If the 10,000 number *is true, wouldn't you consider that to be low as well?RandallA said:They're saying 10,000 in Feb and 40,000 in March. Isn't that pure speculation? Plus someone said there were only like 200 serial numbers in the stream.
If the 10,000 number *is true, wouldn't you consider that to be low as well?RandallA said:They're saying 10,000 in Feb and 40,000 in March. Isn't that pure speculation? Plus someone said there were only like 200 serial numbers in the stream.
goaliebob99 said:keep in mind that the other site is saying that there will be boutyfull 622's tommorow. I think they said 20,000 was the number but dont quote me on that one.. at the same time one hasnt been seen in a warehouse yet. just one of those things that make you go HUMMM...... I wouldnt expect to see 622's stacked up like that untill april.
RandallA said:They're saying 10,000 in Feb and 40,000 in March. Isn't that pure speculation? Plus someone said there were only like 200 serial numbers in the stream.
normang said:Yes, I can tell by the way my opinion is being treated that this is the better place...
All I was saying more or less was to get all details... not just some of them.. and what do I get... flamed...
But they'll go ahead and release new HD channels in mpeg4 only.Scott Greczkowski said:Not from any of my contacts have I heard that there is going to be 10,000 available in February and 40,000 in March. Hell Charlie Ergen and I had a talk about this at CES and he himself said he didn't expect more then a handfull available at product launch.
Retailer Care Site will be down for Q1 software update The Retailer Care Site will be down tonight from approximately 9:00 pm MT until approximately 5:00 am MT. This extended downtime is necessary to implement the changes for our Q1 promotions. We apologize for any inconvenience this extended downtime may cause
Scott Greczkowski said:Yeah I know I wish the other site wouldn't do that.![]()
BobMurdoch said:A warning to all..... don't forget that if you have any deactivated mpeg2 HD receivers, you need to activate them TODAY or they are doorstops tomorrow (as E* has said they will NOT activate any more Mpeg2 HD receivers after today.....).
High Definition/2006 Launch Conference
"DISH Network Delivers on the Promise of High Definition"Dear DISH Network Retailer -
Tuesday, February 7, 2006 – Waltham, MA
11:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Great News! Echosphere is happy to invite you to the 2006 DISH Network High Definition Launch Conference. Echosphere and our key business partners are pleased to present a conference on High Definition and retailer business opportunities in 2006. Attendance is important to the success of your DISH Network business this year. The following topics will be discussed in detail and DISH Network regional and corporate representatives will be at this event to answer questions and gain feedback.
Topics for this Conference will include:
Overview of Launch of Boston High Definition Local Channels
Overview of Launch of Additional National HD Programming
Overview of HD Strategy for 2006
- Presentations by HD Programmers:
- Live demonstration of 622 MPEG4 HD/DVR Receiver and overview of HD equipment
…..and much more! So don't delay and RSVP today to your Echosphere Area Sales Manager or Account Executive!
- Review "Over The Air" HD Opportunities and Products
- Discussion of Launch of DishFAMILY Programming Package
- Launch of New Dish Pre-Paid Sales Model
- PRECASH Presentation – Make money collecting DISH Network payments as a PRECASH retail partner
- Overview of Sales Opportunities with Q1 Promotions
- New DishLATINO and International Programming
- Review of HD Local Channel Launch and Corporate marketing in 2006 with Corporate Marketing Management
- Discussion of Successful Retailer Marketing Techniques for 2006
You will also have assorted vendors on site to discuss the development of your business! Lunch will be provided at this event. Come spend an afternoon preparing your business for 2006 and take advantage of many new opportunities with DISH Network! Space will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 1st, 2006 to:
At least you won't be camped outside in the snow and cold with a bunch of Gamers... You can sleep in your own bed and when the alarm goes off at 6:00 or so, reach over, hit the Speed Dial (oh, come on! We ALL have 1-800-333-DISH programmed into our phones, don't we?) and after spinning the CSR roulette wheel, a new shiny ViP receiver will be on its way.BobMurdoch said:This thing is gonna make the XBox360 launch mess look easy by comparison.....
jsanders said:That ain't true. You can actiave them, you just can't activate HD Programming with them. If you already have HD programming, you can view it on them. If you don't, you can actiavte it with an MEG-4 receiver and view it on one. They won't take away OTA HD, regardless of which scenrio you fall in.