Scott's Crystal Ball Prdictions (A PLEA TO DISH NETWORK)

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Sure it has a lot of SD, however it does have a lot of the games folks want in HD and thats the important thing.

After all how much better would Poker be in HD?
We may be coming at this from the wrong angle

The collective consenus of people in this group carries some weight with Dish but probably not enough to affect major policy decisions.

The big concern of Dish right now is not pleasing us (it never is) but being able to attract that flock of millions, just around the corner, that will be moving into the HD arena over the next few years. There are billions of $$ at stake when that happens and we are just a small speck of early adopters compared to the flood that's coming.

No one knows when it will hit critical mass but when it does "E" wants to attract the bigger share of that market. The best way to do that is to create the appearence (real or illusion, it doesn't matter) that they are the most "qualified" to provide the HD television experience. So all their decisions right now are geared to that end and anything that threatens that credability will quickly get their attention.

Remember, the average tv viewer doesn't know "E" or "D" like we do nor much of anything about this business. They're going to go with whoever "appears" the most credible and THAT'S what we need to threaten if we want to get Dish's attention.

If we can make Dish believe that boards like ours is where many will turn to for information in the coming months / years, then we gain power. We can do that by continuing to grow and maintaining a solid and united front but we also need a media voice that gets our messages out. Remember it's the millions around the corner that will influence what happens now and tommorow.
I can understand rationing 622 units as initially there simply won't be enough to go around, hence the $200 instant rebate after April 1st to encourage people not to order Feb. 1st.

However, I cannot understand why Dish will not deliver all that new content that's actually in MPEG2 to the current HD subs with MPEG2 receivers. Changing the headers so that only MPEG4 units can get the new channels is just going to really annoy a whole bunch of existing loyal customers.

Until MPEG4 has been thoroughly tuned and tweaked and is fully ready for prime time, Dish should deliver the new HD content in MPEG2 to folks. Also, the switch to MPEG4 should not be done until the vast majority of existing HD subs have had a chance to upgrade their receivers (probably about a six month window).

One doesn't need to be a MBA to figure this out.

Maybe that's the problem -- perhaps Dish has too many MBAs?
waltinvt said:
The collective consenus of people in this group carries some weight with Dish but probably not enough to affect major policy decisions.

The big concern of Dish right now is not pleasing us (it never is) but being able to attract that flock of millions, just around the corner, that will be moving into the HD arena over the next few years. There are billions of $$ at stake when that happens and we are just a small speck of early adopters compared to the flood that's coming.

I have found tha MOST of those MILLIONS & MILLIONS of people that want HDTV CANNOT or WILL NOT have a SATELLITE DISH put up at their residence for what ever reason.....

kcribb1 spewed forth this from his keyboard:

What's the big rush to switch? There is virtually no difference between MPEG2 and MPEG4. As a matter of fact, MPEG2 has a better overall picture quality than MPEG4. The purpose of MPEG-4 is to create a watchable image at extremely low bandiwdth, thus, creating more room for channels - not better quality! Don't buy into all the hype and hysteria. If you have the 811 or 942, you will not miss out on much come 2/1. Chill out!!

It's too bad that you aren't cognizant of the fact that MPEG4 isn't one particular codec, nor is it strictly a low bandwidth solution. The MPEG-4 portion that is relevant for this is MPEG-4 H.264/AVC

Verily I quote from the ever handy wikipedia, with emphasis mine:

The intent of H.264/AVC project has been to create a standard that would be capable of providing good video quality at bit rates that are substantially lower (e.g., half or less) than what previous standards would need (e.g., relative to MPEG-2, H.263, or MPEG-4 Part 2), and to do so without so much of an increase in complexity as to make the design impractical (excessively expensive) to implement. An additional goal was to do this in a flexible way that would allow the standard to be applied to a very wide variety of applications (e.g., for both low and high bit rates, and low and high resolution video) and to work well on a very wide variety of networks and systems (e.g., for broadcast, DVD storage, RTP/IP packet networks, and ITU-T multimedia telephony systems).

The JVT recently completed the development of some extensions to the original standard that are known as the Fidelity Range Extensions (FRExt). These extensions support higher-fidelity video coding by supporting increased sample accuracy (including 10-bit and 12-bit coding) and higher-resolution color information (including sampling structures known as YUV 4:2:2 and YUV 4:4:4). Several other features are also included in the Fidelity Range Extensions project (such as adaptive switching between 4×4 and 8×8 integer transforms, encoder-specified perceptual-based quantization weighting matrices, efficient inter-picture lossless coding, support of additional color spaces, and a residual color transform). The design work on the Fidelity Range Extensions was completed in July of 2004, and the drafting was finished in September of 2004.

So AVC is designed for both low and high bit rates, low and high definition video.

Please cease your uninformed blathering and come back when you actually know what you're talking about.
If Dish does not like the rumors, Dish is always welcome to refute the rumors and I am certain that Scott would gladly print their comments in this forum.
jerryez said:
If Dish does not like the rumors, Dish is always welcome to refute the rumors and I am certain that Scott would gladly print their comments in this forum.

The door is always open to Dish, and I have in the past and will continue to pass information that comes from Dish to you guys.
bryansr said:
waltinvt said:
The collective consenus of people in this group carries some weight with Dish but probably not enough to affect major policy decisions.

The big concern of Dish right now is not pleasing us (it never is) but being able to attract that flock of millions, just around the corner, that will be moving into the HD arena over the next few years. There are billions of $$ at stake when that happens and we are just a small speck of early adopters compared to the flood that's coming.

I have found tha MOST of those MILLIONS & MILLIONS of people that want HDTV CANNOT or WILL NOT have a SATELLITE DISH put up at their residence for what ever reason.....

Certainly true for many but I'm talking within the numbers of those that WILL look to satellite for their HD needs within the next few years. The number of sat customers with HD now pale in comparision to the number waiting in the wings that will be making the leap soon.
John Kotches said:
Please cease your uninformed blathering and come back when you actually know what you're talking about.

Whilst i cant even start to discuss the technical merit of the post. I do whole heartedly agree with the last sentence.
"If you have the 811 or 942, you will not miss out on much come 2/1. Chill out!! "
Come 2/1, I will be missing out on 3 channels that are likely to be amongst the top 10 channels that I watch.

And I don't mind paying the $99 swap fee to move from a 942 to a 622 at all.
Tom Bombadil said:
Come 2/1, I will be missing out on 3 channels that are likely to be amongst the top 10 channels that I watch.

And I don't mind paying the $99 swap fee to move from a 942 to a 622 at all.

Which channels though? I already get ESPN2, and if ESPN-HD is any indicator than the Deuce-HD will show a lot of stuff with the wonderful logo bars on the sides anyway.

The only thing I'm curious about is Universal. I've heard a lot of good things about it, but not enough to spend the money to upgrade equipment, plus shell out the extra money per month for the HD Gold package to keep my AT180 channels.

I'm curious as to what channels you're excited to get?
I will be missing two of my most favorite channels: WorldSport and WorldCinema. :(
All taped soccer games, as well as La Liga Report programs which I watch every week will be gone from RushHD and moved to WorldSport.
I am ready to start paying extra for the new HD channels, but Dish is not willing to take my money, I guess...
Doesn't make any sense!
Do I need to worry about bugs on the 622 if it is leased? It should be replaced at their cost if any serious problems come up, as opposed to purchased units right?
I'm in the New York area, so I have even more incentive. My broadcast networks in HD. They'll be in Mpeg2, but labeled with mpeg4 headers to keep me from seeing them.....

calikarim said:
I am a dish subscriber for last 7 years and i am aghast at the incompetance of its leadership. The ceo has no clue when mpeg 4 is coming and then gives misleading statements about the need for new receiver. Millions buy MPEG 2 receivers based on his word and get screwed. I am out $700 for my Dish 6000, another $699 for my 942 which i have had for a few months, and now another $200 for upgrading to MPEG 4, 622 receivers, just to watch hd, and they are still transmitting in mPeg 2, cheating receivers in to thinking that it is an MPEG 4 signal, that is just the reciever end of it.

I had a dish 5000, then i have to add 61.5, now we all have to get Dish 1000, upgrade all out switches, first i had Dish 21, then i upgraded to Dish 64 switches, now we have to get Dish pro equipment get DP 44 switches.

Dish management please change your policy, any MBA student will tell you this is ridiculous

Are you an MBA or something? I'm not personally, but from you MBA perspective, it appears that you are looking through the telescope in the reverse way!

By your own admission, you spent $700 on a 6000, and then you spent $699 for a 942. You're not done yet though. You said you are going to shell out another $200 to upgrade to a 622! You said you are going to continue with Dish, and even get a dish 1000 upgrade! From an MBA perspective, that is pretty good! In fact, Dish Network has grown its customer base by 20% in the last couple of years. Again, that is very good from an MBA perspective! If dish did something that lost you as a customer, then that would be bad from an MBA perspective. They haven't upset you enough to do it though.

You have to take into consideration that Charlie Ergen, the CEO for Echostar, was a professional poker player. He is good at it too! Do you not remember a couple of years ago when we all lost Viacomm? Nobody had CBS for a few days when E* pulled the plug during negociations! That is the poker player's bluff! Dish wouldn't survive in the long term w/o Viacomm, we all know that, but the bluff helped. Now, watch the Charlie Chat, he has a very innocent looking face doesn't he? I'm surprised he can go through the whole hour with a straight face! He may come off as incompetent, but the stock price says he knows what he is doing!

For you, take Scott's signature into account. It says that informed customers make better choices! Well, Scott, I think your signature should read something more like, "Informed customers *can* make better choices!", or "Some informed customers make better choices".

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you haven't kept up with things since CES, as you have been given enough information to make a better choice! We have been given a window of opportunity of about a month. We were told about the coming demise of the 942, starting tomorrow! What is the informed choice *before* it is too late? SELL THAT PUPPY! Get rid of the 942 before it is too late, and then use your proceeds to buy a 622! You can be informed, and you can make a better choice. It is too late now.

calikarim said:
If you HD fans had supported voom , we wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense.

Don't blame us for that! Many of us were voom subscribers. There are only 36k SatelliteGuys, and even if we all went out and subscribed at the last minute, it wouldn't have made a difference!
I got some bad news, which I hope is wrong...

The email comes from Marc Lumpkin at Dish Network who states the following...

"All new HD services will be in MPEG4 "

Let's hope Marc is wrong on this one, but it does not look good. :(

More as we know it.
That really Blow's.. I will be missing out on Universal hd, espn2hd, the 5 voom additions in hd, plus my LIL in hd untill dish can get me 962 to swaped out my 942 that is OWNED. Thats a total of 11 hd channel's (almost double the amount I get now) oh yea i forgot to mention that if I want the rebate I will have to wait untill APRIL... BTW I think anyone in the same situation as me should email dish. WAY TO MAKE THEM UNAVABILE TO COUSTMERS DISH! the sad part is dish knows that there are not many mpg4 recivers out there.
HokieEngineer said:
Ah ha! So that explains why it is spooling for 942/622/625/522. :)

However there hasn't been a general release firmware for the 622s yet. Well, they have 2 days...
Well, 622 and 211/411 firmware is spooling tomorrow to all receivers:

01/31/2006: 1101 Software Version L3.50 for ViP622

Effective Wednesday, February 1st , Engineering plans to spool the FULL PHASE of software version L3.50 for the ViP622 receiver. This is primarily a non-forced maintenance release available at ALL satellite locations.

At this time L3.50 will be the valid software version for the ViP622.

01/31/2006: 1101 Software Version L2.62 for ViP211/DP411

Effective Wednesday, February 1st , Engineering plans to spool the FULL PHASE of software version L2.62 for the ViP211/DP411 receiver. This is primarily a non-forced maintenance release available at ALL satellite locations.

At this time L2.62 will be the valid software version for the ViP211/DP411.
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