Looking for "Bulk-In, (Interface 0)" something is not right with your install. Did you install any drivers that came with the USB DVB-T? If so, delete and and reinstall the zadig.exe. If you haven't reviewed this page, it might help you through these steps:
My project update:
Put the HamItUp Upconverter in the case this afternoon as I was waiting for Asia to wake up for an engineering project.
Will add the uncased DVB-T PCB inside the Hammond with a external RF port for either a jumper connection to the upconverter or direct connect to the discone.

Drilled and filed for the RF, switch and USB B. Mounted PCB with countersunk standoffs. Finally got to use that tool that has been in the chest for 15+ years!

No labels yet on bypass or RF Out

Decided to leave the MCX connections on the PCB instead of hard wiring to DVB-T or change out the RF IN to a BNC as I originally planned.
The USB B port will provide power to both the HamItUp Upconverter and DVB-T tuner as well as comm back to the PC.
Clear rubber feet, black or none? Decisions, decisions....
Fun project and inexpensive! My total including tons of adapters that I ill now not be using approx. $120. Yes, it all started with a $16 DVB-T USB...