Here is the deal. They can make as many dates as they want.
Until they can get rid of every standard definition receiver, the shut down can't happen.
So this is accomplished 3 ways
1) don't allow SD equipment to be activated on new or existing accounts which they are doing now. There are some exceptions being made on existing accounts.
2) churn. As SD customers disconnect they cannot come back end activate SD equipment.
3) upgrades for existing subs
Eventually the number of SD subs is so small Directv will go out and upgrade the remaining ones for free.
Very few people get shut down at the end after many phone calls and letters.
Actually they have moved onto step 3 already. I have a family member that has 4 D12s and in our market we have both SD & HD locals currently. Our SD locals are located on the 119 satellite while the HD locals are on 103 satellite. She called DirecTV about her bill (I told her just to ask for loyalty and mention contract end date) and then had me talk to the agent.
The loyalty agent actually explained that they are going to convert locals to HD only and all customers with SD equipment will need to upgrade to continue to get them. The agent then told me about the offers available to my aunt and these were available:
- SD to HD Upgrade: Genie and up to 3 Genie Minis with no commitment. All Advance Receiver Service charges waived until next upgrade.
- SD to HD Upgrade: Genie Lite and up to 3 Genie Minis with no commitment. All Advance Receiver Service charges waived until next upgrade.
- SD to HD Upgrade: 4 HD Receivers with no commitment. All Advance Receiver Service charges waived until next upgrade.
In regards to 1st offer I asked her (to clarify) "So you mean my aunt can upgrade to the Genie and 3 Minis, get HD service, DVR service and Whole Home DVR service free until they upgrade again" and she said yes. She told me offers vary based on account but where my aunt never had DVR service before she would get it free if she chose the Genie upgrade. I clarified which Genie she was talking about and she said "Genie 1" and that the "Genie 2" was not part of this offer. If she wanted "Genie 2" she would need a 2 year agreement and pay for all ARS charges.
So I tempted fate here and ordered the Genie + 3 Minis upgrade for her along with a $40/12 the agent offered. After the order was placed I had my aunt log into and her email and the order conformation actually showed the Genie & 3 Minis were no commitment and under her "Recent Activity" the discounts were on her account. $10 off Advance Receiver HD until next upgrade, $10 off Advance Receiver DVR until next upgrade, $3 off Whole Home DVR until next upgrade.
I asked the agent "what about people that have standard DVR but no HD?" and she said if they were eligible for the Genie 1 SD to HD Upgrade with minis then they would get ARS HD and WH DVR free. She said the offers are designed so customers who only have SD equipment don't pay a penny more to upgrade to HD.
She even told me she had a guy who only had 2 D12s that called in wanting 2 more D12s and she got him the Genie + 3 Minis upgrade with no commitment and the only thing extra they had to pay was $7 for each additional TV.
While discounts are still loyalty if a customer is eligible for the SD to HD upgrade apparently any department that normally process equipment upgrades can do that she said. So it looks like they are in the process of moving SD only homes to HD based on that convo.