Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

Let's see ... Tuesday is christmas, Wednesday is day they usually turn things on ... Could E* be planning to give us all a Christmas present :eureka

Not!! But merry Christmas to all of you posters. I have enjoyed reading your conversations. This is a good & fun forum.

Shh, don't tell anyone, but I'm just frustrated. Im not really switching. I dont want to jump out of one frying pan into another, not until cable or Fiber comes knocking in our neighborhood. But thanks for the thoughtful sentiment. After all, it is the holidays:D!!!!
Shh, don't tell anyone, but I'm just frustrated. Im not really switching. I dont want to jump out of one frying pan into another, not until cable or Fiber comes knocking in our neighborhood. But thanks for the thoughtful sentiment. After all, it is the holidays:D!!!!

Merry Christmas! I've thought about jumping also, but I just can't make myself do it. After all, what would I do when I found out the grass really wasn't greener on the other side? :D
Shh, don't tell anyone, but I'm just frustrated. Im not really switching. I dont want to jump out of one frying pan into another, not until cable or Fiber comes knocking in our neighborhood. But thanks for the thoughtful sentiment. After all, it is the holidays:D!!!!

Do yourself a favor, and don't jump to cable (I've been there). As for FIOS, I currently have FIOS internet and it's been great. Whatever you do though, although it will certainly cost you more, I'd avoid bundling services with one provider. Typically, when one service goes, they all go. Just imagine how quickly you'll be reaching for the Maalox when your internet and TV go down, and you can't even use your phone to call them about it! :eek:

Anyway, as most here will probably agree, when it comes to shopping for cell, internet, or TV, it usually doesn't come down to who's best. It comes down to who's the least messed up. For me, it's been T-Mobile, Verizon FIOS and DISH Network. Your mileage may vary. In fact, it will vary, because if it were that simple, everyone would be happy.:)

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"I'd avoid bundling services with one provider. Typically, when one service goes, they all go. "


Been there, done that - Had cable for TV/Internet and Vonage for phone (which required internet of course). It's kinda weird losing all three services at the same time. Makes you reflect on the unsettling realization of how much you've come to depend on all this high tech stuff! (hmm - like living a hi tech version of Man vs Wild)

At least now, when cable goes out, we still have TV. We recently had that situation for several days, as that's how long it takes to get a service call for cable around here. (Not only did we still have TV, but we had more time to actually WATCH it because no one could get hold of us!
"I'd avoid bundling services with one provider. Typically, when one service goes, they all go. "


Been there, done that - Had cable for TV/Internet and Vonage for phone (which required internet of course). It's kinda weird losing all three services at the same time. Makes you reflect on the unsettling realization of how much you've come to depend on all this high tech stuff! (hmm - like living a hi tech version of Man vs Wild)

It sure does. Typically, if I'm not sitting in front of the computer, then I'm watching TV. If, neither of those two, then I'm on the phone. Sure, here and there, I actually interact with other human beings in real life, but that tends to be a much smaller percentage of my time.

Every now and then, I'll take a ride out to the Lancaster area of PA (Amish country), and think that they really do have the right idea. The kids are outside actually playing together, and the adults are so busy just taking care of the day's chores, there isn't much, if any time left. That sure does sound a lot simpler, and probably a lot more well balanced. :)

"Every now and then, I'll take a ride out to the Lancaster area of PA (Amish country), and think that they really do have the right idea."

I know exactly what you mean about the Amish - I went to school in Lancaster! (Frankin and Marshall College)
Not frying pan

Shh, don't tell anyone, but I'm just frustrated. Im not really switching. I dont want to jump out of one frying pan into another, not until cable or Fiber comes knocking in our neighborhood. But thanks for the thoughtful sentiment. After all, it is the holidays:D!!!!
You wouldn't be jumping in to another frying pan, just the fire. D* doesn't tend to want to use the oil needed. :haha:haha Merry Happy
Just noticed

"Every now and then, I'll take a ride out to the Lancaster area of PA (Amish country), and think that they really do have the right idea."

I know exactly what you mean about the Amish - I went to school in Lancaster! (Frankin and Marshall College)

I noticed you said you take a ride out there, bet it isn't in a horse & buggy. :D
If E* is anything like the company I work for, they don't make any changes during the holidays. We like to keep things stable during the times when there's always at least 1-2 people out on vacation.

Although I'm hoping I'm wrong, my guess is after the first of the year. I don't think there will be any new content on SciFi or USA until then anyway.
Scott, Any word on when we will get USA-HD and SCI-FI-HD? What are the other HD channels rumoured we will get? Thank You for any replies.
Every now and then, I'll take a ride out to the Lancaster area of PA (Amish country), and think that they really do have the right idea. The kids are outside actually playing together, and the adults are so busy just taking care of the day's chores, there isn't much, if any time left. That sure does sound a lot simpler, and probably a lot more well balanced. :)



I had a horse and carriage and used to compete in driving events with her until recently. Lost her in the bankruptcy, but that's another story :(

The point is that I used to come in contact with a lot of Amish families during events, auctions, etc. Not nearly as idyllic as you paint it. Although it is dangerous to generalize, my impression is that the Amish are a very pragmatic lot in terms of their beliefs. For example, every business card I have been given has had a phone number. They may not allow phones in their house, but many have it hanging in a box in the front yard, with a very loud bell. Shocked me the first time the fellow I was talking to whipped a cell out of his pocket to take a call.

They don't drive, but when they came in from Iowa for the big auction, the families hired big RVs and drivers to bring them in in style. The carriages they sell use space age alloys, dual hydraulic disc brakes and are constructed with laser cut tubing, mig welded and powder coated.

As an aside, I would never personally purchase a horse trained by the Amish folks I knew. They get results, but I feel they are too harsh and impatient. The result is a horse that is obedient, but one that has no joy.

Finally, a picture, because I still miss her:
Not at all.

There is a sub-genre of sci-fi, generally apocalyptic, with the main theme of "technology goes out of control and kills all of mankind except of course our protagonist who must figure out how to survive" - in these plotlines the protagonist will invariably encounter a group that was around before the downfall, have always abhored technology, and have been proven, because of the aforementioned destruction of mankind, to actually have been right in their beliefs.

As an aside, I would never personally purchase a horse trained by the Amish folks I knew. They get results, but I feel they are too harsh and impatient. The result is a horse that is obedient, but one that has no joy.

Finally, a picture, because I still miss her:
Sorry for your loss... I grew up around horses and ranches... the way a horse is broke makes a big difference imho...

Stupid roofers....

VIP222 - Separate Coax Runs?

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