May. I have a feeling Tribune could care less.
Well, it pretty much looks like Dish isn't going to persue their countersuit against Tivo for awhile, so it'd be nice if they turned their attention to getting KCPQ to us in HD.

The problem is, Tribune indeed couldn't care less about Dish's legal issues, they just want Dish to carry KMYQ along with KCPQ and I can understand why Dish won't do it -- it would open a huge can of worms (potentially) in every market where Tribune owns/operates two (or more) digital stations and where Dish has negotiated only FOX carriage with them.

September 10 will come and go and the only games where I'll be seeing the Seahawks in HD will be Week 4 (NBC), Week 9 (ESPN), Week 12 (ESPN) and Week 16 (CBS). So, only 25% of their regular season games in HD for me (and anyone else in the NW who can't get KCPQ via OTA or most cable systems).

I'm not switching back to cable. Tribune can go take a flying leap...
pbrown said:
Anybody here in Seattle find out anything new about the "special" dish we're supposed to be seeing soon for 129?

I called dish technical asst. again today. The csr knew nothing about. She did some checking with her supervisor and the supr also hadn't heard about it. She did say check in a few weeks as "anything mentioned on the tech chats does tend to happen and we are kept in the dark until things are already in place."

I haven't checked with a local distributer because I don't feel it's right to pay for a new dish when the problem is on dish's end. I may just do that to see what kind of prices are involved.
I've talked with a local distributer here about it and he's tested it and it does help with the problem, but does not entirely eliminate dropouts or occasional blocking/pixelization. That's the upside.

The downside? Dish hasn't given him the ok to sell/install them yet. Why? He wouldn't say.

So, 129 is a bit better with the power boost they did, but it's still a problem and the 24" dish is still vaporware. :(
I had NFLHD drop out completely on me the other day... took a long time to come back. I don't think any of the 129 programming can be counted on in this neck of the woods without another solution. Thanks for the updates!
Switched to 61.5

I just had Dish out to take me off 129 and put me back on 61.5. I would rather lose channels all together in bad weather then continue to suffer with the drops every 10 - 20 minutes. So far so good, for the last 2 days all is well :D

I asked the installer what his thoughts were on 129 and what a bigger dish would do. He says they have put a lot of places on larger 21 or 24" dishes (can't remember which) and that it has little effect on the drops. He stated that the Satellite was working well when it just served the West, when they tilted to add the East we lost out. He says there are so many more subscribers in East that they get preference. His opinion is the only way we will get a fix is if they point it back at us.

I know there are other opinions on this but I thought I would pass this on since it was new to me.

If you can use 61.5 I recommed switching from 129 to it.

Have a nice holiday.
Well, with the population density of the country being primarily in the right-hand 1/ 3rd of the U.S...that makes sense. But in my opinion, Dish either needs to put a new bird there sooner than 2007/2008 or I'll seriously be considering substantially reducing my metallic density when my 18-month committment is up.

I'm extremely weary of the dropouts on channels coming from 129 and I can't get 61.5 due to a huge hill and trees directly to my east. The local retailer told me "no chance", due to the hill/trees.

The situation just flat sucks. That, and Tribune's position on KCPQ...
long_time_DNC said:
Well, with the population density of the country being primarily in the right-hand 1/ 3rd of the U.S...that makes sense. But in my opinion, Dish either needs to put a new bird there sooner than 2007/2008 or I'll seriously be considering substantially reducing my metallic density when my 18-month committment is up.

I'm extremely weary of the dropouts on channels coming from 129 and I can't get 61.5 due to a huge hill and trees directly to my east. The local retailer told me "no chance", due to the hill/trees.

The situation just flat sucks. That, and Tribune's position on KCPQ...

Although it isn't a direct way to see connections between the Tribune dispute and the Fox disputes I'd have to think there are some. I think we are SOL in the near term.

That's the first time I heard of the 129's woes resulting from repointing it to accomodate those living in the East. Using a seperate 500 does help. It's discouraging to read that experiments with a 24" dish don't add up to a real fix.

With all the stuff going on it's certainly a trying time to be a dish customer. But I'm determined to stick it out up and until they turn my PVR functions off. If that happens my family will be in open rebellion. And I work weekends so I need the PVR functions to see the games (whether they or SD or HD).

It's so damned frustrating that Dish has gotten so close to being so good and now they are getting beaten up in court.
I agree, we are are SOL in the near-term as far as FOX is concerned.

I've heard it mentioned that the repointing of 129 to permit east coaster's to "see" it before, but I don't think that's the entire reason for the problem. The sat wobbles due to hardware failures and that's the real source of the problem.

The entire legal wrangling is the most worrisome issue at this juncture. If the DVR funtionality gets shut off, sadly, I'll have to consider DirecTV or cable...and I don't like either option.
Other than sports (and the American Idol finale :-), I haven't watched live TV in over five years (starting with my first 501 from Dish). Since most (80%+) of what we watch in HD is on the broadcast networks (and NOT f'in soaps on KMYQ) I'd jump to Comcast in five minutes if Dish turned off the DVR functionality. My kids (ages 5 and 2) don't even understand what a television schedule is - when we let them watch TV, the question is always "What do you want to watch?" followed immediately by "What do you have?" :-).

When KMYQ goes LIVE, I'm going to try and dig up the Nielsen ratings and send them to the attorney at Tribune. I know it won't make a difference, but maybe he'll realize that by not having KCPQ-HD, he's losing way more viewers than he would gain if he had KMYQ-HD.
Just after saying that the 500 works fairly well I saw 129 take a dive and it made the box reboot.

The last time I had cable it was called ATT. There is no way I would support Murdoch. If push comes to shove I'll have to take a look at Comcast. But it wouldn't be for the long haul. Hope it doesn't come down to that.
My 129 (Voom channels mostly) dropouts have been really bad lately, yesterday I was getting pixellation and freezes over and over on the 129 channels. Drives me nuts.

The more I think about Fox not letting us have Fox 13 here in Seattle, the more I am convinced that we will never get it. What possible incentive would Rupert Murdoch have to get us the Fox 13 channel, when this will be a great differentiator between D* and E*. I know that the local affiliate will suffer somewhat, but in the big picture it is better for Murdoch the more people get pissed off and leave Dish for D*.

As for DVR's? If they shut off my DVR here at dish, I will have to go to cable. I will NOT go to Direct TV, out of principle. Murdoch and his company support way too many things I find repugnant. So it will have to be cable, at least until Verizon Fios is finally available in my area :). I HAVE to have a DVR, I cannot watch TV without one. I never watch live TV, and I want to watch what I want when it is convenient to me. Damn you TIVO!!
Jolard said:
My 129 (Voom channels mostly) dropouts have been really bad lately, yesterday I was getting pixellation and freezes over and over on the 129 channels. Drives me nuts.

The more I think about Fox not letting us have Fox 13 here in Seattle, the more I am convinced that we will never get it. What possible incentive would Rupert Murdoch have to get us the Fox 13 channel, when this will be a great differentiator between D* and E*. I know that the local affiliate will suffer somewhat, but in the big picture it is better for Murdoch the more people get pissed off and leave Dish for D*.

As for DVR's? If they shut off my DVR here at dish, I will have to go to cable. I will NOT go to Direct TV, out of principle. Murdoch and his company support way too many things I find repugnant. So it will have to be cable, at least until Verizon Fios is finally available in my area :). I HAVE to have a DVR, I cannot watch TV without one. I never watch live TV, and I want to watch what I want when it is convenient to me. Damn you TIVO!!

I was hoping that maybe what was going on yesterday might have been Dish working on the Sat. Haven't checked it out today yet.

I agree with all your points. I had figured FIOS wouldn't be available for the 18 months of my Dish commitment. When it does become available I'll have a decision to make. I hope it doesn't come down to switching to cable for the short term. Despite the problems with 129 and the many problems we've had along the way I like Dish and I think they are on the verge of either great things or disaster.
Dish cashed-in half-a-billion in bonds today...makes one go "Hmm..."

If FIOS ever came to this area (sure, in my dreams!), I'd get it in a minute, but Comcast is out here and if the DVR functionality goes away, that's likely where I'll go back to. Left cable almost a decade ago. It'll be spendy going back, but I understand from co-workers that they have a decent DVR.

And then there's the $500-mil infusion of cash. Hm.....
long_time_DNC said:
Dish cashed-in half-a-billion in bonds today...makes one go "Hmm..."

If FIOS ever came to this area (sure, in my dreams!), I'd get it in a minute, but Comcast is out here and if the DVR functionality goes away, that's likely where I'll go back to. Left cable almost a decade ago. It'll be spendy going back, but I understand from co-workers that they have a decent DVR.

And then there's the $500-mil infusion of cash. Hm.....

I saw that earlier and didn't connect the possible dots. That is interesting, isn't it?
Jolard - Actually, Murdoch (News Corp.) doesn't own or have anything to do with KCPQ. It's not an O-O (Owned and Operated) station, but just another affiliate that is owned by Tribune Broadcasting (out of Chicago). The issue that we're all griping about (ok, it's my personal crusade :-\) is that Tribune *also* owns KMYQ (formerly KTWB, Channel 22) and won't let Dish have KCPQ-HD unless they also take KMYQ-HD. And as most of the posters on this thread have said, it looks like that will just never happen. So we're stuck with KCPQ-HD OTA (if you're lucky enough to get it).

I hate Murdoch, too, but unfortunately he's not the bad guy in all of this...

VIP 612 HDMI sucks

sporadic freeze-ups on picture

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